Wednesday, March 29, 2023

WWE NXT 3/28/2023

WWE NXT 3/28/2023

Last week's show is here:

Battle Royal for Spot in NXT North American Title Match at Stand and Deliver

Quincy Elliot goes out as we start. Bryson Montana actually made his NXT TV debut here. Dante Chen took a boot from Dijak and went out. Montana then went out after as Wes Lee watched from the booth. Kemp got superkicked by Nathan Frazer and was eliminated. Dijak took offense from Enofe and Blade then hung out when he was thrown out. Odyssey Jones hip attacked him though to send him out and Dijak then pulled out OJ. Dijak superkicked OJ and threw him into the steps. OJ was officially thrown out by Jinder Mahal. Enofe hung off the ropes to evade elimination then Apollo Crews hit a nice running dropkick and took out Enofe. Scrypts basically eliminated himself by doing a flip over the top then Crews gorilla pressed Javier Bernal over the top.

We went to break and returned. Hank Walker had a sleeper on Drew Gulak over the ropes and Charlie Dempsey threw out Hank, which caused Drew to go too. Drew and Hank fought to the back. Dabba Kato and Crews went at it then Crews was basically slammed out. Frazer did a springboard crossbody on Jinder then Frazer helped Ax flying kick Jinder off the apron. It took three men to get out Kato, but he went. We were left with Axiom, Frazer and Dempsey. Dempsey hit a very nice wheelbarrow suplex on Axiom then Frazer springboard dropkicked Dempsey. Ax pushed Dempsey out with his feet. Frazer and Axiom went at it and Frazer spinning enzugiri'd Ax. Ax did an armdrag off the ropes then NF did an asai moonsault into a scorpion deathdrop.

Ax PK'd Frazer then went for a big superkick but Frazer superkicked him first. They did a superplex and Ax kipped up into a Frazer superkick. Frazer skinned the cat when he was thrown over and then Ax superkicked him as he hung over the top. Frazer was then thrown out by Ax and took a nice bump over the top.

Dragon Lee, Ilja Dragunov, Wes Lee and JD McDonagh all got in the ring after and stared each other down.

The Axiom vs Frazer section was very fast and entertaining, but the rest was a battle royale. There were too many people in there to do much with but at least they did build some storylines out of it and atleast it didn't drag. 

Pretty Deadly said they were done a Stand and Deliver preview show. They talked about the North American Title match. Kit picked Dragon Lee and Elton picked JD to win it. 

Chase U was in the back with Tyler Bate. Chase said Von Wagner has trashed Chase U time and time again and they were never able to beat him. Chase said Bate can change that tonight as Duke looked bored and unimpressed.

Briggs, Jensen, Fallon Henley and Kiana James were in the back. Jensen asked Kiana if everything was okay. Kiana said she felt sorry that B&J weren't part of Stand and Deliver and said if they win their match tonight, the men's tag title match at Stand and Deliver becomes a four-way. Jensen and Briggs were stoked and said she was the best while Fallon was disappointed as she expected Kiana to admit that she had someone else.

Von Wagner vs Tyler Bate

Pretty sure Von got potato'd here

Bate hits a dropkick early then takes a running facekick. Von gorilla presses him and drops him behind him.  Bate hit some punches and went for a sunset flip then Von spun him around with a lariat. Von missed a corner splash then Bate hit euros on him. Bate hit a flying euro from the 2nd rope and hit a rebound lariat. Mr. Stone tripped Bate and Bate grabbed him and put him in the ring. Thea Hail nailed Stone when he went in and had to be pulled off. Von then hit a big forearm on Bate. Von threw Bate into the ropes but he dove over on Stone when Duke pulled the rope down. Bate hit another rebound lariat then did a spiral tap for the win.

It was quick. Thea beating up Stone was funny but I'm not a huge fan of Von losing this one. They did a good job here of advancing the various storylines involved.

The Dyad cut into Chase U's celebration. We see them in a classroom taking over. They say it's time to look at the world in a different lens under Schism's tree and make everyone wear masks. Ava Raine said deprogramming starts now. They said they would save a place for delinquents in the Andre Chase Memorial Detention Hall. Gacy said a new class begins when the bell rings. Now I loved this. This is what I wanted out of this angle. Good stuff.

Roxanne Perez is looking for Shawn Michaels in the back. We go to break and when we return, she finds his office. Perez said she is cleared to return to action and was told she had a mix of exhaustion and anxiety. Shawn wasn't sure about her being ready for Stand and Deliver and said it wasn't the best thing for her.  Shawn said they can crown a new champ, she can get a few matches under her belt then get the next title shot. Perez protested and talked about having anxiety. Shawn said mentally she's not sure and is only 21. Shawn said there will be other Stand and Deliver's. Roxanne asked if he thought that way when he wrestled? Perez said she wants to steal the show here and now like Shawn did. Shawn said he wants tests and a meeting with the doctors. Shawn said she can be in the ladder match and deserves a chance to defend her title. 

Valentina Feroz vs Elektra Lopez

They showed clips of Feroz not helping Elektra Lopez a month ago then nailing Lopez after she face shoved her. Way to follow up on that one huh?

Lopez flurries her with forearms then running back elbows her. Feroz fires back with forearms then is leg swept. Lopez bangs Feroz's knee off the mat. Lopez takes armdrags then Feroz does a bad flipping spear. Lopez hits a chokeslam sit out bomb and wins it.

It was quick and wasn't bad at all with them showing some fire.

We got an Eddy Thorpe video with him playing music and looking at a wolf in the sky. He said he will conquer the territory and everything in it. I hate this gimmick.

Eddy Thorpe vs Myles Borne

This is Eddy's NXT TV debut outside of Level Up. Borne's the better wrestler of these two and shouldn't be losing here, but he will.

Eddy rolls out of a wristlock then MB does a nice fireman's carry. MB shoulders him over then Eddy crossbodies him. MB hits a great dropkick then MB hit shots. MB belly to belly suplexes him for 2. Eddy hits a dragon screw and running forearms. Eddy hits a back enzugiri and running facekicks him in the corner. Eddy hits a hiptoss then does a jumping elbow for 2. Eddy backdrops MB then hits a spinning neckbreaker for the win.

The crowd didn't care about this at all and Eddy wasn't particularly impressive here in his debut.

Eddy says he is coming for everything into the camera after.

Pretty Deadly are back and talk about Eddy's match. They then bring up the Gargano vs Waller feud.

Gallus is interviewed. They are asked why they want to defend against 3 other teams. Gallus says why not then says their opponents all made good cases. Wolfgang says it doesn't matter how many team there are. They say the odds don't matter and it's Gallus Boys on Top

Last Chance NXT Women's Title Qualifier - Ivy Nile vs Indi Hartwell vs Sol Ruca


This was short and Indi got the upset win here. There was one cool spot where Ivy had Indi in her dragon sleeper and Sol hit the sol snatcher on Ivy while she held the move. It was the usual three way with one person on the side while the other two fought and everyone getting something in then moving on to the next spot.

We then had other girls that will be in the women's title match appear in the crowd, on the riser and on the ramp. They all stared and said something to Indi.

Pretty Deadly were talking about the women's match while surrounded by ladders. They picked Tiffany Stratton to win the ladder match. 

Grayson Waller does a video from his phone. He calls Gargano "Johnny Cosplay" and says he is on his way. He says he will have security guards around and tells him to watch as you never know what he has to say.

We got a video on Carmelo Hayes vs Bron Breakker. They came in at the same time. Melo said Bron doesn't know what it's like to be a king. Melo talks about partying and training and we see him turning down a party. Melo says he will celebrate when he is champ as the job is far from done. Bron says he's been doing that all along. Bron says matches are won and lost in the film room. Bron says the NXT title means everything to him. Melo says he will take the weight off of Bron's shoulder and take the crown. Bron says he will walk out of S&D as champion.

Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre talk about Fallon and Kiana. Isla and Alba said they have bonded together and they tie their arms together.

Hank Walker vs Drew Gulak

Both guys were in the battle royale and are pulling double duty here. Hank charges in and gets side headlocked then they trade shots. Hank hits some shots and does a back body drop. Gulak gets him in a camel clutch but Hank slides out and puts him in one. Hank stretch mufflers Drew then single leg crabs him. Drew hits the ropes then brings him down over the top rope. Drew then hits a neckbreaker and lariats him from behind. Drew crossbodies him off the top for 2 and rolls him into a crossface. Hank makes a comeback with a Thesz press then pounds on him. Hank hits corner splashes then throws him chest first on a slam. Hank runs the ropes and hits a solid shoulderblock for 2. Drew rolls Hank into another crossface. Hank gets him in an armbar but Drew hits the ropes. Dempsey hits Hank from behind then Drew rolls up Hank to win.

This was the longest match Hank has had so far and he didn't do bad here. I didn't think he should beat Hank and Dempsey hitting Hank in the back to lead to the pin continues the feud. 

Pretty Deadly talks about the men's and women's tag title matches at Stand and Deliver. 

Briggs and Jensen get added to the Stand and Deliver Tag Title Match if they win - Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen vs Tony D'Angelo and Stacks

This is kind of silly. If B&J get in for winning, Tony and Stacks should get eliminated from it for losing.

Jensen rolls up Stacks and hits a big hiptoss. Stacks comes back with a slam. Jensen hits a face buster then Briggs comes in with a shoulder on Stacks. Tony tags himself in and takes some shots from Briggs. Briggs takes a double team sequence and we cut to the back where Kiana James and Fallon Henley watch. Fallon says she is telling Jensen what happened after this ends.

Tony and Stacks take lariats then the country boys slide out and punch them as they hang over the middle rope. We go to break and return. Tony has control over Jensen then Stacks hits a top rope elbow while Jensen is over Tony's knee. Booker insists that move is a doomsday device when it's a Demolition decapitation. Stacks and Jensen collide. Briggs hits a running face kick on Tony and Fallon Henley has arrived outside. Stacks is put on Briggs shoulders then Jensen hits a spinning hip attack from the top and makes him go down.

Tony and Briggs trade punches then Briggs ends up on the floor. Jensen takes some very odd double reverse flapjack and Tony and Stacks pick up the win.

The crowd was already dead at this point and wasn't into it. There were some decent moments here, but it wasn't anything too special and the crowd didn't help it.

Fallon Henley and Kiana come out in the ring after. Fallon says Kiana has something to tell Jensen. Kiana says there is something she should tell him but she'd rather show him and Kiana kisses him. Fallon's mad and Briggs doesn't know what to do.

Security is out at ringside to make sure Gargano isn't around and Grayson Waller comes out. Waller comes down and Vic Joseph gives him the contract to sign. Waller talks in the ring about Wargames where he dropped a top rope elbow off the cage and said Gargano overshadowed his moment. Waller called Gargano the biggest mark in the business which I didn't like. Waller says Gargno will lose at Stand and Deliver. Waller waited for Gargano as his music hit. Gargano took off his security guard gear and went after him. They brawled and were broken up then went at it again.

I thought the whole thing was silly and I just can't buy the idea of Waller being possibly afraid of Gargano.

Overall thoughts: I wasn't a real big fan of this one. It's just not a great period of NXT right now and I felt like they ran out of ideas for some of the stuff tonight with the various qualifying matches. Eddy Thorpe's debut wasn't impressive and the crowd lost interest in the second half of the show.

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