Thursday, March 9, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 2/24/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 2/24/2023

Axiom vs Kale Dixon

Ax grabs an armlock early and Kale tries to kip-up out of it but can't. Ax hits a nice low dropkick to a laying Kale. Kale misses an elbow and takes a dropkick then Ax armdrags him off the 2nd rope. Kale hits a nice gutwrench suplex for 2. Kale hits a nice kick to the gut then suplexes him for 2. They trade chops and Ax dropkicks him. Ax hits a great PK then does his flying superkick for the win.

This was short, but Ax was quick here and looked good. Kale held up his end and didn't look out of place at all. Not bad.

Tank Ledger and Myles Borne are interviewed. Myles said he's excited and said even though they haven't tagged together, the greatest ever had their first nights too. Tank said they are two youngsters trying to prove themselves and are a hungry. Tank said they are 10/10 good looking dudes and got all excited, then Myles had to cool him down. They then did a "knucklerooski" fist pound. Fun little segment.

Sol Ruca vs Lola Vice

Lola's booty shorts are gone, sadly. Lola danced to the ring.

Lola jumps over some leg sweeps to start then Sol rolls her via the arm. Lola does a kick to the gut then Sol cartwheels and firemans carries her out of an armlock. Sol goes for a slingshot and gets knocked off, banging her head off the apron. Lola axe kicks her in the back when getting back into the ring then does a side hip attack. Lola spin kicks her in the gut for 2.

Lola grounded sleepers her then Sol side slams her. Sol hits flying shoulders and a dropkick. Sol does a forward cartwheel into a splash. Lola gets her leg stuck in the ropes off a missed kick then Sol hits the sol snatcher to win it.

Fun match here with both girls looking good. Lola just has all of the tools and really should be on the NXT roster already.

Myles Borne and Tank Ledger vs Damon Kemp and Tavion Heights

Kemp and Heights are wearing similar colored singlets and it seems like they could be a team going forward. This is kind of like a very low key dream match with some fun young guys.

Tavion armdrags Tank and Tank hits a nice suplex. Kemp gets in and tries to trip Tan kfrom behind but is blocked. Tank hits a nice lariat off the ropes then Myles double axe handles Kemp's arm off the 2nd rope. Kemp does a nice escape out of a wristlock and they counter each others snapmares with snapmares.

Tavion gets in and does a nice flip to yank on Myles' leg. Tavion back body drops Myles and drops an elbow for 2. Kemp does a flying euro to Myles for 1. Myles fight back with punches then takes a rebound neckbreaker from Kemp for 2. Myles tries to roll through a chinlock but Tavion holds on. Myles chinbreakers Kemp and Tank gets the tag in. Tavion hits knees, messing up the tog tag then Tank hits a slam and a cartwheel into a splash on Tav for 2. Tank takes a double team backdrop then Tav and Myles are thrown out. Tank rolls up Kemp for 2 then Kemp lariats him. Kemp does a neat uranage into a neckbreaker and wins it.

I really thought this could have been better than it was. They messed up the hot tag and everytime Kemp would get started with someone, he'd hit a kick or a punch and the whole sequence would get disrupted. But I guess that's why this is NXT. Maybe in a year or two we will see this again and get a better idea of what this could be.

Overall thoughts: Two decent matches here and a main that could have been good but just had the flow interrupted too many times. It's NXT Level Up and I rarely recommend seeing it since the show is short and the matches are all coming in cold.

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