Tuesday, March 21, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 3/17/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 3/17/2023

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2023/03/wwe-nxt-level-up-3102023.html

Dani Palmer vs Lyra Valkyria

They wrestle on the mat and Lyra cartwheels out of a wrist throw. Lyra hurricanrana's her and they trade pin attempts and bridge together. Dani backslides her and they do a stand off. Dani does an unusual headflip into a pin attempt on her then takes strikes. Lyra northern lights suplexes her then Dani spinning forearms her. Dani misses a crossbody then takes an axe kick to the back and a wild spinning heel kick for the Lyra win.

This was short but athletic. The two matched up well together and it was a fun little match.

Eddy Thorpe is interviewed, wearing native American earrings and a necklace. Eddy says he's 2-0 and can't afford to start off any different. He said he saw Indians being killed by cowboys growing up and is trying to give his people hope. He said he is laser focused on manifesting his destiny and is coming for everything in it. This was an eye roller

Eddy Thorpe vs Xyon Quinn

Eddy's wearing a bunch of Native American stuff here, though no headdress.

Xyon runs him over and Eddy does a nice leapfrog. Eddy does a 2nd rope twisting crossbody but misses a move in the corner and is beaten up for it. Xyon hits a big knee to the gut. Xyon puts him in a cobra clutch and rainmakers him. Xyon pulls both of his arms back and pulls. Eddy hits some strikes then running facekicks him. Eddy saito suplexes him and hits a jumping elbow for 2. Eddy germans him and hits a twisting neckbreaker for the win.

This really wasn't anything special on paper as it's two guys who aren't particularly special and wasn't anything special in action. There was a nice german here on Xyon but not much else of note.

Oro Mensah vs Charlie Dempsey

CD hits a euro early then takes a side headlock takeover. CD bridges out of a side headlock then takes an upkick. They trade shots and Oro goes for a springboard but takes a euro coming down. CD hits a nice backdrop for 2. CD does a nice armdrag then armwringers him. Oro hits a nice exploder then lariats him. Oro asai moonsaults him and hits a flipping koppo kick. Oro hits a nice springboard rider kick. CD urakens him then hits a nice dragon screw.

Oro flips out of a german. then CD reverses him and goes for an armbar. CD rolls into an ankle lock. Drew Gulak stares down Oro as he tried to get the ropes and CD hits his nice bow and arrow + STF combo to win it.

It was a decent match. I felt it could have been a little better if it was shorter and if the work on the arm/leg was more directed.

Overall thoughts: The show is rarely ever a must see and this was not a must see. The women's match was the best thing on here, but it was only a few minutes long. The main was fine, but nothing must see. Thorpe/Xyon was not interesting as expected.

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