Friday, February 3, 2023

NXT Level Up 1/27/2023

NXT Level Up 1/27/2023

Last week's show is here:

Dante Chen vs Kale Dixon

This is Kale Dixon's debut. They say he played college baseball and he kind of has a Stevie Richards look to him.

He slaps Chen early and backs off. The ref breaks it up then Chen does it back to him. Chen hits half a dozen armdrags early. Kale pulls his hair and drops him over his knee with it. Kale backdrops him twice and Chen reverses his third attempt with a pin attempt.

Kale bodyscissors him and Chen picks him up and drops him backwards. Chen hits punches and a backdrop. Chen hits an atomic drop and pump kicks him from the side. Chen then hits a double chop and wins it.

Not a bad debut at all for Kale. He has some personality to him and did fine here. Not a classic or anything and not the greatest debut ever, but he didn't mess anything up and did fine as the heel.

Lola Vice is interviewed. She says she is from Miami and MMA. She said she is the first Cuban to become a WWE star and says she will show Dani Palmer what latinas are made of. She then says whatever in Spanish and leaves. Lola seems comfortable on the mic which is good.

Dani Palmer vs Lola Vice

Lola has some music that is silent early and generally just kind of quiet. I don't expect that theme song to stick around.

Dani headscissors her early and there's a bunch of unintentional Lola booty shots.. Dani hits a nice armdrag into a fast headscissors. Lola spin kicks her in the gut then hits a nice axe kick. Dani botches a suplex but then Lola gets it the 2nd time. Lola stretches Dani's arms back and Dani forward flips out. Dani hits a strong dropkick and splashes her. Dani then backflips into a forearm shot and hits a nice slam.

Dani standing moonsaults her for 2. Dani goes for a corkscrew moonsault and lands on her feet in a very impressive feat. Lola then corkscrew kicks her and gets a nearfall that had me fooled. Lola hits a knee to the gut and Dani rolls forward on her to pin her and win. This may be Dani's first NXT win.

This was a good match and a great debut for Lola. These two matched up real well. Lola brought some good strikes and just a general nice snap to every move and Dani did a good job rolling around. You really couldn't ask for much of a better debut than what Lola had here and Dani really showed up as well. Dani's quickly creeping up right behind Sol and Tiffany as the girl with the most potential and I'd really like to see this one again down the line.

Oro Mensah vs Scrypts

This should be good and anything else will be a disappointment. These two should work well together.

Scrypts does a roll from behind Oro between his legs. Oro flips out of a snap mare and hits an upkick from the mat. Oro side headlock takedowns him then does a nice headscissors. Oro lariats him over the top then slingshot plancha's him.

Scrypts pulls down Oro by the hair then hits a flipping la silla. Scrypts flips out of a lariat then does a corkscrew crossbody for 2.  Scrypts pulls him down by the hair then does a dropsault. Scrypts does a limbo out of a punch. Oro goes up to the 2nd rope and is pushed over to the floor. Oro gets stomped on his way in then hits flying forearms.

Scrypts matrix's out of a forearm then takes a hard lariat. Oro does a flipping koppo kick then chickenwings him through the ropes. Oro the springboard dropkicks him. Scrypts rolls out  and drops his throat over the ropes. Scrypts kind of hits a 450 la silla, but Oro doesn't really sell it then Scrypts rolls him up and wins it in a botched finish.

The finish was botched, but the two matched up very well together as expected and it was fun. Scrypts/Reggie is really being wasted with this gimmick and I don't see much potential for it unless they change the name and look. 

Overall thoughts: This was a good show. All 3 matches were fine. Lola/Dani was as good as it gets for inexperienced wrestlers and is really worth a watch and the main was all flippy fun that you would expect it to be.

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