Friday, February 3, 2023

WWE NXT Level Up 2/3/2023

WWE NXT Level Up 2/3/2023

I got a new computer and it's by far the best PC I've ever had spec wise. My last pc fit my needs for the most part and this one is quite powerful.

Sol Ruca vs Lash Legend

Lash has new gear and a new look period with dyed streaks.

They lock up and Sol is shouldered down. They criss-cross and Sol shoulders her over. Lash kips up and they push each other. Sol does a 2nd rope twisting crossbody and they botch something. Sol STF's her and does a slingshot sunset flip for 2. Sol goes for a leap frog and is pump kicked straight in the crotch while she's in the air.  

Lash stands on her arm with help from the ropes then Last lights her up with one arm and drops her. Lash splashes her for 2. Sol electric chair drops her then hits flying shoulders. Sol crossbodies her then does a forward handspring corner splash. Lash takes a superkick off a missed axe kick then then Sol hits the sol snatcher to win.

It was longer for these two and wasn't good. Lash dropped some of her offense that looked bad but she still has a very long way to go.

Kiana James, Fallon, Briggs and Jense are interviewed. Jensen is ignoring Briggs as he is on the phone and Briggs asks him if he's good with the plan tonight. Briggs tells the girls to stay in the back and said they need to make a team name. He suggests they call themselves, "Business Casual". Jensen leaves with the girls and Briggs calls him back.

Oba Femi vs Javier Bernal

This could be decent.

Oba pushes him over and JB tries to shoulerblock him but fails. JB steps on his foot then is shouldered over. JB is lifted up by one arm and eye pokes Femi then is gorilla pressed and thrown. Oba has his throat brought down over the ropes. JB makes a comeback with a bulldog and a sliding lariat.

JB puts him in a cobra clutch and is rolled out of it. JB goes for a bulldog but then takes a backbreaker out of it. Oba spinebusters him and hits a running euro. JB rakes his eyes and rolls him up with a pull of the tights and wins it.

Javi was a very good heel here, having one of his best performances yet. He cheated at every turn and was a good heel en route to victory. Oba did well just being a long for the ride. Good stuff. 

Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen vs Xyon Quinn and Bronco Nima

No idea where Lucian Price is here. Nima and Xyon both have leather jackets and kind of do a team pose.

Nima muscles off Jensen to start then shoulders him over. Jensen hits a nice leapfrog and trips him into some shots from Briggs. Xyon misses a splash on Briggs then takes a double shoulder. B&J then slide out and punch Xyon. Jensen gets distracted and is nailed by Xyon then takes shots in the corner. Jensen then takes a backbreaker and a splash.

Nima knees Jensen in the gut then drops a leg over his neck against the middle rope. Jensen escapes a 2v1 and Briggs hits punches on both opponents. Briggs hits a nice yakuza kick on Xyon then splashes Nima. Xyon is held for a Briggs facekick and Jensen gets the win on Xyon.

I'm shocked Xyon did the job here. No idea why they'd have him do that instead of Nima. The match was short and it was fine for what it was. Nima fit right in there and Briggs looked good.

Overall thoughts: Oba/Bernal was good and the main was fine. It's Level Up though and it's not must see TV.

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