Tuesday, February 7, 2023

WWE NXT 2/7/2023

WWE NXT 2/7/2023

Bayley arrives with her arm in a sling.

Melo then came out with Trick. Trick says Vengeance Day was the day Melo turned Crews into Stevie Wonder. He said he beat everyone he said he would and then got interrupted by JD McDonagh. He said Melo is cool but not fit to hold his jockstrap. He said he is not ready for the big title or to be the face of the brand.

Melo said he was hatin' and told Trick to dial ahead on 911 as Melo is going there due to him. Melo challenged him for tonight and JD agreed.

Kiana and Fallon talked in the back. Fallon said she saw her cheat and KJ asked if she wanted to bring back the titles? Fallon said she wanted to give Carter/Chance a title rematch. Fallon wanted her to tell Brooks who she was on the phone with then they ran into a surprise party. 

We saw Grayson Waller confronting Shawn Michaels at the NXT Vengeance Day Media Call and we saw A-Train kick him out. They said he was suspended for the week.

Sol Ruca vs Zoey Stark

Sol did an up and over in the corner then hit an armdrag. Sol flipped out of a hiptoss then hit a facebuster and lariated Zoey over the top. Zoey hit a sliding lariat back in the ring for 2 thne Sol flipped out of a snapmare. She rolled up Zoey for 2 and took a lariat for 2.

Zoey missed a corner splash then took shoulderblocks and a dropkick. Sol then did her forward handspring into a splash. Zoey superkicked her onto the apron and Sol went for the springboard splash, but Zoey got her knees up. Sol was then flipped into Zoey's knee for the Zoey win.

It was short and wasn't anything too special though there weren't any issues with it.

Zoey attacked her after the bell. She put her on the 2nd rope but Sol hit the sol snatcher out of nowhere and left the ring.

We saw clips of Dabba Kato aka Commander Azeez attacking his former partner Apollo Crews at Vengeance Day.

KJ thanked Brooks for setting up the party and Pretty Deadly arrived looking a mess. They said they didn't sleep since Vengeance Day. They blamed Chase U for losing the tag titles and Chase said he was p!ssed off. He said Chase U is going to beat them up tonight.

Dabba Kato vs Dante Chen

Kato hit a big chop early then hit corner spears. Chen was then lifted up above Kato's head and dropped down. Kato hit a headbutt and threw in Chen by the neck. Chen came back with a running kick and then ran into a big chop. Chen then took a sitout chokebomb for the Kato win.

This was just a quick squash as it probably should have been.

Kato was interviewed after. He said Crews knew what he did and he's going to drop his @ss.

Diamond Mine talked in the back. They said they needed to get Indus Sher back. Isla Dawn then walked in with Alba Fyre. Isla said Tatum isn't part of Diamond Mine and accused her of attacking Nikkita Lyons. Isla didn't believe her story and Brutus even questioned her.

Roxanne Perez was interviewed. She talked about her win at Vengeance Day. She said she is excited for what is next. Chance and Carter then came in and said they got screwed. Perez said they are good enough to get the belts back and Chance/Carter said they were mad nobody cared about them getting cheated. Chance/Carter said she didn't have friends and Perez said she would make a phone call and prove she did. They've been teasing a Chance/Carter heel turn for some reason and this was more proof of it.

Isla Dawn vs Tatum Paxley

Tatum rolled and cartwheeled out of a wristlock then running back elbowed her. Isla kicked her then dropped a leg over the back of her neck. Isla dropped her throat first on the ropes then Tatum hit a chinbreaker. Tatum hit some shots and a step up enzugiri. Tatum gutwrench suplexed her for 2 then missed a 2nd rope crossbody. Isla then did a slice out of a dragon sleeper and won it.

Tatum was a very generic and basic face here before her demise.

Ivy Nile then made the save for Tatum after as Fyre/Dawn wanted to attack her.

We got a package for JD/Melo tonight.

We see an unknown person arrive in a limo.

Carmelo Hayes vs JD McDonagh

Melo rolls out of a wristlock early and JD flips out of a wristlock throw. Melo flipped out of a northern lights suplex. Melo did a ball dribbling motion and JD kicked it. JD was backdropped over the top and brought down then Melo plancha'd him outside.

JD hit elbow drops and hit mounted punches. JC then backdropped him and dropped him on the top rope gut first from the suplex position. We then went to PiP break and returned. JD was whipped into the ropes chest first then back bodydropped. They tradded roll-ups then JD hit a standing spanish fly. JD hit a double stomp then Melo hit hs blind springboard legdrop.

Melo hit a christo for 2 into a crossface then JD hit a ligerbomb. Melo then hit a codebreaker and took a headbutt.

Ilja Dragunov then came out and speared Trick and Melo picked up the win out of nowhere.

I wasn't a fan of the match as they did way too much here and the ending wasn't too good.

Ilja then attacked JD after.

Thea Hail talked to Tiffany Stratton. Thea said she had an assignment due for tomorrow and Tiff ripped Chase U. She said it was cringy and annoying and said no one wants to go there.  Thea said Tiff only cares about herself and Thea told her to suck it. Ava Raine then kidnapped Thea from behind.

We went back to the party and Brooks said Kiana is his valentine's date.
Lyra Valkyria vs Valentina Feroz

Lyra takes her down then Feroz hits a nice northern lights. Lyra hiptosses her and hits hip throws. Lyra hits some nice kicks and a stiff axe kick then Lyra hit a nice northern lights suplex. Feroz hit a nice headscissors. Feroz was nearly given brass knucks by Elektra Lopez, but she didn't want them. Lyra then beat her right after.

This was a fun little match and the two matched up well.

We see some clips of Wes Lee meeting up with his girlfriend and talking about Vengeance Day in a video diary.

Wes is interviewed after then Tony D and Stacks walk in. They say they want credit for helping Wes win. They say they want compensated. Wes says he has an open challenge for the N-A title next week and asks if they will have the canolli's to answer it.

Tyler Bate took offense to Waller disrespecting Shawn Michaels and challenged him next week.

Odyssey Jones vs Stacks

Stacks is thrown off early and tries shoulders. He gets nowhere then OJ drops him with a big lariat. OJ throws him then beats up on him in the corner as he lays on the top rope. Stacks puts his throat over the ropes and the does a slingshot legdrop on the back of his neck. Stacks cranks the neck then OJ hits body blocks. OJ then side slams him and rolls on him.

OJ lariats him on the floor. OJ throws him back in and gets ddt'd then Stacks running punches him. Stacks then does a running curbstomp with the knee and wins it.

I was shocked Stacks won this one, but I guess it makes sense given the angle he has. Stacks probably shouldn't have won so easily though.

Jinder Mahal and Indus Sher do a promo. Jinder says they earned the respect they desired. They said thye earned the respect they desired and said they hsould be treated as larger than life superstars here like they are at home. Veer says the Creed's have little value to them now and said there's no tag team that can beat them. Jinder says Phase 1 is complete but Phase 2 ends when the three of them are draped in gold.

Chase and Duke wonder where Thea is and head out to ringside.

Roxanne Perez is interviewed in the parking lot and asked who her tag team partner will be. She says Meiko Satomura will be her partner.

Andre Chase and Duke Hudson vs Pretty Deadly

PD is all dirty and messy looking and has zero energy for this. Don't get me wrong, their act is perfect, but this is a fun little temporary change.

Chase U has new college sounding music. No idea why there are so many music changes lately, or why they are all downgrades.

Duke shoulders Elton over early and chops him in the corner. Elton gets weakly put into the top buckle and takes a goofy bump off of it. Elton then again takes another bad bump, basically just launching himself over the top. Kit is tripped by Chase into a Duke elbow for 2.

Kit says "what's the point" then see-saw's over the middle rope as Chase hits him. Elton is banged off of Kit's boots. PD does a combo leg drop + splash for 2. Duke hits slams on Kit and side slams him. Elton holds the top rope and Duke goes over it then is flying elbow'd over the steps outside. 

We go to break and return with Elton hitting Duke in the back of the neck with a running forearm. Chase gets the hot tag in and hits atomic drops on PD. Chase then does a back body drop + figure four combo which Elton breaks. Chase then hits a flatliner + DDT combo for 2. Chase is thrown into a gutbuster for 2 then Duke hits the punch combo on Kit. Kit is lariated over the top then Duke is thrown out with him. Chase russian legsweeps Elton then hits the C-H-A-S-E-U stomps. Thea runs out to Duke, saying they are coming for him and looking scared. Chase then takes a spilled milk and PD picks up the win.

It was a fun match Chase U being spirited and likeable as usual. They got tons of time for this one.

Gallus appear on the riser after and gesture at PD.

Hank Walker and Drew Gulak talk. Hank sent him sketches for ring gear and says he wants in Wes Lee's open challenge next week. Charlie Dempsey comes in and says it doesn't matter what you wear, it's what you do. Charlie asks if Hank is ready for Wes Lee and Drew says he thinks he's ready for him. Charlie tells him not to take any shortcuts like Drew did.

Ding Dong Hello with Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne

Jacy blames Gigi for the loss at Vengeance Day and says she was not being a team player. They both say they want to get to the top. Gigi says T-A has been her life and everyone hates her. Jacy then says everyone hates her too. Jacy says there's strength in numbers like Bayley's Damage Control. Jacy said they could split up or have one more run. Gigi asks if she means the NXT Tag Titles then they suggest taking a run at Damage Control and the WWE Women's Tag Titles. Bayley tells them not to get excited and tells them to hug it out. They hug and Bayley celebrates. Jacy then superkicks Gigi. She says it has never been about us, it has been about me, then throws her into the Ding Dong Hello door. She then kicks her and leaves Gigi crying. 

They've been teasing the turn and at least they did explain it and give a good reason for it. The problem was that they had faked this turn a few weeks ago and that ended up hurting the actual turn some. It will be interested to see T-A split up but they were fine together and I don't really get the reasoning for breaking them up. It feels like a waste of the last 2-3 years building to a main roster run that never happened.

Overall thoughts: Not the greatest ep ever. A lot of the people who were on the PPV weren't really here like Bron, Waller and The Creed's. The women were featured heavily as usual and the roster is still too big for the little amount of time they have. There were some dirty finishes here and nothing too memorable wrestling wise. The T-A split was also hurt by the fake T-A split a few weeks ago.

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