Friday, December 23, 2022

WWE NXT Level Up 12/23/2022

WWE NXT Level Up 12/23/2022

Charlie Dempsey vs Myles Borne

YESSSS. Man this could be really good. Dempsey now has mutton chops and Borne has bulked up some.

Borne takes him down and they chain wrestle on the mat. CD takes a hammer lock then kips up and wristlocks him. Borne kips up out of the wristlock and reverses it then CD bridges and flips out of the bridge to escape the wristlock. CD forearms him then takes an armdrag and a dropkick. CD headlock takedowns him and headscissors him.

We get a "this is wrestling" chant and CD does the Pat O'Connor 360 armlock. CD hammerlocks him then bridges up out of the wristlock and rolling headscissors him. CD hooks the arm with the headscissors. Borne handstands out of the headscissors and they trade forearms before CD grabs another hammerlock. Borne shoulders him over and takes a big hiptoss. CD keylocks him and rolls with it.

Borne deadlifts him out of the hammerlock and suplexes him out of it. Borne hits punches and belly to belly's him into an overhead belly to belly. Borne powerslams him for 2. Borne misses a big frogsplash and takes a club to the back of the neck. CD hits a nasty Regal suplex and wins it.

This was just as good as I expected. The two matched up so well on the mat and Borne looked like he belonged. If you like technical wrestling, you are going to enjoy this one. Borne is such an incredible rookie and it's a shame he debuted the same year as one of the best rookie classes ever because he's a rookie of the year caliber wrestler.

Dani Palmer is interviewed. She said being in WWE is a dream and she's from Scottsburg, Indiana. She said she can't wait to prove herself on Level Up.
Sol Ruca vs Dani Palmer

Sol rolls early then armlocks her. They said Sol took Dani under her wing at the Performance Center. Dani rolls and backflips out of a wristlock, does a nice leapfrog then Sol backflips into a headscissors. Dani springboard rolling armdrags Sol for 2 and they dropkick each other at the same time then double kip up and face off.

Dani kind of abdominal stretches her while kneeling. Sol deadlifts her up and Dani rolls her out of the cazadora position. They do some pin reversals and Sol dropkicks her. Sol does her 2nd rope imploding cutter and wins it.

It was short, but it was very impressive. They did a cool little flippy match and these two absolutely clicked in the ring.

Hank Walker vs Trick Williams

I pity these two. They have 2 good matches to follow here. I think Hank may have a new country theme.

Trick rolls out of a lock up and is run over with a shoulder. Trick is thrown over the top and takes a face bump on the floor. Trick misses an elbow when Hank fakes coming in then Hank slams him. Trick goes up and over in the corner then pulls him down with him.

Trick hits a great dropkick for 2 and rips his shirt open so he can chop him. Hank hits a hard chop back then misses the 2nd one. Hank runs at him and takes a high flying clothesline for 2. Trick hooks his chin and arm. They trade punches and Hank catches Trick's up and over with a powerslam. Hank yanks him into a chest first slam for 2. Hank hits the big boot and miseses a splash. Trick then hits a Mcgillicutter for 2. Trick hits his spinning facekick called the trick kick and gets the win.

This was fun. Hank as usual was a good and fiery face and they timed it just right. This was one of Trick's best outings yet and he didn't look awkward out there.

Overall thoughts: This was a really good show. All 3 matches were good and brought something different to the table. Go check out Borne vs Dempsey for some juicy technical wrestling and then see Sol/Palmer for the exact opposite type of match.

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