Wednesday, December 21, 2022

AEW Dynamite 12/21/2022

AEW Dynamite 12/21/2022 

Last week's show is here:

Ricky Starks did a promo on his loss to MJF. He said he lost like a man and lost with dignity and respect. Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara and Daniel Garcia then came out. Jericho said he isn't a dollar store version of anyone and is a million dollar talent. He invited Ricky to join the JAS.

Ricky said he liked how Jericho could keep up with the times. He said he's lean and shredded and looks like a single father on his 5th divorce. He ripped him for losing to Action Andretti and said the J in JAS stands for Jobber.  Ricky was going to challenge Jericho to a match then got jumped by Jake Hager. Action Andretti then came out for the save and fought off the JAS.

Neither Action or Starks really got the pops they were looking for here.

Best of 7 Series, Match 5 - No DQ - Death Triangle vs The Elite

I didn't like this at all. The Elite were so mad at DT that they made this a no DQ match, then they have Cutler dressed up like an elf helping them. And even though it's no DQ and could have been a permanent 5v3 here, they opted not to. They brought a Christmas tree and a barbed wire broom in here to make it even more goofy. The Elite won this to the surprise of no one since they telegraphed that the last match of this series will be a ladder match.

The Elite were cut open after by DT.

Bryan Danielson was interviewed by Renee. He said he didn't expect the BCC to forigve Regal. Bryan said he was trained in San Antonio (which they were in) and said Regal trained him. He said the BCC doesn't have the same relationship with Regal that he does and he talked about their relationship. He said Regal told him there are consequences to your actions. Bryan said MJF will have consequences for hospitalizing Regal and called him out.

Ethan Page and Stokeley Hathaway came out instead. Page talked about things he did that Bryan didn't making him a better contender. He called Bryan vegetable man and accused him of trying to jump the line for a title shot. Stoke made fun of Bryan for being a vegan then Bryan made fun of him for being bald. Ethan said what they meant by vegetable man is that they will turn him into one. Bryan told him to do it right now. Page said they would do it next week.

We saw clips of MJF yelling at Danielson for trying to ruin his moment. He said he's a nobody and called him a worthless scumbag. 
Action Andretti was interviewed. He said he did the impossible last week. He said he got a ton of support from AEW fans, he knew that the JAS would take out their anger on someone then 2.0 walked in. They said he's on a hot streak and he's on fire. Jericho then burned him with a fireball in an awesome moment. Jericho then rubbed his face on the ground. This was good.
Mox did a promo about the trios battle royale for $300,000 on Rampage this week. He said it sounded like a good time and talked about Adam Page. He said they can keep going as long as he wants and he wonders when they will fight. He said they have nothing to settle as Page got knocked out, and he doesn't get why Page thinks differently. He then said he will teach Darius Martin a hard lesson in their match tonight.

Samoa Joe did a taped promo. He wished everyone a happy holidays, including Wardlow. He said he won't have a happy new year though as Joe will give him more than he ever asked for in their match.

Hook vs Exodus Prime

Prime is slammed down then hip thrown. Hook hit a capture suplex and a lariat. Hook then got the red rum on and won in a quick squash. Prime's name is silly and it does not fit him.
We then cut to the back with Stokeley Hathaway's Firm beating up Jungle Boy. JB was thrown into the dumpster then chokeslammed into the dumpster. Lee Moriarty rammed his own head into the dumpster when he rammed JB into it in an unintentionally funny spot.

Jon Moxley vs Darius Martin

Darius is snapmared then kicked. Darius hits a big dropkick and Mox rolls out. Darius is then thrown out and lands hard then is thrown into the rails. Darius is then suplexed on the floor. Mox has words with Dante then Darius topes him. Darius is on the top rope, gets forearmmed then falls onto the apron and floor. Mox hits a release vertical suplex on him.

Mox rakes his back then superplexes him. Mox rains elbows down on him. Darius eye rakes him and uses the top buckle to pele kick him. Darius uses the bottom rope to flatliner him for 2. He hits a top rope crossbody then Mox reverse curb stomps him. Mox rains down more elbows then hits a death rider to win.

They did too much as usual with Darius taking suplexes on the floor that lead to nothing. Darius wasn't anything special here.

Shida and Jamie Hayter talked about each other. Jamie said everyone will be buzzing for their match but she will retain.

Hobbs talked over a video. He said his first memory was at 3 watching his uncle overdose on the floor. He said he was beaten, robbed, stabbed and shot as a kid. He said monsters do this to a child and they created a monster themselves. He said now it's time he spills blood.

FTR vs The Gunn Club

Dax his a chop early on Colten and all 4 stare down. Cash atomic drops Colten and hits a nice back elbow. Austin gets an atomic drop and a manhattan drop. Colten misses on a dropkick and is kicked in the butt then Colten has his butt whipped into Austin's face. Colten then takes a back body drop and both Gunns are lariated over the top. They fight outside and we go to PiP break.

We return and Austin goes face first into the buckles. Colten misses a corner splash. Ax hits shots on Austin in the corner then lariats Colten. Austin gets a manhattan drop from Dax then Colten pulls Dax out. Cash topes Colten outside when Dax is up for a spike piledriver on the floor. Dax is pushed into the steps. Austin teases a superkick on Dax but tells him to suck it then he sharpshooters Dax.

Colten is thrown over the top by Cash then Cash hits the railing when jumping off the apron. Dax goes up for a piledriver but holds his leg in pain Dax goes to roll up Austin, but Colten grabs Austin's hand and Dax gets pinned.

There wasn't anything wrong with this one. The pace was fast and they sold Dax being hurt well from the dog collar match at the ROH PPV (which I mostly liked).

Sonjay Dutt and crew do a bad rap video on The Acclaimed to make fun of them. 
Rick Ross is in the ring with Tony Schiavone. They brought out Swerve and Keith Lee. Ross dropped an f-bomb talking about big Lee is. Swerve came out and said he didn't realize we were doing things on Lee's time. Swerve said he will start doing things his way. Swerve said they should have owned everything but he can't deal with Lee's accusations. Swerve said he can't keep his eye on the ball, the belts or his health. He said Lee needs to keep his eyes in the back of his head then Parker Boudreaux attacked Lee. He did a terrible job here going slow and just throwing punches. Lee then lariated him over the top.

Someone else then jumped Lee as he left and he cooled look with face tattoos and a neat hair do. Parker chaired Lee in the back. Lee was put on the steps then Swerve top rope double stomped a cinderblock through his gut. Ross then officially turned on Lee and they all wore hoodies that said, "Mogul Affiliation" on them. Ross was saying something but he was cut off. While Parker and the mystery guy looked cool, the attack was in slow motion and didn't look. Rick Ross wasn't good here either. This was a total disaster.
We got some words from the teams in the trios battle royale. Trent said he would buy his mom a new house. Chuck said he would buy his mom a chainsaw. The Dark Order said Page wouldn't be involved in this one and Page walked off. 

AEW Women's World Title - Jamie Hayter vs Hikaru Shida

Jamie hits forearms and Shida kips up and hits one. Jamie hits machine gun chops on the ropes then Shida forearm flurries her. They trade more forearms for chops and Shida slams her hard. Shida pounds on her and suplexes her into the bottom buckle. Shida has her head hanging over the apron and she kneelifts her.

We go to PiP break and return. They trade forearms and Shida's head goes into the buckle. Shida then takes a suplex into a slam and they lariat each other at the same time. They trade more forearms then Shida dropkicked her.  Shida hit corner punches then hit a 2nd rope dropkick. Shida is slammed onto the apron from the top. Shida suplexes her off the apron as we go to break.

We return and Shida is dropped from the 2nd rope. Jamie misses a top rope moonsault then Shida running knees her for 2. Jamie drops her over her knee and hits a sliding lariat for 2. Shida took a uranage on the knee then german'd her. Britt and Rebel got on the apron and Shida slapped Britt. Britt was brought in the ring and took a triangle kick. Shida hit Britt with a kendo stick and then Jamie powerbombed her for 2. Jamie hit a lariat for 2 then hit a rainmaker to win it.

I didn't like the suplex off the apron not counting for anything but it was one of the better matches the AEW women have had. It was stiff and they had more of a Japanese style match with higher impact moves.
Britt attacked Shida after then Toni Storm made the save. Toni was beat up then Saraya came out and superkicked Britt.

Overall thoughts: The Lee/Swerve segment was a disaster and the trios match was really flawed logically as usual. The women did a good job in the main but there wasn't anything else too good here.

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