Tuesday, December 27, 2022

WWE NXT 12/27/2022

WWE NXT 12/27/2022

Julius Creed and Brutus talked about the holidays and said they gotta get back on track.

JD McDonagh said he's glad the holidays are over and he wants the give the gift of loss to Julius Creed.

Julius Creed vs JD McDonagh

Creed did a side headlock takedown early and Creed used the ropes to sit down and flip out of an arm hold. Creed then went outside and dropped him on the announcer's table. Creed went into the post outside and JD pulled him into the post. We went to PiP break and returned to JD working the arm with a keylock.

Creed lifts him up while in the lock and suplexes him out of it. Creed hits a hard backbreaker and hits a high knee. JD then standing spanish flies him. Creed release germans him and JD no sells it to ste up enzugiri him. JD then brainbusters him for 2. JD goes up top and Creed jumps up there only to get knocked down. JD misses a top rope moonsault then Creed drives him into the mat and wins it wit ha sliding clothesline.

It was kind of on the shorter and and it was okay, though I didn't like JD basically no selling the release german.

Indus Sheer come out after. They tell them they want a match at New Years Evil. They say they will get the respect they deserve when they destroy them.

Tony D and Stacks are interviewed. Tony says he wins his first title in 2022 tonight. He is asked about Dijak and says Stacks took care of him. Stacks says Dijak won't be an issue and Tony will win the N-A title.

The Schism do a promo. They said they understand that they are intimidating and said anyone who crossed their path weren't treated well. They talked about what they did to Blade, Odyssey and Enofe. They said they wil lshow them that togetherness is what binds them and said they are four roots on one tree.

Cora Jade vs Wendy Choo

Choo runs in and goes after her then hits a japanese arm drag. Cora bangs Choo's head off the apron and misses a cane shot. Choo bangs Cora's head of the apron then rolls her up. Cora uses the bottom rope and jumps off to double stomp Choo's back. They trade punches and Cora is caught on a step up knee and powerbombed for 2.

Choo hits an overhead belly to belly then does a handspring into a corner splash. Choo does a sleeping crossbody off the 2nd rope for 2. Cora is pulled into the 2nd buckle then slammed. Choo then does her inverted splash for the win.

There wasn't anything wrong with it, but it went a little long and wasn't particularly special.

Ikemen Jiro talked in the back. He said his jacket is part of who he is. He said he is just Jiro without it and said tonight he will beat Scrypts and take his jacket back.

Briggs is warming up Fallon Henley in the back and Jensen is more worried about the shirt Kiana James gave him. He said he is on Fallon's side, but she isn't convinced.

Ikemen Jiro vs Scrypts

Scypts had a new entrance here and he popped in the ring behind Jiro with his jacket, surprising him. Jiro takes a shotgun dropkick then superkicks him off the apron. Jiro hits a tope con hilo. Jiro goes for a slingshot sunset flip but Scrypts flips out and dropkicks him. Scrypts pounds on him and puts some holds on him then Jiro backbody drops him.

Jiro hits some punches and a knee then Scrypts missing a running ssp. Scrypts hits a 450 la silla off the top and wins it.

It had a lot of flying and they matched up well, but the crowd is just obsessed with giving Scrypts a hard time by chanting Reggie, and this gimmick isn't great.

We get an Oro Mensah video of him at the club.

Alba Fyre said Isla Dawn has brought her to her breaking point. She said we will see who is laughing last as next week they fight in an anything goes matvch. she says she will end her.

Lash Legend vs Lyra Valkyria

Lash throws her by the hair early then splashed her. She dropped an elbow on the back of her neck for 2. Lyra hits some kicks then can't knock her over with shoulders. Lyra armdrags her out from the wheelbarrow position then dropkicks her through the ropes. Lyra is pulled off the apron and bangs her head off of it.

Lyra hits more kicks and is backbreakered off a failed crossbody attempt. Lash misseds on a handspring moonsault then Lyra hits more strikes. Lyra flying clotheslines her then they mess up a ddt. Lyra spin kicks her to the head while she is kneeling then does a weak top rope splash to win it.

This was one of the better matches Lash was involved with. Lash busted out a new handspring into a moonsault here and it did have some rough moments.

Gig and Jacy are in the Toxic Lounge. They talk about 2022 and don't show Mandy Rose. They even talk about Mandy dropping the title to Roxanne without mentioning her. they say they will rebuild and return to glory and say it starts by taking down Perez as she took down their empire.

This was a weird and bad segment since they couldn't bring up Mandy Rose.

Bron Breakker is interviewed. He said he fell into Waller's trap last week. He said he's going into the ring and calling him out. Mckenzie said Waller's not here, but he sent him a video message. Waller is in Australia and basically talked about himself as he hit various sites there. He said he would be back next week and would become NXT champ at New Years Evil. He said they can sign the contract next week at the Grayson Waller Effect. Bron threw the tv and left.

The Schism vs Odyssey Jones, Malik Blade and Edris Enofe

Blade flips out of a backdrop or something early and they do a stand off. Jagger hits shots on Blade then Blade hits a nice dropkick. Enofe flying clotheslines Jagger for 2. Rip lariats Enofe then suplexes him. Enofe hits a nice dropkick on Rip. Rip goes for a crossbody on OJ and gets knocked over then OJ rolls on him.

Ri pis slammed then Blade stands on OJ's shoulders and jumps off. We get a 6 person stand off and we go to break. We return and Rip has a bulldog choke on Blade. Ava Raine yells at Booker T on commentary, saying Schism is the definition of living your best life. Blade gets out of a 2v1 and makes the hot tag to OJ. OJ cleans house and splashes Dyad. OJ hits a double side slam on Dyad then Enofe top rope elbows Jagger for 2.

OJ is pulled out and gets held. Jagger topes him but he stands, then the rest of Schism tries as well but he won't go down in a cool spot. OJ finally goes down then Blade flips on Gacy and Rip off the steps. Enofe springboard kicks Jagger then Jagger does a double doomsday device on Enofe and Blade. Enofe takes a double codebreaker into a Gacy handspring lariat and Schism wins it.

I expected it to be good and it was. I liked the tope spot on OJ and the finishing stretch was a lot of fun.

Kiana James and Fallon Henley are walking to the ring.

Trick Williams and Melo are interviewed. Tirck says he fights Axiom next week and one thing he can't do is Whoop Dat Trick. Melo says he becomes NXT champ this year and says he can get there once Apollo Crews gets out of his way.

Battle for the Bar - Kiana James vs Fallon Henley

KJ hits a big chop early and they work each others arms. They trade back elbows and Fallon shoulders her. Fallon kicks her to the side of the head and slides out to try and hit the punch but Kiana gets the apron up. She lets it down then is punched. KJ hits a lariat for 2. KJ puts her on her shoulders and drops her on her chest then bodyscissors her.

They trade shots and KJ swinging facebusters her. KJ gutbusters her for 2. Fallon hits a flying knee and wins it.

I wasn't super impressed by this one. Fallon should hate htis woman and didn't seem all that mad despite her possibly losing her family's bar due to this. This should have also been higher up on the card and had more time.

KJ shakes her head at Fallon after and Jensen looks like he feels bad for her.

Roxanne Perez is interviewed. She said time moves fast and said she needs to be on her game every night. She said she has to live up to the history of the NXT title and it's a pressure she doesn't take lightly. She said she will do everything she can to represent the title. 

Isla Dawn does a promo on Alba Fyre. She said the next step in her revolution happens next week. I didn't really get what this was about.

The Drew Gulak Invitational

We see Drew Gulak, Tavion Heights, Myles Borne and someone named Luka there. Gulak chicken wings him then asks to roll around with Tavion. They wrestle and Gulak does a double leg lock on him and taps him. Myles Borne is then brought in and Borne fireman's carries him. Borne then is tapped out with a grounded dragon sleeper. Drew wouldn't release him after emphasizing how important it is to let people go once they tap. Charlie Dempsey comes out. Charlie asks if he wants to step up to a real wrestler and offers to give him a run for his money. Drew says he wasn't invited and says he will make an example out of Hank Walker next week. Drew says he will be ready.

WWE NXT North American Title Match - Wes Lee (c) vs Tony D'Angelo

Tony throws him off ealry and hits a release belly to belly then a german. Wes flips out of a german then dropkicks him. Wes headscissors him and punch combo's him in the corner. Stacks tells him to sweep the leg and Tony says, "gimme a break". Tony hits corner spears. Wes kicks him in the head while he's down then running ssp's him. Wes then tope's him outside.

We go to break and return to Wes having him in a headlock. Wes hits kicks then is exploder suplexed into the buckles. Tony stomps on him and hits mounted punches. Tony stretches him over his knee then Tony hits a stiff short arm clothesline and an elbow. Tony works his knee then slams his knee on the announcer's table from the suplex position. Wes comes back with a DDT.

Wes hits punches and kicks then more punches. Wes hits corner punches but Tony gives him a stiff powerbomb to stop it. Tony gets on the 2nd rope and Dijak grabs Stacks. Tony is distrancted then Wes backflips into a pele kick and beats Tony D.

They tried to do an injured body part storyline here but I didn't think it was too well done. The match went a little long and just wasn't super interesting along with the somewhat dirty finish.

Overall thoughts: It wasn't a bad night of NXT overall. I thought they could have done a better job with the James/Henley match but the 6-man tag was pretty good. Not a slam dunk of a show though.

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