Friday, December 2, 2022

WWE NXT Level Up 12/2/2022

WWE NXT Level Up 12/2/2022

Last week's show is here:

Oro Mensah vs Myles Borne

Oro has a tron that says "Club Oro Mensah" and he has velvet ropes from the movie theatre for his entrance.

They trade wristlocks and Oro upkicks him from the mat. Borne legsweeps him then does a nice roll into a pin attempt. Oro flips out of a german and dropkicks him then hits armdrags. Oro headscissors him then is stuck on the top rope. Borne dropkicks him off the apron.

Borne hits punches then pulls him into a nice powerslam. Borne belly to belly suplexes him and hits a nice front suplex. Oro exploders him then hits running forearms. Oro asai moonsaults him then hits a spinning heel kick in the corner to win. They shook hands after.

Nothing wrong with this. Borne didn't look out of place at all though the one back body drop he did looked dangerous.  They matched up pretty well and I liked it.
Tavion Heights is interviewed. This is his debut. He's an amateur wrestler and wrestled in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. He said Stacks will get what he deserves and will get stacked. He said he's on the A-Team and not the B-Team and wants to handle his business. This was a decent first promo.
Tavion Heights vs Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo

This is Tavion Heights' debut. I believe he got signed around March, so he must have been progressing well. Amateur wrestlers typically do make for good pro wrestlers. Heights wore a brown track suit to the ring and they really put him over on commentary.

Stacks headlock takeovers him and gets headscissored. Heights headlock takeovers him and kips up. He then lifts him, twists him in the air and rolls on the mat with him.  Stacks hits a great dropkick then Heights does a fireman's carry takedown and a nice armdrag.

Heights does another nice rolling armdrag. Stacks grabs his hair but Heights holds onto his arm on the apron then gets kicked in the face coming in. Stacks dropkicks him as he is hung over the 2nd rope then Stacks hits a suplex. Stacks chinlocks him then Heights hits some hard lariats. Heights hits a great powerslam then flips him around with a gutwrench into karelin's lift. Stacks then grabs him by the hair and drives his head into the mat with his knee to win it out of nowhere.

This was a really good debut. Heights looked great out there. He can move really well and I was very impressed. This guy has a lot of potential and WWE is producing good rookies like nobody else has ever done before. Heights even got over with the crowd, so you know he was doing something right.

Thea Hail vs Sol Ruca

This one interests me. Both girls have a lot of potential and we will probably be seeing this one on the main roster in a couple of years. Sol has a new entrance video with water splashing on the screen.

Thea kips up and headflips out of a wristlock then Sol put her leg over her arm and wristlocked her. Thea kips up again then cartwheels and rolls her up out of the wristlock. Sol cartwheels out of the wristlock then fireman carries her. Thea armdrags her then gets amrdragged then is legswept. They do a little respect off and Thea tries to irish whip her but is caught. Thea hits a nice headscissors then Sol handsprings into a moonsault on her.

Sol bodyscissors her then backbreakers her. Sol abdominal stretches her and Thea hiptosses her out of it but Sol lands on her feet. Sol bow and arrows her and rolls back. Thea hits some double sledgehammer shots then exploders her. Thea shakes the ropes then blind backsplashes her off the bottom rope for 2. Sol does a nice bridge pin attempt then she slingshots in and rolls her up in one motion for 2. Sol goes for another bridge and is rolled up and pinned by Thea.

Good match here. These two matched up really well and just did some great wrestling here. Lots of nice counters as well. This was probably the best match either girl has been involved in so far and definitely worth a look.

Overall thoughts: A really good edition of NXT Level Up. Oro/Borne was decent, Tavion Height's debut was an absolute home run and Hail/Ruca was the best match either girl has had so far. The future of WWE is looking All Japan Women's 1980's levels of bright and WWE's 2022/2023 rookie class may be on the level of the 2021/2022 rookie class if things keep up.

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