Tuesday, December 6, 2022

WWE NXT 12/6/2022

WWE NXT 12/6/2022 

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2022/11/wwe-nxt-11292022.html

Iron Survivor Challenge Qualifier - Von Wagner vs Axiom vs Andre Chase

Chase running kicks Von then hits a punch flurry. Von shoulders both opponents over then headlocks both at the same time. Von lariats/runs over both. Von misses a lariat on both then takes a double lariat and is beat up by both. Von takes a double suplex. Ax goes for a dive but is rolled up by Chase and Chase says it's a teachable moment. Ax jumps up to the top rope and takes Chase and Von down at the same time then he hits a nice northern lights suplex with a backflip on Chase. Ax then standing moonsaults Chase for 2.

Von lariats both then gorilla presses Ax onto Chase outside. We go to PiP break and return. All 3 are up on the top rope. Chase hits a sunset flip into a powerbomb with help from Ax. Chase top rope suplexes Ax and they kind of land on Von, though they half miss too. Von and Chase trade shots and Chase dropkicks him in the knee. Chase hits his russian leg sweep then does the C-H-A-S-E-U stomps. Von is lariated over the top then is dove on by Ax. Ax springboards and is caught with a kick then a tiger driver by Chase for 2. Ax climbs on Von's back then triangles him Von deadlifts him and slams him onto Chase then he does a double underhook twisting suplex on Chase. Chase double ddt's both opponents then top rope crossbodies Von. Ax jumping side kicks Von and wins it.

I liked the logic here on the smaller guys teaming up to take out Von and it was a fast paced match with a lot of three person moves. It was entertaining and they worked a lot better together than you would expect. Von took some big bumps here.

Diamond Mine is with the trainers and Julius is trying to say he is fine. Ivy Nile says he is not fine and Brutus checks on him. The trainer won't clear Julius. Julius gives a nasty look towards Ivy then Brutus says something to Ivy as she says she is just protecting him. Tatum was here again so it seems like she is an official Diamond Mine member and you could definitely tell she had surgery on her face due to her injury.

We go to the pier to fish with Bron Breakker. Apollo Crews walks down. He asks if there's room for one more to fish. Bron says okay. Apollo loves the boat and says it cuts through the water well. Bron then says it is like his spear. Bron shows Apollo how to cast a line and Apollo says he is a naturing in the ring and a natural at casting. They talk about how both can do standing moonsaults and Bron said he tried to do it because of him. They talk about stealing any more moves. Apollo questions if this helps taking the pressure off or is an excuse to be alone. Bron talks about how hard it is being champ and Apollo offers him to just give him the title and not fight. Apollo catches a fish and Bron helps him. They agree that it will be a banger at Deadline and they talk about gameplans. Apollo says he will challenge his intensity, power and speed and Bron says may the best man win. Bron says he couldn't believe he didn't catch the fish and Apollo says today wasn't his day and Deadline may not be either. I liked this segment. It was something a little different and it was interesting to see two wrestlers kind of acting somewhat normal for once. 

Bryson Montana vs Javier Bernal

Sanga and Veer jump Bryson then Sanga chokeslams Bryson. Javier Bernal then comes out. He sees Indus Sher then walks back holding his leg.

Indu Sher cut a promo. Veer said they wouldn't face the Creed's unless they were 100%. Veer says they clearly aren't 100%. Sanga says it doesn't interest them and they say they decline the challenge. They say they will wait until The Creed's are ready, but don't keep them waiting too long. Diamond Mine comes out and has to be held back by refs.

We go to Chase U. Thea Hail walks in. She said she has a match tonight against Isla Dawn. Thea's excited and Duke says not to take it. Thea says she is super ready and Chase says she can do it. Duke says he should reconsider and Chase says she can compete. Duke says he understands Chase lost then Chase gets mad and says he made his decision.

We get a Tony D package. He talks about things they take seriously and says he will stand at the top of NXT. He says it is time NXT runs on his watch.

We get a promo for a documentary on Ric Flair.

We get a TikTok vide of Sol Ruca and Amari Miller dancing. An argument with Enofe, Blade, Briggs and JEnsen breaks out then Enofe and Blade walk off.

Xyon Quinn vs Tony D'Angelo

This is Tony's return from injury. Neither guy should really lose this.

Tony runs over Xyon with a shoulder then Xyon carries him int othe corner. Xyon hits corner spears then Tony lariats him. Tony hits a half butterfly suplex then Xyon hits punches and a headbutt. Xyon samoan drops him and kips up. Tony goes outside, Xyon comes over and gets hit. Tony spinebusters him and does a backdrop into a slam to win it.

This was short and was fun, but Xyon shouldn't have lost this.

Tony gets on the mic after and asks Stacks if he sees any rust in this ring. Stacks says he doesn't. Tony said he gained some new connections and revenues while he was out. He said it always came down to Wes Lee and the North American title though. Tony said Wes Lee took a cheap shot and injured his knee. Wes Lee comes out. He said everyone knows Tony has been eyeing him and Wes says he has kept his eye on him just as much. Stacks tells him to have his eyes on Tony. Wes says he has unfinished business with Dijak and if he wants some, he has to wait until he is done with Dijak. Tony says he doesn't care about Dijak and says his business with Dijak has to wait. Dijak comes on the tron and calls Tony a scumbag. He says as long as Tony stays out of his way they won't have a problem. Dijak tells Wes to keep his name out of his mouth as he has a special way of dealing with repeat offenders. He says neither guy can do anything to stop him from decimating NXT. Stacks tells Wes there's nowhere to run then goes after him. Wes bounces off the ropes and escapes. Dijak was good here and this was a good segment.

We see clips from the locker room last week. Charlie Dempsey talks to Hank Walker. Hank says he didn't get in the ring early like Dempsey did and didn't have a famous wrestling dad. Hank says he wants the same respect as anyone else and says if he has to prove his stripes, he will. Dempsey says he will show him that he doesn't belong in the ring with him.

We get a Scrypts video. He talks about what it takes to be a star. He says to mean what you say and says NXT is his new home. He reads a poem and writes his name on paper.

Hank Walker vs Charlie Dempsey

They lock up and CD hits a knee, euro and slap. Hank fires up from the slap and hits corner spears then does a big hiptoss throw. CD blocks a lariat and slammed while going for a hammerlock. CD hits more euros then a gutwrench suplex for 2. CD puts on an A-T lock and Drew Gulak comes out and stares down CD. CD hits some shots. Hank hits a nice Thesz press then pounds on him. Hank splashes him in the corners then drops him on the mat body first. Hank goes for a running boot but is caught with a dragon screw. CD pushes down on his knee then does a nasty bow and arrow to win it.

This was short and good. Hank did nice face work here and CD did fine as the technical heel. 

We get a video on Zoey Stark. We see her walking around and talking about why she will win at Deadline. she says it will be all about her and says 25 minutes separates her from history.

Pretty Deadly head to the ring.

Grayson Waller is interviewed. He is excited for Deadline and wants to size up his opponents on the Grayson Waller Effect tonight.

Pretty Deadly's A Christmas Story

The whole ring is decorated in Christmas stuff. Kip is dressed like Santa and Elton is dressed up like an elf. Elton sits on Kip's lap. They read from a book and put themselves over with Christmas rhymes. They say 2023 will be the same as 2022 - Pretty Deadly's year. The New Day then come out. They say PD's says they beat everyone, except them. The New Day then challenges them for the titles at Deadline. PD attacks and gets beat up. Elton is thrown into the tree and Kip has a present thrown in his face. PD then gets presents put over their head and they are superkicked off the apron.

Javier Bernal was walking around and McKenzie Mitchell went up to him. He was surprised and she accused him of watching out for Indus Sher. He said he's not scare of anything and said they said "nevermind" after taking a look at him. Ikemen Jiro then popped in and was asked about Bernal. JB then asked him what he thought and Jiro called him Big Body Chicken.

Thea Hail vs Isla Dawn

This is Isla's NXT debut and she'll have to win this one.

They lock up and Isla kicks her in the back. Isla meteora's her then cobra clutches her. Thea gets some shots in and hits sledgehammer shots. Thea exploders her, shakes the ropes and back splashes her off the bottom rope. Thea goes for something and is pulled down by the hair then Isla slices her out of the dragon sleeper position. Isla then does another slice and wins it.

There wasn't anything wrong with it, but it could have been a better debut. Her finish isn't lethal looking enough and she didn't get a pop for it.

Isla posed after then smoke came out from the ring. Alba fire attacked her and the refs broke it up. Isla misted one of the ref's.

We got a Kiana James segment with her talking to her segment. She said there is nothing like the smell of strategy and said the Iron Survivor Challenge was all about strategy. She talked to her about setting up some stuff for a party and said she will turn the Iron Survivor Challenge into championship gold. She then got a call and said she wasn't available due to NXT Deadline being this Saturday.

We got a promo with Lyra Valkyria with her running around the forest. She said this is her home now nad next week she descends on NXT.

Edris Enofe and Malik Blade vs Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen

Enofe hits shot combos on Jensen early then Jensen takes a double team sequence that ends in a lariat. Blade hits a nice dropkick on Jensen then Jensen swinging facebusters blade. B&J slide out and punch Blade and we see Kiana James' assistant putting a letter in Jensen's jacket. Enofe gets in and hits lariats and a dropkick on Jensen then Blade moonsaults off the 2nd buckle connector on Briggs. Enofe hits a top rope elbow on Jensen for 2.

Von Wagner attacks Odyssey Jones outside and they fight then Jensen spinning heel kicks Enofe. Enofe takes a leg sweep + lariat combo and is pinned. They shake hands and such after.

This was short and not bad at all, especially for being a tough face vs face match.

Roxanne Perez says she's been dreaming but it's time to face reality. She said she wants another shot at Mandy Rose and needs to win the Iron Survivor Challenge to do it. She said she doesn't know how to prepare for the match since it hasn't happened before. She said the only person who can stop her is her as she looks into the mirror.

Briggs and Jensen met up with Fallon Henley. Fallon said she would kick Wendy and Indi in the teeth. Jensen opened the envelope and said he was invited to Deadline by Kiana James.

Iron Survivor Challenge Qualifier - Fallon Henley vs Indi Hartwell vs Wendy Choo

Indi slams both opponents then took a doube boot. Wendy side headlock takedowns Fallon then Indi rolls her up. We see Toxic Attraction watching the match on TV then Indi rolls up both at the same time and lariats both. Fallon and Wendy trade shots and Indi is knocked off the apron. Wendy running facekicks Fallon then misses a sleeping elbow.

Fallon does a combo headscissors + side headlock takedown then Indi boots Fallon on the floor. We go to PiP break and return. Wendy goes up top and ends up hanging in the tree of woe while Indi kicks her. Fallon messes up a kick on Indi then elbows Indi and Wendy in the corner. She spinning facebusters Indi for 2. Wendy an Fallon trade slaps then forearms then Indi punches both. Indi facekicks Fallon over the middle rope then Wendy overhead belly to belly suplexes Fallon.

Wendy cartwheel splashes Indi in the corner then is spinebustered for 2. We have a tower of doom type of spot with Fallon taking a hard suplex landing. Wendy is kicked by Indi then Fallon crucifixes Indi. Indi goes over the top then Wendy hits a near brainbuster on Fallon. Wendy does a top rope inverted splash on Fallon then Indi diving foreams Fallon from behind and wins it.

It was a typical three way with a couple of three person spots, a fast pace and not too much else. It was better than I expected, but it did have the usual diva's slop.

Toxic Attraction talk in the lounge. They don't know who will face Mandy and Gigi asks if they are even going. Indi Hartwell walks in and says Saturday is her day. She said she will take the title from Mandy and said when the clock runs down in the match, it runs down her title reign as well. 

The Grayson Waller Effect with Axiom, Joe Gacy, JD McDonagh and Carmelo Hayes

Waller says it'll be an honor to be with them in the ring at the PPV. Waller runs down all the competitors and calls JD, "The Irish Garden Gnome" and says we should call Hayes, "a loser". They take a question from the chat. Melo talks about being the A-Champ and how he doesn't lose, then JD mentions how he lost his N-A title twice. Melo says this match is his and JD says Melo has been protected from the start by the company. Waller calls Gacy, "Joseph". Gacy says individuals are selfish and says people will trample over each other to get what they want. Gacy says he will be able to see the field at Deadline and act accordingly. Axiom says the match will be a challenge and says it will bring out the best in all of them. Melo calls Axiom a nerd. They argue over whethers it's better to enter first or last since if you enter early, you get more time to get pins, but if you enter last, you get to fight weaker opponents. JD says he will put Axiom in the hospital. Gacy says he wants the fourth spot in the match so he can take advantage of the tired wrestlers. Melo says everyone doesn't want this like he does and Waller gets mad and interrupts them all. Waller says he is the favorite then JD headbutts him. Everyone starts fighting and Axiom topes Melo. Gacy lariats someone over the top then Waller tope con hilos everyone. They fight more and it is broken up to end the show. 

Overall thoughts: I thought it was a good show with a lot going on. I don't think they did very well to hype up the PPV though. The Creed Brothers match is seemingly off, Pretty Deadly got last minute opponents and the Crews/Bron feud has been an unorthodox feud that didn't really click.

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