Wednesday, November 30, 2022

AEW Dynamite 11/30/2022

AEW Dynamite 11/30/2022

Last week's show is here:

Jon Moxley came out to talk. He said there are three certainties - death, taxes and Jon Moxley. He said there is no one who can outfight or outbleed him. He said the AEW ring belongs to him. Adam Page then came out. Mox asked him if he was sure he wanted to do this and said he didn't remember last time. Page then hit him and they brawled outside. Security came out and stopped it then Mox fell off the ramp accidentally as they fought. This was a nice little segment.

Bryan Danielson vs Dax Harwood

They mat wrestle early and Bryan hits an upkick while Dax tries to sharpshooter him. Dax then hits a hard head stomp while Bryan is down. Bryan hits chops and kicks in the corner and Dax 2nd rope twisting crossbodies him. Dax goes over the top and then is toped into the front row. We go to PiP break and Dax suplexes Bryan in the aisle way in the crowd. Dax hits triple germans as return from break.

Dax hits a stiff piledriver for 2 then misses a top rope headbutt. Bryan knees him off the apron and hits chops outside. They sit up top and Bryan hits elbows then tries for a top rope backdrop but is reversed. Bryan hits headbutts then takes short arm lariats. Bryan hits lariats and they lariat each other. They hit more lariats then do it at the same time again. Dax gets his slingshot powerbomb turned into a hurricanrana. Bryan flips out of a release german then takes a slingshot ligerbomb for 2. They trade pin attempts then Bryan taps him out with the Lebell lock.

They tried for a classic here and I didn't really see it. It was a cold match without much of a story going in or consequences going out. They were stiff and did try a serious match though and it was okay.

Ricky Starks is interviewed. They mention the Dynamite Diamond Battle Royale which is next week and Starks says he will be in it. Starks says he will win it.

We go to the back and Page fights with Mox on his way out of the building. Mox goes into the roll-up door and security breaks it up again.

The JAS, Claudio and Yuta are interviewed. Menard says Claudio could be a yodeler. CC says he will silence doubters against Jericho and then Hager says he loves his hat. Hager throws CC a hat and says he is a sports entertainer too. CC says he is sick of all of this then speaks in German. The JAS challenge Yuta and Yuta says he is tired and done with the JAS. Yuta agrees to a match with him and CC against the JAS and tells Garcia to put the Pure Title on the line against him at Final Battle.

AEW TNT Title - Samoa Joe (c) vs AR Fox

Fox was signed after the trios match a few weeks ago, because AEW signs everyone. He will get this match and maybe one more before becoming a permanent Dark fixture.

Joe hits a flurry of punches in the corner. Joe goes out and Fox flips over the top then just rolls through on the landing. Fox pump kicks Joe. Joe does a nice leg sweep and sentons him. We go to break and return then Joe sideslams him. Fox hits a short cutter then a 450. Joe takes back control and hits a stiff pounce then a muscle buster. Joe then gets the win.

Fox got some show off spots here but it was pretty clear he had no shot here. It was mostly just an extended squash.

Joe gets on the mic after and welcomes us to a new and glorious era. He says he is the one true kind of television. Wardlow gets on the tron and says he's coming for what's his. He says this is Wardlow's World.

We get a clip of Powerhouse Hobbs walking the streets. We see him walking by a dice game and said he will let all of us feel the pain, the hurt and the happiness.

We see Tazz narrating clips of Hook choking out Lee Moriarty.

William Regal brings out MJF to talk in the ring. He said Regal sent MJF an email after The Firm attacked him. Regal said MJF has grown weak in it and says MJF can become the greatest villain of all time. He says he has much to learn and he's willing to help him get the title. He says MJF needs to grab the brass ring, not the Dynamite ring. MJF said they met behind closed doors many times after this.

MJF said he kind of respects The Firm. He said they saw him as weak and pounced on it. He said the AEW title needs an upgrade as it is tacky and reminds him of the former title holders, who aren't on his level. He says this version of the title is garbage then throws it out of the ring. Regal unveils a new title with his brown scarf colors on the leather. He calls it the Triple B - Big Burbury Belt.

MJF then says Eddie Kingston will never be champ. He calls Ricky Starks a fake tough guy and a fake star. He calls Bryan Danielson a fake wrestler and says he couldn't wrestle his way out of a paper bag. MJF says some people can't be helped and says he will be champ for a long time - until the bidding war of 2024. He says he will use his title to get a big contract. He mentions Nick Khan and Triple H.

He rips the fans who cheer him and says he will defend the title rarely and wrestle rarely. He says he is a special attraction. He then makes a real off color and nasty line about Bruno Sammartino. He grabs Regal's brass knucks then hits him in the back of the head with it, knocking him out. MJF then quoted some line from a letter Regal wrote to him that we never saw about WWE signing only top class talents. There was some good stuff here, but also a lot of the usual MJF stuff and I found the Bruno line very offensive. The segment also went on too long. The Regal thing made sense in some ways, but also not others as it is dumb to have Regal get turned on after turning on Moxley. They also didn't really explain the turn on Mox or what's happening with the BCC.

Bryan Danielson then came out to check on Regal. Regal is then put in a neck brace and stretchered off. Regal is then put in an ambulance.

Ricky Starks vs Ari Daivari

Stokeley Hathaway, Matt Hardy and Ethan Page then come out. Stokeley talks on the mic and Hardy does his delete taunt. Stokeley says they are trying to highlight Page and tell him to go to the back. Page tells Hardy that he will help him win the Dynamite Battle Royale. Page says he will win it next week then beat MJF and win the title too.

Ari blindsides Starks then takes a spear. Starks then hits the roshambo and wins in seconds.

Britt Baker, Jamie Hayter and Rebel are interviewed. Britt and Jamie tell Tony that they want a sit down interview with him next week and tell Saray to stay home.

Anna Jay vs Willow Nightingale

Anna evades Willow early then is shouldered over. willow hits short arm lariats then is backdropped. Willow crossbodies her low for 2. Willow hits hip attacks in the corner then takes a spin kick to the back. Anna blockbusters her off the 2nd rope and we go to PiP break.

We return with Willow hitting forearms. They trade forearms and Willow hits some corner attacks. Willow spinebusters her. Anna hits a hook kick then does a gori special for 2. Anna jumps on her back for a sleeper and Willow drops back. Tay gets on the apron and is knocked off then Anna rolls up Willow for 2. Willow spinning lariats her and hits a doctor bomb for the win.

Willow winning here was an upset. It wasn't anything too special as a match and was okay enough.

Ruby Soho then returns and comes out after. She pops up behind Tay Melo then takes her down and pounds on her. She knocks Anna off the apron Ruby headbutts her on the ramp then hits a bladerunner on the ramp.

We see clips of the House of Black beating up Best Friends and security.

QT Marshall and Orange Cassidy are interviewed. QT says he wants a shot at OC's All-Atlantic title. OC immediately says yes then QT asks for a lumberjack match. OC then says OK again and QT seems bothered by it.

They have a celebration for Jade Cargill. She comes out in a bikini with money designs on it. She said she made The Baddies and says she decides who goes. Jade said she is mad that her Baddies were hanging out with the member they kicked out. Jade says they need to get in line or step. Jade says they and the company are eating off of her. Jade said she puts butts in seats. She rips Bow Wow then Bow Wow appears on the tron. Bow Wow says he is about money and says he will see her real soon.

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn do a promo. They say they have no match on Dynamite because no one wants to fight them. They say they give a title shot to the best tag team in AEW, then Billy tells them how can that be since they are the best? They then says they will give a title shot to the 2nd best tag team though they never say who that is.
AEW Trios Title - Best of 7 Series, Match 3 - Death Triangle vs The Elite

Death Triangle are attacked on the ramp. Penta takes a back body drop on the ramp and Fenix is hurricanrana'd on it. Pac has a protective mask on and is rammed into the entrance tunnel. Pac is then held and Kenny runs the ramp at him but is cuttered. Fenix and Penta then roll on the ramp and hit cutters.

We go to PiP break and return. The match still hasn't officially started yet and there was a moonsault and a dive off the ramp during the break. The match finally starts then Pac and Fenix are powerbombed on the apron. Penta beats up on The Elite and Matt accidentally dropkicks the ref through the ropes. Penta gets a hammer and tope conhilos the Elite.

Fenix takes Penta's hammer then Penta takes it back and shoves him. Fenix grabs his arm and takes a v-trigger then Penta takes a double superkick. Penta takes a snap dragon suplex, a powerbomb and a v-trigger for 2. The Elite all take superkicks then we get a triple dive off the post. Penta package piledrivers Kenny for 2. We get a bunch of superkicks then Matt double northern lights suplexes the Lucha Bros.

Pac and Kenny fight up top then Pac top rope falcon arrows him for 2. We go to another PiP break and return. Pac takes a jumping knee then hits a rebound german then is lariated. Fenix takes a usperkick then a corkscrew kick. Nick cutters Fenix out of the wheelbarrow position. Fenix goes for a double crossbody but is caught then he the more bang for your buck sequence. The bucks take superkicks and Fenix cutters Omega. Matt takes a double stomp + package piledriver combo then Fenix and Penta do dives to the outside on The Elite. Pac hits a brainbuster on a Buck and Matt gets his knees up on Pac's black arrow corkscrew SSP. Pac then is pinned off of it.

It was the match you would expect with these guys and I wasn't a big fan of it. Just lots of flips, big moves and kickouts with the added addition of ramp dives during the PiP break.

Kenny gets on the mic after. He says there would never be a sweep with him around and says goodbye and goodnight to everyone.

Overall thoughts:
Just not my kind of show. The card didn't look too good and it was a pretty cold card without a lot of storylines or programs being featured. This show was mostly all wrestling with little happening storyline wise.

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