Wednesday, December 21, 2022

WWE NXT Level Up 12/16/2022

WWE NXT Level Up 12/16/2022

Last week's show is here:

The Dyad vs Bronco Nima and Lucien Price

Price and Nima are wearing leather jackets and are treated as an official team here.

Nima shoulders over Jagger and lifts him up with one arm. Jagger climbs his back with a headlock and Rip gets some free shots in. Nima suplexes Rip then Rip takes a double shoulder. Nima running knees Rip in the chest then is superkicked in the gut and knee'd by Price. Ava Raine pulls Price's leg then Rip gets a cheapshot in. Price is pounded on then held by the legs while Jagger punches him.

Ava slaps Price. Price is held in the corner but pushes Rip into Jagger and Nima gets the hot tag in. Nima pushes rip over the top then spinning sideslams Jagger. Nima drops an arm on Jagger and Price tags himself in. Jagger is popped up into a knee for 2 then Price is pushed into the post. Nima takes a double codebreaker and Dyad win it.

Nothing wrong with this. Just a short one here with the heels and faces getting in a little in before the finish.

Xyon Quinn and Javier Bernal are interviewed. They have Chase and Duke tonight. JB interrupts Xyon as he starts talking and says he is a viral sensation. JB says they are alike and Xyon is confused by this. Xyon said they will get the win and show Chase U what they are all about. JB says he has the x, y and z factor and asks Xyon if he has a big body. Xyon then says of course, he's twice as big as him.
Ivy Nile vs Lash Legend

We aren't seeing a lot of Lash these days. Lash hits a back elbow early then Ivy mounts and pounds her. Lash misses a splash and then Ivy headlock takeovers her. Ivy hits a headscissors on her then takes a pump kick for 2. Lash double underhook suplexes Ivy then tries to pull her outside. Ivy hits her on the apron then bangs her face off the apron.

Lash lariats her then kneels on her back and pulls her neck. Lash misses a pump kick and is kicked on the ropes. Ivy high kicks her then flying kicks her. Ivy is caught and swung into a backbreaker. Lash reverses a slam into her diamond chain lock and wins it.

This really wasn't anything special, but I liked Ivy's face comeback.

Chase U (Andre Chase and Duke Hudson) vs Javier Bernal and Xyon Quinn

Duke is pulled down by the head by Xyon then Duke pulls Xyon down by the hair and gets yelled at by Chase. Chase says they don't cheat at Chase U. Xyon pulls on his arm and is armdragged then Chase tells Duke that's a teachable moment.

JB is tagged in, looks ready to go then tags Xyon back in. Xyon tags him back in then drops down so JB can't tag him. Duke shoulders JB over then JB is tripped into an elbow. Chase goes up the buckles and drops down to try a pin on JB  then Chase hiptosses JB. Chase russian leg sweeps JB and does the C-H-A-S-E-U stomps. Duke and Xyon argue outside and Chase tells him to go back to the corner. JB then uses the distraction to pull down Chase by the hair.

Xyon hits a nice punch combo on Chase in the corner then backbreakers and splashes him. Chase takes a double back elbow for 2 and takes a knee to the gut, bulldog and lariat from JB. JB pretends to tag Xyon put pulls his hand back to mock him. Xyon tags himself in then JB does it to him. Chase enzugiri's JB and makes a nice hot tag to Duke. Duke beats up everyone then sideslams JB. Xyon takes a big belly to belly and Duke hits his Chase U punch combo for 2. Xyon is thrown over the top then Duke running facekicks JB. JB is put on Duke's back and Chase hits the fratliner (flipping flatliner) to win it.

This was fantastic. They played up JB and Xyon not getting along to a "T" and they furthered the story of Duke trying to cheat and not being allowed. The character work was excellent here and I loved this.

Overall thoughts: The main was just awesome. It was a true Chase U wrestling lesson in character work and storytelling and I absolutely loved it. The opener was fine and the women's match wasn't anything special. I would definitely go check out the main.

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