Wednesday, December 21, 2022

WWE NXT 12/20/2022

WWE NXT 12/20/2022

Last week's show is here:

Axiom vs Carmelo Hayes

They did a lot of good chain and technical wrestling here at a fast pace. I think it did a good job putting over both guys and while the mask might have been a career killer for some, I think it's helping out Axiom at this stage. It got a little silly near the end where they were holding hands and walked up to the top together to do a hurricanrana spot. Trick then interfered near the finish and cost Axiom the match. Axiom then moonsaulted on Trick after for it. They made it seem like there might be a rematch, and I'd be up for that.

Grayson Waller was interviewed. He said he wanted his title match tonight like Roxanne Perez got hers last week. GW was told Bron wasn't here and GW said the challenge is out there and Bron is a gutless coward if he doesn't come.

Tony D is with Stacks. He said he got a North American title match next week and said Wes Lee agreed to it. Tony told Stacks he's gonna tell Dijak to stay out of their business right now and Stacks seemed hesitant. Grayson Waller then went up to them and asked if thye saw Bron Breakker. GW asked Tony to tell him if he showed up and called him Don.

Nikkita Lyons vs Zoey Stark

Zoey tried to clip her coming out but Lyons avoided it. Lyon crescent kicked her and hit some forearms. She hit a bunch of punches in the corner and was throne into the post outside. Zoey choked her with her leg over the ropes and they traded chops. Zoey chinlocked her and got leg swept then took lariats. Zoey took a german then Lyons hip attacked her and kicked her for 2.

Zoey superkicked her in the corner and then hit a nice dropkick. Zoey missed a springboard then took a big forearm and a samoan drop for 2. Lyons hit another superkick, got reversed on a roll-up and Zoey grabbed the pin by holding the ropes.

It had some good aggression here but also had the usual women's sloppiness at times. I thought it was a decent match.
Cora Jade was interviewed. Wendy Choo jumped her and they had to be broken up.

We went to Fallon Henley's bar. Bills are mounting up and she needs money. Briggs and Jensen said they are going to have watch parties to drum up business thenb Kiana James and her assistant came in. Kiana was told she wasn't welcome then she said she took care of Fallon's money issues. Kiana said the bar owns tons of money and the bank put a lean on the bar. Fallon called her a b*tch and challenged her to a match next week where the lean gets taken off. Kiana didn't get why she would do this then was told she would get the bar if she beats Fallon next week.

WWE NXT Women's Tag Titles - Katana Chance and Kayden Carter vs Diamond Mine (Ivy Nile and Tatum Paxley) vs Toxic Attraction

Mandy Rose was fired after losing last week. She took too risque of photos/videos for WWE and they dropped her. I personally think she knew she was pushing her boundaries and didn't care all that much about getting out of WWE because her fansite is making good money, but who knows.

Gigi pounds on Carter to start then Gigi bronco busters her. Jacy then cannonballs her for 2. Ivy rides Jacy on the mat then does her flying corner kick. Jacy takes a double suplex then DM do double kipups off it. Tatum is then corkscrew flipped onto Jacy. Jacy spinning forearms Ivy then Gigi takes a double dropkick. Tatum is knocked off the apron then Carter and Chance jump off the top onto everyone outside. We then went to PiP break.

We returned and Ivy gets out of Gigi's bow and arrow. Gigi sto's her then Carter beats up on T-A. Carter dropkicks Gigi and sentons Jacy at the same time. Tatum gets in and fights with Carter up top then sits on Carter's shoulders for a big hurricanrana off the top. Everyone starts hitting kicks and all 6 girls are down. Ivy takes superkicks then sentons.

Jacy misses a senton in the corner and Ivy corkscrew flips Tatum off the top onto her. Jacy neckbreakers Carter then chance codebreakers Ivy. Chance is pushed off the top onto girls outside and Carter reverses Ivy's dragon sleeper variation for the win.

It was a fast paced match and the girls did a decent job here. These matches are pretty limited matches where you can't do much but spots and this wasn't much different. 

We get an Oro Mensah video of him at a club. He said he may not be there for a long time, but he's there for a good time.

Roxanne Perez was interviewed by Booker T. She said she didn't expect to win the title and talks about putting in the work to get the title. Booker congratulated her and Perez asked him if he had any advice.  Booker says it's all about checks and championships. He said you will always have butterflies and be nervous, but you gotta send the butterflies on the right path. Booker said it's time for her to become a 2x hall of famer. He said it will only get tougher and said let's get it done in a nice segment.

Apollo Crews comes out and congratulates Roxanne Perez. Crews said he was sure he was going to win the NXT title.  He said he was not knocked out of championship contention. He said NXT is back on the road with some obvious piped in music then Carmelo Hayes interrupted.

Melo said he was next in line for the title shot and not him. Melo said he'd have no problem putting him ona jersey in the raptors. Crews put Melo over for looking cool. He was going to say he didn't have the NXT title, but Melo interrupted and said neither does Crews. Crews said no matter how good you think you are, there is always someone better.  Crews said he doesn't have to tell him who he is, he said just to name the time and place and he will show him "I am".

The New Day are in the locker room. Pretty Deadly interrupt with presents. They talked about being #1 contenders if they got everything on the New Day's list. PD said there were some things they couldn't get.

Alba Fyre gets attacked I think by Isla Dawn and someone comes to help her.

We see Odyssey Jones, Enofe and Blade run into Ava Raine in the back. Ava told them to stop trying to fill the void in their lives and realize the feeling they are chasing is temporary. Enofe said he doesn't believe in their Schism BS. Schism then walked in and they said they are living in a false reality and told them to have fun.

Isla Dawn is seeing the trainer after getting stuff in her eyes from Isla Dawn. Grayson Waller walks in looking for Bron and he's not there.

Indi Hartwell vs Elektra Lopez

Indi pushes her into the buckles and spears her then facekicks her for 2. Lopez kicks her in the gut then is hiptossed. Lopez hits more boots and they trade shots outside. Indi has her shoulder thrown into the post then Lopez chinlocks her. They collide with crossbodies in the air. Lopez goes up to the buckles, grabs something then hits Indi with it and wins it.

This was short and nothing special as usual.

Alba Fyre says she is fine and the doc says if her vision is normal and there is no irritation, she is cleared.

Wes Lee is interviewed. He said he refuses to be a reactionary champ and said he will fight Tony D next week. He said he knows he has Dijak next once Tony loses.

Alba Fyre vs Sol Ruca

Isla jumps Alba during her entrance and apparently hits her hand with a bat on the steps but I'm doubtful that happened. People then come out to help Alba.

We go to Chase U and they are giving out gifts. Chase has a line of people giving him gifts. He gets a fruitcake, says he's allergic and yells at Scott. Other people have the same gift for him then walk away. Duke tells someone he is having scholarship issues and offers to hold his gift for him. Duke then gives the gift to Chase and the gift is a plaque that says #1 Professor.

Fallon, Briggs and Jensen are interviewed. Briggs says they are ready to rock and says they are going balls to the wall. Jensen says it's the biggest match of their lives and says 2023 will be their lives. Kiana James and her secretary then walk in. Kiana said she came for Jensen, not her and Jensen dropped what he was carrying. Kianna told McKenzie that she is all business, but still a woman.

We see Drew Gulak working with someone in the ring. Drew flips him over then Hank Walker walks up to him. Hank says he knows he isn't Charlie Dempsey and asks for some advice. He said he knows he has a lot to prove and Drew invites him to a seminar next week.

WWE NXT Tag Titles - The New Day vs Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen

Kofi is thrown off by Jensen to start. Jensen misses punches and is slapped in the back. Kofi does some leapfrogs and is caught then powerslammed. Woods is caught on a crossbody then forearms Jensen. Kofi shotgun dropkicks Jensen then the New Day take stereo atomic drops and punches on the outside. Kiana and her assistant are seen watching from ringside.

We go to PiP break and return. Jensen gets thrown out of a chinlock from Woods and Woods hits an enzugiri. Kofi gets the hot tag in and hits a springboard chop. Kofi dropkicks him then Kofi runs up the buckles and twisting crossbodies Jensen. Kofi jumping leg drops Jensen and hits an SOS. Kofi hurricanrana's out of a powerbomb then Briggs jumps off the apron onto Woods. Kofi topes Briggs but is caught then thrown into the ropes for a rebound lariat. Woods then gets one as well. Kofi is popped up into an atomic drop and facekicked for 2.

Jensen takes a running forearm from Kofi then Briggs hits a huge top rope moonsault on Kofi for 2. Jensen is pushed off the top into the table, Kofi hits a poisonrana on Briggs then corkscrew kicks him. Kofi tope con hilos Jensen then Woods hits a top rope elbow for the win.

The match could have gone longer but Briggs and Jensen did really well here. This was a fun match and I liked this far more than I had expected I would. Briggs and Jensen continue to show up for these big matches when they get them. The crowd chanted, "that was awesome" after and they shook hands.

Stacks is giving warnings to Dijak's door and then heads into his locker room saying he got this. Waller is looking around for Bron and said he is heading to the ring.

Diamond Mine is walking outside. The camera man said it was a tough loss and asked if they are still together as a team. The Creed's said they busted their butts in the ring then Sanga and Veer appeared. They asked if The Creed's are cleared and Julius said he is. Sanga and Veer said they can't be trusted and he needs to show them. Creed said he faces JD McDonagh next week then they are out of excuses. It was kind of lame of Creed not to tell them he's cleared since they had been patiently waiting.

Grayson Waller came out. He said he wanted his title shot now then said he forgot that Bron was a coward. Waller bragged about himself. He talked more trash then we cut ot the parking lot with Bron arriving. Waller said he wasn't scared of him and said let's go. Bron quickly speared him but then was knocked out. Waller took off his jacket and revealed a bullet proof vest with a weak looking cookie sheet underneath. Waller then said he outsmarted him and said he would do it at New Years Evil as well when he becomes NXT champ.

Overall thoughts:  Bron going down to a cookie sheet was weak, but it was a good episode of NXT with a lot of decent wrestling.

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