Wednesday, December 7, 2022

AEW Rampage 12/2/2022

AEW Rampage 12/2/2022

Last week's show is here:

Really sorry for being late with this. The show is on too late on a weekday while Level Up is on and it's not particularly a show I love.

Darby Allin vs Cole Karter

Cole dressed up as Sting a month ago and attacked Darby leading to this.

Nick Comroto is in the ring and Darby beats him up with a baseball bat. Darby then topes Cole after dropping the bar. Cole has his hand smacked off the steps. Darby hits dropkicks on him in the corner. He then goes up top and is pushed and crotched on the top rope. Cole then powerbombs Darby on the apron.

Darby is sent hard into the buckles then is bucklebombed. Cole standing dropkicks him then throws him into the steps. Cole suplexes him inside and we go to PiP break. Cole misses a corner splash as return and jumping knees Darby. Darby chop blocks him and kicks him in the back of the knee. Cole then forearms him. Darby makes a comeback with a code red for 2.

Darby gets crotched on the top buckle then is top rope falcon arrow'd for 2. Cole misses a 450 then Darby hammerlock scorpion deathdrops him. Darby hits a top rope coffin drop for the win.

They did way too much here but they matched up okay otherwise. Cole's been signed by both major companies at this point and he does have a good look and some ability in the ring. He's not the worst signing AEW has ever done.

Keith Lee is interviewed. He said him and Swerve have an ongoing negotiation. Shane Taylor of former ROH fame come sin. Shane asks him about him leaving his family. Shane said he became the best ROH TV champ of all time. He then says they have business to settle and it should be settled at ROH Final Battle. He says they should day Shane Taylor and JD Griffey vs Keith Lee and Swerve Strickland. Swerve then walks in behind Lee grinning. Lee asks if he can even count on him.

This was a dumb segment. Nobody who watches AEW would know who Shane or JD are and I'm not even sure if I do. Swerve and Lee just broke up, so why would Keith be able to rely on Swerve and why would he even care?

Jose and Rush said months of planning finally came to and 10 joined them. John Silver and Alex Reynolds said they were shocked. Alex said they will go face to face with 10 someday and he made the biggest mistake of his life. Rush then says something in spanish with 10 there.

The Acclaimed come out with Billy Gunn. They talk about Lethal and Jarrett intrrupting thier scissoring. Bowens said it means they either want a shot or they are jealous that everyone likes The Acclaimed. Bowens says the fans want them to fight the best then The Gunn's come out. They claim to be the best tag team in the world then Jarrett and crew come out. Dutt says he doesn't see that but "a couple of @ss boys". Dutt says they will prove they are the best team when they beat Private Party next.  Billy said they want the best then FTR come out. FTR shake hands with The Acclaimed and that ends this segment.

I wasn't a fan of this one. It buried Jarrett/Lethal and The Gunn's and them look like goofs.

Shida does a promo on The Bunny. The Bunny said she rehabbed her neck for the last 6 months and saw people get chances she thought she deserved. Shida said their next match would be for the Regina di Wave Title, which nobody really knows and hasn't been treated as meaningful.
Private Party vs Jay Lethal and Jeff Jarrett

Dutt was funny mocking Private Party's dance here. I like Private Party and don't really understand why they have not done jack for 3 years.

Kassidy armdrags Jay. JJ takes a hiptoss then decks Kassidy. Kassidy jumps off of Quen's back for a splash on Jarrett then Quen dropkicks JJ. Kassidy top rope double stomps JJ's arm then does his strut.

We go to break and return. Kass release northern lights suplexes Jay then stunners JJ. Quen springboard crossbodies Jay then is popped up into a dropkick. Quen then topes JJ. PP does the silly string then Quen tornado ddt's Jay. Quen misses a 450. He rolls up Jay but the ref isn't looking. JJ knees him and Quen takes a stroke + lethal injection combo for the JJ + Lethal win.

I liked the combo finisher at the end. That's just such a bizarre pairing of moves that you would never think would work together but somehow do. I thought PP did good here as the faces and while this was short, I did like it.

Saraya is interviewed. She was excited and nervous about her AEW debut and talked about her brother. She said Full Gear was a special moment for her because they had 3 women's matches and talked about going head to head with Britt and Hayter soon.

Athena vs Dani Mo

Athena decks her by surprise to start then does two suplexes into a neckbreaker. She picks her up on the pin and Athena gets up in the ref's face. Dani goes for the pin and Athena shrugs off her high kick. She then knocks her down with a forearm and pounds on her. Dani is sat on the 2nd rope then footpressed down. Athena puts her on her shoulders and barely hits her finisher she she spins her onto double knees.

Athena picks her up after and does her stupid move where she picks her up from the suplex position and throws her out. She then throws her into the rails and the steps. Athena then meteora's her into the steps and threatens to hit a ref.

I've always thought Athena was sloppy and I've never been a fan. I don't think her doing a reckless gimmick is a good idea since it's pretty close to the truth. 

Juice Robinson does a promo. He says he is a 3 time IWGP US Champ. He said he is challenging Samoa Joe at ROH Final Battle and said he needs to prove himself in the US. He said he needs to put the ROH TV Title around his waist. He said Joe may be the king, but king's get dethroned. I'm really not a Juice fan and don't see why they got him, but it was a decent promo.

We get a split screen interview with QT and The Factory vs The Best Friends. QT says he wants his first title opportunity to have no shenanigans, so he made this a lumberjack match. QT ripped them for dressing up like lumberjacks in a match where he says OC loses his title.

Darby Allin is interviewed. He said he has been settling personal scores lately and his goal is to win back the TNT Title. He said he is challenging Samoa Joe and said he will ban Sting from ringside so it's just them. Darby tells Joe he will have to bury him with the TNT title if Joe's gonna kill him. This was a nice promo.

AEW All-Atlantic Title - Lumberjack Match - Orange Cassidy (c) vs QT Marshall

OC does his pockets routine and QT goes out and is thrown in. QT throws OC out then OC does his stupid shin kicking  routine on the lumberjacks. QT goes after him. OC throws him into the rails then tries to crossbody him from the top but is backbreakered twice. Ethan Page and Matt Hardy argue outside and we go to PiP break.

OC gets thrown out and pounded on by the lumberjacks. We return and OC gets some shots in. The Factory gets in the ring and are lariated over the top by Best Friends. The BF's then plancha them. QT does his handspring into an enzugiri then takes a cutter out of the suplex position. QT gets pushed into the buckles then pop up punches him. QT goes for a last ride but is hurricanrana'd then OC does a spinning tornado ddt. QT goes for a piledriver on the apron but is cursed by Danhausen. QT flips him off and OC ends up doing a springboard tope on hilo on everyone. Penelope Ford distracts OC then Kip Sabian pushes OC into a QT cutter. QT gets a 2 off of it. OC hits an orange punch then beach breaks him to win it.

OC does a hard tope on Kip after then they fight up the ramp. Nese and Woods then fight with Private Party and the lights go out. The House of Black show up. They beat up everyone and Black stops Murphy from beating up someone, then Serpentico gets it instead. Nese and Kassidy are thrown into the rails to close the show.

There was a ton of shenanigans going on here. They did keep it moving and I liked some of it, but it also had the usual OC goofing off which is just dumb in a title match. I don't like QT Marshall main eventing this show

Overall thoughts:
I liked the tag match, but it was short. Darby/Karter had some good parts to it, but they did too much. The main would have been a lot better with the goofiness, but that's what OC does. So this was a mixed bag for me.

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