Wednesday, December 28, 2022

AEW Dynamite 12/28/2022

AEW Dynamite 12/28/2022

Last week's show is here:

Bryan Danielson vs Ethan Page

MJF's music hits as the match is about to start. He is up in a box with someone who isn't his wife and said he found the only hot chick in Colorado.

Page jumps Bryan and takes a shoulderblock. Bryan gets slammed then comes back with a flying elbow. They trade chops and Bryan knees him in the gut. Bryan works his knees and stomps on his achilles tendon. Bryan top rope dropkicks him and kips up then Stokeley Hathaway gets on the apron. Bryan knocks his hat off and Page is dorpkicked out. Bryan topes Page and we go to PiP break.

We return with Page in control. Page takes a german and Bryan hits chops and kicks. Bryan top rope hurricanrana's him then kick combso him. Page goes over the top and Bryan dropkicks him through the ropes then jumping knee's him from the apron. Stokeley tries to pull him away and it isn't sold. Bryan is then sent into the steps and pulled into a powerslam on the floor. Page pulls him up for another slam but takes a ddt out of it.

Bryan puts him in the yes lock and they go up top. Page top rope powerslams him thne Bryan hits a flying knee. Bryan hits a reverse curb stomp and wins with the STF.

I didn't like Bryan getting powerslammed on the floor or getting slammed from the top and neither one counting here. Bryan took way too much offense here and it didn't really get sold or matter much at the end.

Samoa Joe did a promo on Wardlow. He said he is a hunter and he studies. He said he took his notes when he teamed with Wardlow to take what he wanted from him. He said Wardlow didn't do his homework.

Wardlow is interviewed, wearing a coat that's too big. He said otnight is about powerful actions then Joe comes in and hits him with a steel pipe in the knee. Joe says there's your action and says he did this to him.

The doc is looking at Adam Page with The Dark Order. Page said there is no update and he's not looking promising. The doc says Page needs to wait at least 2 more weeks but says he may never come back if he keeps getting riled up.

Jon Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli vs Top Flight

TF hits the BCC on thier entrance. Darius dives on Mox and is twisted into the rails then Claudio drops Dante on the rails. Claudio hits euros and stomps on Darius then Claudio hits Karelin's lift on him. Mox claws Darius' back then Darius top rope dropkicks him.

Dante gets the hot tag in and springboard crossbodies Mox. He shotgun dropkicks him then hits a standing moonsault. Mox saito suplexes Dante and then rains elbows on him. Darius clips Mox and we go to PiP break.

We return and Darius is working Mox's foot. Mox hits his release suplex on Darius. Claudio gets in and hits euro uppercuts on Dante then running dropkicks him. Claudio takes a double team ddt from Top Flight. Claudio reverses a double suplex and hits his own. Claudio takes more offense then all 4 guys are down.

Mox takes a double superkick then Claudio takes a doubler superkick. Claudio throws out Dante and he topes Mox then Darius hits a standing spanish fly on Claudio. Darius backslides Claudio then takes a neutralizer for 2. Cesaro rains elbows on Darius and doesn't break when Dante kicks him. Mox lariats Dante then ddt's him on the floor. Darius hits Claudio then is euro'd and pinned.

I wasn't a big fan of this one. Top Flight did htier usual stuff and they just did a lot of kicking out of things. Top Flight losing also doesn't really help them and I don't even know if they have won since Darius returned.

The Best Friends, Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford do a promo. Kip is wearing eyeliner. He said it's about time he beats OC for the All-Atlantic title. Trent said he should get a title shot before him and OC agreed. Kip said he looks forward to seeing it.

Hook vs Baylum Lynx

What a stupid name. Hook does a big hip toss early then does a suplex. Hook then hits crossfaces and wins with the redrum in seconds.

Stokeley came out with Lee and Big Bill. Stoke didn't think he was so bad and said Hook is like the Southwest Airlines of AEW (They left a lot of people stranded and cancelled flights this weekened). Jungle Boy then came out and went after Lee Moriarty then Hook went face to chest with Big Bill. Hook tried to suplex him but couldn't then JB stopped Bill's chokeslam with a 2x4 shot. Bill then ran out after a 2x4 shot attempt.

I don't like Bill running away from these guys and Hook got exposed going up against him. This was a rare double burial.

We see clips of Jericho being beaten by Action Andretti and see Ricky starks turning down the JAS.

Jericho does a promo saying Starks turned down the oppurtunity of a lifetime to join with him. He said he is foolish and small minded. He said Starks doesn't have all the tools to be a star, but he does. He told Action Andretti not to come back and said he would put an end to the Starks experiment in their match together.

Mogul Affiliates do a promo minus Rick Ross. Swerve said Lee had to go and he had to replace him with two people who believe in his leadership. He said we would find out who the tattoo'd guy is soon. Wheeler Yuta walks in and said he thought he couldn't think anything less of him. Swerve asks him what he wants and Yuta asks him to meet him on Rampage if he wants something dirty and violent.

Best of 7 Series, Match 6 - Falls Count anywhere -  The Elite vs Death Triangle

The Elite won as expected. Lots of flips, apron moves, floor moves and weapons shots here. Kenny ended up winning this with a one winged angel off a riser through a table/crash pads on Fenix while Pac had a Buck in the brutalizer. They did too much as usual and I wasn't a big fan of this one. 

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn did a rap video on Jeff Jarrett and friends. They were fooling around at a park with people dressed up as Jeff Jarrett and Black Machismo.

Anna Jay and Tay Melo vs Ruby Soho and Willow Nightingale

Tay escapes Willow and dances and twerks around. Willow throws her down then twerks back at her. Ruby tags herself in and Tay runs and tags out. Willow slams Anna then drops Ruby on her. Willow kicks Anna in the chest then splashes her as she sits down. Anna chokes Willow and we go to PiP break.

We return and Willow takes shots in the corner. Tay back elbows her there and Anna spin kicks her there. Ruby gets the hot tag in and spears Tay then hits forearms. Ruby sto's Anna and kicks Tay for 2. Everyone then gets a move in and all 4 go down. Tay takes a saito suplex from Ruby for 2\ then Ruby takes a hook kick and a ddt from the heels. Anna is speared onto Tay then is suplexed on the floor. Tay and Ruby exchange shots and headbutt each other at the same time.

Willow is sent into the post and Anna grabs a chair. Anna goes to hit Willow with it but the ref pulls it away. Tay then brings in a chair and pump kicks it into Ruby. Tay hit her Tay-KO and wins it.

This wasn't anything too special.

The Gunns are interviewed as they leave. They said they are in party mode and have a reservation in 20 minutes. They said they will address their win over FTR next week and leave. OK. No idea what the point of that was.

Ricky Starks is interviewed about fighting Chris Jericho. He said he is feeling better than Action Andretti and says he will get revenge for him against Jericho. Starks says he is a star that Jericho can control and says Jericho doesn't like that he can think for himself. Starks says he will take Jericho down several notches because he can.

We have new match graphics for next week's Dynamite.

TNT Title - Samoa Joe vs Wardlow

Wardlow's music hits but he doesn't come out. Joe says it looks like Wardlow is suffering from stage fright and he will have to find his own opponent. Wardlow then comes out with people tryin to hold him back and him limping.

Wardlow goes after Joe and hits a bunch of shots then shoulders him over. Joe hits leg kicks then takes a spinebuster. Wardlow hits mounted punches then takes a uranage in the corner. Wardlow hits a big lariat then is dropped on his knees. We go to PiP break and Wardlow is getting worked on by the doc outside.

We come back and Wardlow is trying to get back in then is stomped by Joe. Joe punches the knee and ties it up then Wardlow hits a top ropw swanton. They trade forearms and Joe is german suplexed. Wardlow walks up the buckles and hits a whisper in the wind and takes a hard landing on his foot. Wardlow powerbombs Joe then Joe chopblocks him.  Joe then chokes him out to win it.

This match really wasn't tha great. They spent most of the match working Wardlow's knee, which ultimately went nowhere since Joe won with the choke. Wardlow also stopped selling the knee long before. I don't know why Wardlow lost here and there's no reason for him to be losing at all. Another hoss, another loss because AEW is where the big boys lay.

Joe nails Wardlow with the belt after to make him look like an idiot even more. Joe pushes the ref down then cuts Wardlow's ponytail off.

Darby Allin's music hit after then he hit Joe with a skateboard from behind. This also made Wardlow look bad.

Overall thoughts: Really wasn't a fan of this one. The matches went long and had lots of issues. Big Bill looked like an idiot again and in the main, Wardlow got beat and got his chance to look like an idiot as well. MJF also cheated on his wife on national television, which I guess we are supposed to ignore.

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