Friday, December 16, 2022

AEW Rampage 12/9/2022

AEW Rampage 12/9/2022

Last week's show is here:

Jon Moxley vs Konosuke Takeshita

No intros for either guy. KT legtrips him early and Mox rolls him on the match. They trade shoulders and chops then forearms. KT does a high leg lariat and they do a face off. They trade slaps and Mox hits elbows in the corner then bites him. They trade forearms and KT standing hurricanrana's him. KT then tope con hilos him. Don Callis seen watching KT and the match goes into the crowd. They trade forearms out there as we go to PiP break.

We return and Mox piledrives him for 2. Mox is busted open from a knee on the floor during the break, but he bleeds all the time so I doubt it. KT gets thrown over the top but skins the cat then lariats Mox. KT does his flying clothesline then ddt's Mox on the apron. Kt then slingshots in to a ddt. Mox hits a big lariat then KT knees him and hits a brainbuster for 2.

They go up top and KT is thrown down from it. Mox then takes a spinning forearm then a blue thunder for 2. KT deadlift germans him for 2. His frogsplash gets blocked then Mox rains elbows down on him. Mox hits his deathrider ddt for a one count, because reasons. Mox then jumping knees him for another 2. KT reverse curbstomps Mox then Mox bulldog chokes him and wins it.

They did too much here and kicked out of way too much for a throwaway match with no build. I liked the intensity and Mox was on here, but you just shouldn't be taking piledrivers, ddt's on the apron and deathriders without them counting towards something.

Adam Page comes out after. He says he's not cleared to wrestle because of his brain. He then says he has a good excuse if he isn't thinking straight tonight and he beats up Mox. they fight outside and Claudio/Yuta try to break it up. Page is thrown into the post and Mox is held back. Page is having trouble getting up and they are saying he's disoriented. This was a good segment.

We see Powerhouse Hobbs in the ghetto again. He says this is a life that we want nothing apart of and can't handle.  I always like these segments and this was no exception.

They tell us its the one year anniversary of Hook being on the roster then we go to Stokeley Hathaway. Stoke says the world sucks and atrocities happen everyday. We then see clips from a Hook/Lee Moriarty match where a hold was broken when it shouldn't have been. Stoke then talked to his girlfriend off screen. I don't know what they were going for here but it failed.

Regina di Wave Title - Hikaru Shida (c) vs The Bunny

They do a long lock up then trade forearms. Shida slams her and misses a 2nd rope meteora. Bunny kneelifts her then takes an enzugiri. Bunny headscissor chokes her over the top rope and we go to PiP break. We return and they trade a forearm for a superkick. Shida elbow slices her and Penelope Ford throws a kendo stick in. Shida grabs it and chases her. While the ref takes the stick away, Bunny accidentally superkicks her friend. Shida then meteora's Bunny off the apron. Shida hits a michinoku driver for 2.  Shida does her spinning knee and wins it.

It was short, mostly cut off by the commercial and wasn't anything too special. 

Jamie Hayter comes out after and holds her belt at her from the ramp. We get some clips of Mercedes Martinez's and Athena's history. Athena says she wants to retire Martinez.

Big Bill and Lee Moriarty vs Izzy James and Clayton Bloodstone

Lee facekicks Izzy off the apron to start Clay almost is thrown into Bill but stops himself then is facekicked. Lee ties up Clay's legs then ties up Izzy at the same time. Bill splashes Izzy as soon as he gets in then Clay takes a big boot while straddling the top rope. Izzy comes off the top and is caught with a chokeslam then Lee topes Clay. Bill picks up the win.

Big Bill isn't the worst name ever, but it's always weird when wrestlers change names. Bill is better than this and this was just a squash.

FTR are interviewed about the dog collar match with The Briscoes. FTR says they will finish the legacy with the Briscoes and give them the darndest fight they have ever had.

Ortiz and Eddie Kingston talk about the House of Black. Eddie says he doesn't care when or how, let's go.

Kip Sabian and Best Friends do a split screen promo. He said he isn't cleared to ocmpete, so he picked someone from across the pond. He mentioned thant Danhausen was missing then Dan appeared with Mark Henry and mocked him.

AEW All-Atlantic Title - Orange Cassidy (c) vs Trent Seven

Trent Seven is from WWE NXT UK. I have no idea why he's here. Trent has one of the worst looks in wrestling and if he had ever appeared on WWE TV that aired in the US, it was years ago.

They goof around with Trent's mustache taunt and OC's pockets routine and I already hate this. Trent goes for a running chop and OC high fives him and the ref. Trent slams and legdrops him for 2. Kip Sabian and Best Friends argue outside then Trent chops the post on accident. Bunny gets chased up the ramp and then brings out Butcher and Blade. They fight with Best Friends on the ramp and we go to PiP break.

We return and OC takes a superplex for 2. Trent has his head banged off the buckle then OC gets it. Trent goes to dive on OC but gets Kip Sabian instead. OC then dives on Trent. Oc gets german suplexed then reverses a falcon arrow with a cutter. OC has his ddt blocked and takes an emerald flowsion for 2. Trent short arm lariats him for 2. OC rolls out of a tiger driver and punches Trent. OC then does a ddt. Oc goes up top and takes a punch then a twisting piledriver for 2. OC rolls up Trent, hits a orange punch then does a beach break and wins it.

Kip stomps on OC after and tries to get Trent to work with him. Trent eventually agrees then Dustin Rhodes comes out to help. Dustin powerslams Kip on the floor and hits a strike combo on Trent before hitting a powerslam.

I wasn't a fan of the match. Trent lost on his debut and nobody would know who he is unless they watched NXT UK...and trust me, nobody did. They also did the usual goofy OC comedy stuff in a title match where the result mattered.

Overall thoughts: Mox and Takeshita matched up well but went overboard and the rest wasn't worth watching.

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