Sunday, November 13, 2022

WWE NXT Level Up 11/11/2022

WWE NXT Level Up 11/11/2022

Last week's show is here:

Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson vs Ivy Nile and Tatum Paxley

They said that Ivy was representing Diamond Mine, but didn't say the same for Tatum. I don't know what the deal is with that at this point. They've teamed up a bunch of times over months yet somehow Tatum still isn't a member.

Lahs knees Ivy early and drops an elbow on her. Ivy hits like a jumping chop and then high kicks her. Jakara gets in and is taken down. Ivy suplexes JJ into a standing corkscrew moonsault from Tatum. Tatum leapfrogs, slides under and does a nice leapfrog then she takes like a hair buster. JJ pounds on Tatum on the ropes and Lash axe kicks Tatum's back. Lash then splashes her for 2.

Tatum standing dropkicks Lash and takes a swinging backbreaker. JJ backbreakers Tatum then Tatum enzugiri's her. Ivy hits kicks on Lash then hurricanrana's her. Ivy flying shoulders her then running kicks her. Lash pump kicks her. Lash and JJ run the ropes and run towards Ivy then she does a punch and kick at the same time to fend them off. Tatum crossbodies Lash off the apron to the outside and JJ rolls up Ivy for 2. Ivy puts JJ in the diamond chain lock (dragon sleeper variation) and wins it.

It really wasn't bad. Nothing special or great, but they got the girls in there and there weren't any big screw ups or anything.

Javier Bernal is interviewed and wants to be called Big Body Javi. He wants to know why everyone thinks Jiro is so stylish. He says he only wears fine clothing imported from all over the world. He says he will not only show that he is stronger than him, but beat him harder than he can imagine. He then says, "Javi leave". 

Ikemen Jiro vs Javier Bernal

JB roughs Jiro up in the corner. Jir is shouldered over then kips up. and taunts him with his jacket. Jiro reverses a hiptoss then armdrags him. Jiro goes for a twisting crossbody but gets nothing. Jiro goes for a springboard but takes a forearm. JB then neckbreakers him over the middle rope.

Jiro hits some shots then Javi criss-crosses and bulldogs him. JB sliding lariats him for 2 then Jiro does like half of a dragon screw. Jiro hits jacket punches and hits a tarantula in the corner. Jiro then slingshot legdrops him. JB avoids a shining wizard and rolls him up by the tights to win.

Nothing wrong with it and JB did okay against the more experienced Jiro. Nothing great though.

Odyssey Jones, Edris Enofe and Malik Blade vs Xyon Quinn, Bronco Nima and Lucien Price

This is the first ever 6-man tag on Level Up that I'm aware of.

Nima runs over Enofe with a shoulder early then does a weird punch from behind that looked like it hurt. enofe takes a double back elbow then a double boot. Enofe dropkicks Price then Price is tripped into a boot to the side of the head and a splash. Enofe rolls out of a lariat attempt and gets OJ in there. OJ and Xyon run into each other then we get a 6 man stand off. The heels take shots and go out of the ring.

OJ shoulders Xyon then Xyon takes a double shoulder. Enofe comes off of the bent over OJ and drops on Xyon. Enofe isn't looking then takes a big lariat from Price. Price punch flurries Enofe in the corner. Nima rides Enofe over the 2nd rope and Price gets a cheap shot in.

Enofe takes a lariat into a Xyon splash for 2. Enofe tags in OJ then OJ runs over Price. OJ sideslams Price then Blade dropkicks Nima on the apron. OJ does an interesting spinning belly to belly on Price then Enofe top rope crossbodies Xyon. OJ slams Price then Blade gets on OJ's shoulders and does a splash on Price to win it.

When you have this many people in a match, it needs to go about 15-20 to be worthwhile. This didn't even go 10 minutes. It wasn't that special and OJ had some sloppy moves here.

Overall thoughts: This one wasn't anything special. Bernal/Jiro was okay but not worth seeing and the rest wasn't anything too good.

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