Thursday, November 10, 2022

AEW Dynamite 11/9/2022

AEW Dynamite 11/9/2022

Last week's show is here:

The Gunn Club, Keith Lee and Swerve Strickland vs FTR and The Acclaimed

Billy Gunn comes down and takes down Swerve to start then he is kicked out. BJ Whitmer, the indy vet, sends him to the back.

Colten hits a nice dropkick on Dax early. They trade punches then Austin is catapulted into the buckles. Dax atomic drops Austin then Austin takes chops from everyone. Swerve gets in and beats up Cash. Cash tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him then Swerve does a nice headscissors takedown on Max. Keith gets in and is superkicked. Swerve takes a dangerous back body drop and we get corner punches in all 4 corners. Lee gets double shouldered out.

We go to PiP break and return. Dax backdrops Austin, Colten misses a splash and Bowens gets the hot tag in. Bowens cleans house and jumps over his back and drops the leg. Bowens takes a big rig from The Gunns for 2. We get a 4v4 stand off and everyone brawls. Cash goes over the top with one of his opponents. Bowens is picked up in the powerbomb position then is banged into Max. Bowens takes a sandwich enzugiri + spinning forearm  then Lee helps Swerve up top for a spiral tap to the outside.

Dax superplexes Colten onto everyone from the top to the outside. Austin and Dax go at it then Dax sharpshooters Austin. Bowens hits The Arrival on Colten, then Max mic drops him. Austin takes a big rig and Max picks up the win on Colten.

You really can't go that wrong with 6 and 8 man tags if you get enough time and they got enough time here. We got some dives, double team moves and some interesting spots.  Fun stuff here.

We get a video of MJF doing an interview about his absence. MJF says his match against Mox is the most important match of his career. Max says it could be the crowning of the next generation of pro wrestling. MJF says all he has to do to write his name down in wrestling history is to become champ. He says Mox is a low-life, scumbag with no class. He says Mox wasn't born to be a champ and says he doesn't have an athletic bone in his body. MJF says he was born to be the pro wrestler and says that throne is for the taking. MJF says he is not waiting for the spotlight, he is grabbing it. It was a decent promo.

2.0 does a Draft Kings commercial.

Stokeley Hathaway does a video. He said when he and Max were younger, they wanted the money, fame and clothes. He said he is d!ckriding Mox now and Stokeley says he doesn't need his best friend. He says he will see him in hell.

AEW World Title Eliminator Tournament 1st Round - Ethan Page vs Eddie Kingston

Page hits some shots in the corner then Eddie corner chops him. Page does a 2nd rope flying shoulder then does it off the apron on him. Back in and Eddie butterfly suplexes him then Eddie is whipped hard into the ropes. Page suplexes Eddie on the floor and we go to PiP break.

We return from break and Page is going for a powerbomb. Eddie gets out of it then they trade forearms on their knees. They get up and keep trading then Page is ddt'd. Eddie exploders Page then puts him in the stretch plum. Stokeley gets on the apron for the distraction and Ortiz pulls him off. Page facekicks him and high kicks him. Page goes up top and is bitten.

Eddie gets stuck on the top and takes a top rope razor's edge for the Page win.

I thought they did too much here and the finish really wasn't needed for this one. They matched up a little better than I had expected though.

The Dark Order, Rush and Jose are interviewed. Jose says Rush will win the title tournament and give 10 a title shot after. Jose then says the rest of the D.O. are clowns who will never get a title shot. Rush says he doesn't give second opportunities, so he said think about this closely. Silver calls him a rushbag and that ends the segment.

Ari Daivari is in the ring and offers his butler ofr a shot at the TNT title. Wardlow then comes out.

TNT Title vs Ari's butler - Wardlow vs Ari Daivari

Wardlow kicks and throws the butler out to start. Wardlow hits a big headbutt then Wardlow does a wind-up lariat. Wardlow hits 4 powerbombs and wins it in a total squash.

Wardlow calls out Hobbs. Hobbs comes out and Wardlow says finally he has a suitable opponent for his title. He says Hobbs isn't getting the TNT title and then Wardlow says he is taking every title in this company. Joe then hits Wardlow with the title from behind and chokes him out. Hobbs says he will kick Joe's butt too.

Britt Baker and Saraya talk to Tony Schiavone in the ring. Saraya says she is cleared to wrestle and says AEW is her house. Britt says they aren't clear though. Britt says she built up AEW. She says Saraya left her house and walked into hers. She says they don't take walk-in's so make an appointment. Saraya makes her case and talks about her drug battles and porn videos. Saraya says she is challenging Britt for the title at the PPV then picks her up and ddt's her.

Sonjay Dutt and crew talk to The Factory in the back. Dutt thanks Cole Karter and gives him money. QT takes it and gives Cole a piece of it. QT says half off next time. Best Friends then appear from behind. OC tells Lee not to hit his friends. Trent calls Dutt and crew scumbags. Jay Lethal takes offense and they agree to a match.

Jay Lethal vs Trent Beretta

Jay jumps him during his entrance and works the knee on the ramp. Trent is thrown over the steps. Jay works on him in the ring then Trent release backdrops him. Trent pounds on him on the ropes then Jay kicks the leg, drops it on his knee and dragon screws him. Chuck Taylor and Danhausen come out as we go to PiP break.

We return and Trent half-nelson suplexes him and Lethal goes for a figure four but is put into the buckles. Trent tornado ddt's him then does a top rope half-nelson suplex. Dutt and gets on the apron and argues with Danhausen then Dan runs into Satnam Singh. Dan hits Dutt in the nuts and Singh goes off the apron. Lethal throws Trent up and wins with a lethal injection.

The match was really going well early with the limb work then they lost focus during the end with the top rope moves and the interference.

Lethal, Dutt and Singh are interviewed on the ramp. Dutt takes the mic from Tony Schiavone and brings out Jeff Jarrett. Jeff comes out and says he is here because when a friend called, he showed up. Jeff says he signed Jay to his first contract and put him over for beating Sting and Flair. He says Dutt has an IQ of 181 and they took over promotions all over the globe. JJ says Singh is a legit 7'5 giant and makes the camera man film him down then up. He says he is one in a billion. JJ says they put Darby in a bodybag and will put Sting in one. JJ yells at a crew member on the ramp and goes after him to end the segment.

Renee interviews Jungle Boy. JB says Christian doesn't get to decide whe nthis is over and says last week was just the beginning. JB says he does his business face to face and will make his challenge to them on Rampage.

Jon Moxley comes out with William Regal. He said they met when he was 25 and said he felt he had it all figured out. He talked about how he was wild, didn't listen and thought he knew it all. He said this reminds them of MJF. Mox asks about who MJF is. Mox says MJF calls himself the devil but he's seen people who are and MJF is not that. Mox says everything MJF has done up to this point is easy.

We get a music video on Omega and The Bucks, who are unfortunately returning.

Sammy Guevarra and Bryan Danielson talk about each other through a video. Bryan says Sammy is a symbol of disrespect.

Jamie Hayter vs Skye Blue

Skye brings Toni Storm out with her. Sky pounds on her on the ropes then Jamie slides out. They fight on the floor and Jamie goes headfist into the post. Jamie armdrags her out of the cazadora  then Jamie uranage's her over the knee. Jamie then suplexes her and we go to PiP break.

We return and Skye dropkicks her. Skye kicks Rebel and Britt from the apron then top rope crossbodies her for 2.  Skye does a nice twirl into a code red. Skye rolls her up and gets nailed with a forearm then hits a superkick. Jamie facekicks her and bangs her head off the buckle. Skye goes for a casadora and takes a short arm lariat for the Hayter win.

It was shorter and fast paced. I have no issues with Jamie at all and it wasn't bad.

Jamie gets a cheap shot in on Skye after until Toni stops it.

Brian Cage puts over Dante Martin but says he isn't better than him. Dante says the bigger they are, the harder they fall. He says he will fall to "The Inhuman" Dante Martin. Cage says he isn't a man but a machine.

Lance Archer has Ricky Starks by the hair in the back and bangs his head off the door. 

2/3 Falls - Sammy Guevarra vs Bryan Danielson

1st Fall - Bryan hits chops, headbutts, euros and kicks early. Bryan hits more chops and kicks in the corner, flips over him on the buckles then takes a corkscrew dropkick. Sammy goes for a tope and gets hit then Bryan top rope dropkicks him. Bryan goes for a tope and Tay Melo gets in the way. Sammy throws a chair at Bryan's head right in front of the ref and the ref shockingly gives the fall to Bryan. Wow, actual good reffing.

2nd Fall - Sammy throws Bryan into the table then hits him with a mic multiple times. Sammy sticks the mic in Bryan's bad eye. We go to PiP break and return to Sammy hitting mounted punches. Sammy jumping knees him then hits a GTH to win the fall.

3rd Fall - Sammy hits chops and euros in the corner. Sammy flips off the top and tries to run up the buckles but slips. Sammy is headbutted off the top then Bryan misses a top rope headbutt. Sammy crossfaces him. They trade shots in the corner and Bryan hits headbutts. Sammy twisting springboards and eats a jumping knee. Bryan gets his nose busted open as we go to PiP break.

We return and Tay Melo is ejected. They trade shots on their knees and Bryan's bleeding pretty good now. Bryan suplexes Sammy into the buckles for the tree of woe then kicks him as he hangs. Bryan gets on the buckles and takes a jumping knee, then falls to the floor. Sammy then does a top rope SSP to the floor. Sammy goes for the double springboard blind cutter but Bryan puts him in the Lebell lock.

Bryan takes a jumping knee then Bryan poisonrana's him. Bryan goes for a flying knee but Sammy rolls into a crab on Bryan. Bryan flying knees him. Sammy moonsaults off the top rope into a ddt then Bryan gets his knees up on Sammy's swanton. Bryan puts him in the Lebell lock and Bryan wins it.

There wasn't a great story or anything here and I wouldn't call it a classic, but they had an action filled match and it was decent to good. It went a little longer than it needed to and they definitely shot for an epic match, but I didn't quite see that here. Sammy's moonsault into a ddt off the ropes was nice and Bryan doing a poisonrana was something different.

Overall thoughts: I thought it was a decent show. It was very wrestling heavy like usual. The promotion is dead storyline wise though with nothing really capturing my interest.

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