Tuesday, November 15, 2022

WWE NXT 11/15/2022

WWE NXT 11/15/2022

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2022/11/wwe-nxt-1182022.html

We see Bron and Von heading to the ring.

WWE NXT Title - Bron Breakker vs Von Wagner

I think Von winning here honestly isn't that bad of an idea. He's been doing better on promos and I think some time to do longer matches, feuds and promos would really benefit him. Bron's pretty much already set and I don't know how much it would hurt him since he has lost the title a few times.

It's Von vs Bron here. Von throws Mr. Stone at Bron then Bron throws Stone and is distracted. Von hits shots in the corner then back elbows him. Bron makes a comeback and hits a sweet suplex then frankensteiners him. Von pulls down Bron's arm over the ropes then works on it. Von hammerlock slams him and Bron comes back with a delayed vertical suplex. Bron kips up then hits a hard lariat. Bron does the Rick Steiner barking pose and we go to PiP break.

We return and they mostly worked restholds during the break. Bron has a side headlock on then Von backdrops him. Von throws him into the steps then Bron is chokeslammed on the steps. Von gets a 2 count off of it then Von butterfly suplexes him. Von slams him and throws him into the post. Von hits another backdrop for 2 and we get dueling chants, which is a su
rprise. Von cobra clutches him then Bron hits a nice clothesline off the 2nd buckle.

Bron blocks punches and then hits some flying shoulders. Bron catches Von in the air and spinebusters him, then bulldogs him off the 2nd rope. Von hits an F-U out of nowhere for 2. Von backs the ref up in the corner then pushes Stone off the apron.  Bron goes to gorilla press Von but can't then spears him. Bron then gets the win with the spear.

This was definitely the best thing Von's been involved with in some time and the crowd really helped this long. The arm work wasn't as good as it could have been but it did make some sense here. Bron's offense was explosive and he looked good here. Good stuff.

Alba Fyre does a promo on Mandy Rose. She said she is only here tonight because of Mandy Rose's friends. Se said Mandy doesn't have the numbers anymore and said everything close to her will go up in flames. She said anything goes tonight and she will be the new champ tonight.

We see Zoey Stark arriving.

We see Bron Breakker walking to the back. He's in pain and JD McDonagh walks up to him. JD says congratulations and tells him he will never be through with him.

Zoey Stark comes out. She says her back feels lighter by not having to carry Nikkita Lyons anymore. Zoey says she was out injured then came back and tore through everyone. She said she was called into a meeting for the Women's Tag Titles and was asked to team with Nikkita. She said they were chosen over more established teams and said she knew she would have to do a lot of the heavy lifting. She said she wasn't medically cleared though during it. She then said Nikkita came up to her and said she wasn't mad at her.

She said she carried Nikkita when she came back and asked Nikkita to take a fraction of the work. She said she got endless apologies but not results. She said she tried to help people, but the more she helped, the more time they took up. She said she tried to be part of the solution, but she's now part of the problem. She says screw you to the fans and says they all dream of Nikkita's "assets" every night. She said NXT isn't about the future, but it's about Zoey Stark. She said she is the hunter while all females back there are the prey.

We go to Andre Chase's office. Duke Hudson walks in. Chase asks why he threw the towel in and asks if he wanted to see him lose. Duke said he couldn't bear to see him lose and said Chase knows nothing about quitting. He said if Chase goes down, we all go down and the university goes on the shelf. Duke says he is guilty as charged of caring too much about the university. Thea Hail comes in and says Dule has grown on her.

Veer and Sanga are meditating in the back.

Bron is in the locker room and Apollo Crews comes up to him. Crews says he came back to NXT for the NXT Title and tells Bron to watch what he does. He says when one challenge ends, the next one begins.

Indus Sher (Veer and Sanga) vs George Cannon and ?

George is thrown down early by Sanga then is dropped throat first on the ropes. Sanga full nelson bombs him then George takes a sandwich body block. Veer tags in George's partner and throws him in hard on his shoulder. Veer drives the guy's head into his body then that guy takes a running sandwich bodyblock. Sanga hits one arm slams and Veer hits a nice jumping elbow drop. George is held over the top rope and takes a Sanga facekick. George's partner is splashed in the corner then takes a side slam + 2nd rope elbow for the Veer and Sanga win.

Indus Sher was good here as the hoss heels in this squash. The jobbers did a good job of putting them over.

Veer calls out The Creeds after. Sanga says the NXT Universe respects The Creeds, but not them. Veer said they are celebrities in India, but not appreciated here. Sanga says the only way they can get respect is by destroying The Creed's. This was good.

The Creed's are shown watching in the back. They say if they get hit, they will hit them harder and said no one is stepping on them. Ivy Nile and Tatum Paxley then come in. Ivy says they are over the Damon Kemp hump. Julius says they can't let this go and Brutus says they started it. Ivy says they are after the wrong people. 

Wendy Choo is interviewed. She said Cora Jade is always going to be a salty child. She said Cora is trying to open old wounds and she likes to be fun and not so serious. Wendy says she needs to take a look in the mirror, but she needs to wait until next week when she gives her 2 black eyes.

JD McDonagh vs Apollo Crews

They chain wrestle to start and JD beats up on him in the corner. JD takes a big back body drop and Crews shoulders him over and out. JD is pulled off the apron and dropped onto the commentary table. We go to break and return. JD is on his back with a sleeper on the 2nd rope and Crews drops him back. JD then sleepers him on the mat. JD backdrops him then is back body dropped over the top to the floor. Crews then moonsaults him off the apron.

Crews hits a lariat then splashes him. Crews pump kicks him then hits a double underhook powerbomb and picks him up for a tiger driver. Apollo gets knocked off the buckles and JD takes a neat bump off the buckles. JD kicks him off the apron then asai moonsaults him. JD goes up top and takes a rough top rope olympic slam.

They trade chops and they trade small packages. JD hits a standing spanish fly and reverses a powerbomb into a sunset flip esque move. JD goes for a top rope moonsault but Crews moves then Crews hits a massive one armed spinebuster to win.

I thought they did way too much here and didn't sell enough for it.

Mandy Rose is interviewed. She said she heard what Alba says and needs the entire world to listen. She said she has heard every prediction in the world and says she has heard everything. She said everyone has been predicted to beat her and says she is a one in a billion superstar. She says the title stays with her and she will be the last woman standing.

Javier Bernal does a promo. He says he needs to seize the opportunities and challenges Axiom. McKenzie says he isn't medically cleared. JB then challenges Ilja Dragunov who is also out. JB asks about Gallus, but they are suspended. JB then says McKenzie is part of the problem of holding back the greatest NXT superstar from achieving his potential. There was some definite callbacks to the Bret Hart promo on El Dandy here.

North American Title Contract Signing with Wes Lee and Carmelo Hayes

Melo puts over Booker. They talk about Melo maybe becoming a 3x N-A champ next week. Melo says Wes' limits are where he is just starting from. Melo says it's over for Wes. Trick says it will be Wes' first and last title defense. Wes said he will show the world he is the new standard as the N-A champ and will risk everything to keep the title. Trick talks trash and Wes tells him to shut up. Melo gets mad and they tease that they will fight. Booker says nobody is fighting tonight and says to save the drama for your mama. Melo was good as usual here.

We get a promo with the former T-Barr. He says the truth was never simple and now you either have to give him the truth or have it beaten out of you. He says his environment is a product of him and says hard justice is on its way.

Enofe, Odyssey and Blade are in the back. OJ asks Blade about his sweater vest. Blade said his dad ordered custom clothes and the first thing he ever ordered for his is a sweater vest, but he passed away. He says he wears these to honor him. 

Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen vs The Dyad (Rip Fowler and Jagger Reid)

Schism has near black gear here and they just look like anyone else now. Rip shoulders over Jensen then Jensen hiptosses him. Jensen hits a flying headscissors and a dropkick. Jagger hits punches then takes a bulldog from Jensen. Briggs shoulders over Jagger then Jagger takes a double punch on the ropes. Jensen is tripped by Rip and runs into Ava Raine. Jagger topes Jensen and almost goes head first into the table himself. Jensen goes hard into the table then Briggs gets the hot tag in. Briggs cleans house and shoulders Rip off the apron. Jagger is thrown into the ropes form the outside for a lariat. Rip takes a top rope clothesline then Kiana James goes after Fallon Henley outside. Jensen ends up having Kiana in his arms then Briggs takes a double codebreaker for the Dyad victory.

This was short, fast paced and action packed. Briggs had a nice comeback here.

Shawn Michaels makes an announcement. He says we will have a new match - an Iron Survivor Challenge at NXT Deadl1ne. He says its a 5 man, 25 minute match. New wrestlers enter every 5 minutes and the goal is to have the most falls in 25 minutes. You get a point for winning and if you are pinned, you go into the penalty box. Sounds kind of messy to me and it seems like the people who enter later at a big disadvantage.

Indi Hartwell vs Tatum Paxley

The lights flicker to start. Indi slams Pax and Pax kicks then dropkicks her. Pax is thrown int othe buckles and then blows a flip spot. She is then pushed down. Indi hits euros and Pax is holding her face. Indi chinlocks her. Pax tries to fight back but takes punches. Indi misses a euro and is tripped from the outside. Indi tries to pull her in but Pax headkicks her. Pax neckbreakers her then hits a standing corkscrew moonsault for 2.

Pax has her mask taken off and Indi throws it to Ivy. Indi sliding D's her in the back of the head and wins it.

This wasn't good and it seems like Tatum got hurt again as she held her nose all match. I don't know why they thought this was a good idea considering Indi usually isn't good. I feel bad for Tatum as she doesn't make TV regularly and matches like this won't fix that.

We get another message from Scrypts. He snuck into the Performance Center and says we will see that next week we will learn they aren't the same and implies he will appear next week. 

Indi is in the back and Roxanne Perez goes to congratulate her. Indi says it feels good to get some wins and Perez says she went too far to take off her mask. She says Pax's nose could have been broken and Indi says Pax would have done it to her. They both say they want in on the Iron Survivor match and Indi said she will break more noses if she has to.

NXT Women's Title - Last Man Standing - Mandy Rose vs Alba Fyre

Mandy slides out and tries to hit her getting in but is caught. Alba topes her then Alba is thrown into the apron. Alba throws her into the post and rails. Mandy slams her on a chair on the floor. Mandy goes for a pumping knee but goes into a chair then Alba single leg crabs her with a spike.

We go to PiP break and return to Mandy trying to choke her with the spike. Alba hits lariats then gordbusters her. Alba hits kicks to the chest then tornado ddt's her.  Alba runs up the buckles and flip dives on her. Alba is then thrown into a ladder and the ladder lands on Alba.

Alba does a reverse F-U on Mandy on a trash can. Alba then is back body dropped over the top rope. Alba is thrown over the rail and they fight between the rail and the crowd. Alba is pushed off the rail onto the steps. Mandy jumps off the rail and takes a superkick  then Mandy is banged into the apron. Mandy takes a bat shot then is put on the commentator's table. Alba goes to jump off of it but Isla Dawn of NXT UK comes out and mists her. Isla then pushes her through a table. Alba can't make the count and Mandy wins it.

They did too much here, it was sloppy and looked dangerous. I didn't think they had enough time for what this needed and the match felt rushed. Isla Dawn interfering is one way to get around Alba winning here but I thought Alba needed to win this one. 

Overall thoughts: Von and Bron did a good job and it really elevated Von. The Veer/Sanga squash was good. The women didn't have a great night and JD/Crews was just kind of your usual indy match. It was still a decent show, but I thought it could have been better.

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