Tuesday, November 1, 2022

WWE NXT 11/1/2022

WWE NXT 11/1/2022

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2022/10/wwe-nxt-10252022.html

Bron Breakker comes out to open the show. He talks about Halloween Havoc then Pretty Deadly comes out. They make fun of him with barking sounds. They call him the absolute worst then he does a british accent to them. They say their defense was bigger and they deserve the parade over them. Wes Lee then comes out and tells PD to shut up. Bron says PD spends too much time on their hair and Wes puts their hair over. Bron touches it and says he will let PD have the spotlight. Wes says he will give PD an introduction. They do the intro for PD and PD wants to do a sideplate check.

Bron and Wes say they are bound to be interrupted and Wes says its usually for the titles. PD asks who wants their titles and Wes says its him and Bron. Bron challenges them for the titles and PD accepts. R-Truth comes out, high fives the faces and that's it.

R-Truth vs Grayson Waller

Truth slaps GW then is pounded on. Waller takes a lariat and an atomic drop. Truth headlock takeovers him then GW shoulders him over. Truth trips GW and takes him over. Truth headscissors and hiptosses him. Truth hits him and GW goes out. Truth tope con hilos him but doesn't go far enough and lands hard on the floor.

We go to PiP break and doctors come out to help Truth. The match is thrown out as we return and GW wins it.

This is not a good look when a vet comes down to put you over and gets hurt. It looks like some of it was on Truth.

GW says he just beat a 20 year vet. The crowd chants, "you got lucky" and GW says he gets lucky every night. He says NXT is Gw's town and no one can change it.

The Schism does a taped sitdown interview. Ava Raine says nobody it was her under the mask. She said nobody took time to get to know her until Schism. Ava said she got injured and needed surgery while training and said Gacy called her to check on her. Ava yells at Vic and Gacy says people have always asked Ava for things. Gacy says they accept Ava for who she is. Vic reads a tweet from Grimes that says Schism brainwashed Ava. Ava takes offense to this and says you don't get reject Schism and walk away. Ava says Grimes faces Gacy for the final time next week and they say they are 4 roots, 1 tree.

Javier Bernal is talking in front of HBK's office to Enofe and Blade. He says they aren't championship material. He offers them advice to not waste a meeting with HBK. He tells them to watch Bernal's match instead. Odyssey Jones comes out to HBK's office and says he is fighting him, calling himself, "Big Body O".

We see clips from earlier in the day with Zoey Star kand Nikkita Lyons arguing. Indi asks what the problem is. She tells them to get over it. Indi says she hasn't gotten a title match lately and Zoey says it is because she doesn't deserve one. They argue and have to be broken up.

Andre Chase is hyping up Thea Hai land says she got her a match with Kiana James. Thea is hyped up and asks who will carry the flag since Bodhi is gone. Duke then busts through paper and says he will carry the flag.

Thea Hail vs Kiana James

Bodhi Hayward was fired today, along with Erica Yan, Ru Feng and Sloane Jacobs. They said it was due to backstage issues. I'm not happy about that at all as he had a ton of potential and did great so far. Duke is out there waving the flag.  

Kiana works the arm early and hits a stiff forearm. Kiana armwhips her down and works the arm. Kiana armlocks her and stomps on her. Kiana armlocks her again then is armdragged. Thea hits a nice clothesline and makes a comeback. Thea dropkicks her then does a flipping neckbreaker. Thea 2nd rope crossbodies her but Kiana catches her then Thea rolls her up. Kiana hits a reverse sling blade and Duke puts Thea's leg on the ropes. Andre Chase yells at him for it, saying they have a code of conduct. He says they don't do that here and tells him to leave.

Kiana chokes Thea on the ropes then does another reverse sling blade into a flatliner (called the 401K) and wins it.

It was a little rough at times and definitely not pretty. Duke getting involved was a nice little follow up on the story though.

Chase has Thea after then Charlie Dempsey nails Chase and knocks both down. Dempsey chokes out Chase then Duke Hudson makes the save. Duke helps up Chase then helps up Thea. Duke does a thing with his eyeborws at Thea.

Briggs, Jensen and Fallon Henley are interviewed. They say PD can't run from them for much longer. Kiana James' assistant walks in and gives Fallon an envelope with papers. Fallon asks them to read it and that's it.

Bron congratulates Wes in the back for being N-A champ and Wes thanks him for stepping up. Mr. Stone comes in and says Bron cares more about the tag titles than defending his own title. Stone says Bron knows he can take on anyone but Von Wagner. Stone says Von will take Bron's title. Bron tells Stone to tell Von to come to him face to face next time and threatens to put his head through a locker.

Odyssey Jones vs Javier Bernal

This is Jones' return match after being out for 10 months with an injury.

JB tries to take down OJ but can't. OJ wristlocks him and  slams him. OJ chest clubs him in the corner then rolls onto JB's back and chest. OJ misses a kick in the corner and JB hits shots to OJ's back. JB dropkicks him in the knee then clips him. JB is pushed out then sleepers him. OJ picks him up like a backdrop and throws him then shoulders him over.

OJ back splashes him in the corner and does a nice black hole slam to win it.

This was short. JB looked like he messed the punch spot up during his offensive session but OJ did okay here.

Toxic Attraction is coming to the ring for Mandy Rose's 1 year championship anniversary.

Mandy Rose's 1 Year Anniversary Championship

Jacy puts over Mandy and Gigi says Mandy is untouchable. Jacy calls Mandy the measuring stick. We get a video package on Mandy. We return and Mandy says she was nothing but eye candy to people. She said she needed to bet on herself and that's why she came to NXT. She said Gigi and Jacy helped her get to the top. Mandy said she has given every woman in the division a shot at the title and stepped on all of them. She said it feels good to be champ for a year and said no one will kick her off her thrown. She then says anyone who has a problem should come out and find her. Smoke blows, then Alba Fyre appears. She beats up Toxic Attraction. Jacy takes a nice bum pover a couch then Alba does a gori special on Gigi through a table. Mandy goes out. Alba says she took out Gigi this week, she takes out Jacy next week and in 2 weeks, she takes out Mandy.

Apollo Crews is interviewed. He said he is a matchup problem for anyone, including Bron Breakker. He says he is after the NXT title, but his name hasn't been spoke by Bron once. He accuses Bron of running then Von Wagner comes in. Von says he is a funny dude and says he is a straight up problem, period. Von says Crews likes to look at the future, but he is the future of the NXT title. Von was good here.

We see clips of the Performance Center at night with someone in a hoodie trying to get in. We see a phone call . The caller says NXT feels like home and he will leave his mark. Scrypts then spray paints the building.

Indi Hartwell vs Zoey Stark

They lock up and Zoey is shouldered over then kips up. Indi shoulders her over then Zoey does corner spears. Zoey springboard twisting crossbodies her off the 2nd rope and the lights go out for a second. The announcers mention it so it's clearly planned. Indi is whipped into the buckles a few times then Indi slams Zoey twice. Indi lariats Zoey over the top to the floor.

We go to PiP break and return. Zoey is in control. Zoey baseball slides her then does a cool sitout corkscrew flip on the top rope onto Indi. She stomps her in the corner. Zoey gets real rough with her and bangs her head off the commentator's table. Nikkita tries to talk her out of doing more. Inid is rolled in, gets a facekick in then does a sliding elbow to the back of her neck and wins it. The two talk more after as Nikkita tries to talk sense into her.

This ending was pretty much all angle here with them having Zoey flip out on Indi and Nikkita helping Zoey lose the match. Zoey's rope flip was pretty cool.

We get another T-Barr promo. He says his eyes aren't shielded anymore and his business is not yet finished. He says a new order of high justice is in NXT and says it's about his authority.

Sanga is talked to Feroz and Wendy Choo is in the back. Sanga doesn't seem to want to be in Feroz's corner and says he cannot be in there. Veer walks in and says they take your kindness for weakness. Veer asks if they honored him and he says this is why he is here. Wendy is seen watching on.

Zoey and Nikkita talk in the back. Zoey says she is sorry and says her head is in the game. Chance and Carter walk in. They say they have no momentum going on and they (Zoey/Nikkita) won't beat them next week.

We get an ad for NXT Deadl1ne.

Valentina Feroz vs Cora Jade

Cora pushes her and Feroz chokes her on the ropes. Cora STO's her then Feroz hits armdrags. Feroz rolls and meteora's her. They fight outside and Cora has her head banged off the apron. Cora hits lariats and Feroz misses a crossbody off the buckles. Cora sentons and ddt's her to win it.

This wasn't anything special.

Cora threatens her with a kendo stick then Wendy Choo comes out. Wendy gets hit with the stick and double backfists her. Wendy then chases her off with the stick. 

Stacks and Tony D talk in the back. Tony said he loved seeing him pressuring a merchandise salesman into selling more merch. Stacks says he will beat Hank Walker easy next week. Elektra Lopez walks in and Tony said she is finally on her own, huh? Lopez says she is more dangerous now than before on her own. Stacks doesn't buy it but Tony does.

WWE NXT Tag Titles - Pretty Deadly (c) vs Wes Lee and Bron Breakker

I'm not a big fan of makeshift teams and teams getting shots out of nowhere.

Kit wristlocks Wes early and is reversed. Wes flips out of a legsweep attempt then armdrags Elton. Bron standing moonsaults on Elton and Elton takes a high back body drop. Bron runs over Elton with a forearm then Wes gets popped up and drops down via Elton. Bron and Wes hit stereo hurricanrana's and send PD out as we go to PiP break.

We return and Wes slingshot flips into a hurricanrana on Elton. Wes is popped up and dropkicks out of it. Kit flying back elbows Wes then Elton slams Wes. Elton misses elbows on Wes and Wes avoids PD attacks outside. Wes makes the hot tag in to Bron. Bron shoulders and spinebusters Kit. Bron lariats and 2nd rope bulldogs Elton.

Bron suplexes both PD members then rocket launches Wes off the top onto PD. Carmelo Hayes comes down and pushes Wes off the top then Wes is pinned. I have no idea how the ref did not see that.

Wes tope con hilo's Hayes after then pounds on him to the back. Von Wagner then facekicks Bron as he holds up the title. We see Crews watching on the monitor in the back then we see JD McDonagh do the same. JD says it'll be tough for Crews to have his vision of being champ with a detached retina.

Bron looked good here as usual. I think they messed up the 2v1 spot and I don't know how the ref didn't see the interference.

Overall thoughts: They are starting to build up programs here so we had a lot of interference and dirty finishes to make that happen. It wasn't a great show due to that and the main was thrown together out of nowhere.

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