Thursday, November 3, 2022

AEW Dynamite 11/2/2022

AEW Dynamite 11/2/2022

Last week's show is here:

Jay Lethal vs Darby Allin

They fight during Jay's entrance and Darby is thrown over the table. Darby then jumps over the table onto him. Darby tries to crossbody him over the top and mostly just goes over. Jay is thrown into the rails then Dutt and Singh come down. Darby goes to dive and Singh is in the way. Jay drops Darby with a punch outside and monkey flips him into the steps. Jay figure fours him under the rail.

They fight on the apron and Darby gets a boot to the back of his knee. He is then german'd on the apron. We go to PiP break and return. Darby has Jay's nose and coffin drops him off the 2nd rope. Jay goes for a top elbow and Darby blocks it then Darby sleepers him off the lethal injection. Darby stunners him. Darby tries to tope Singh but just bounces off. Dutt and Singh are then thrown out.

Someone in Sting's coat throws Darby in the ring then Jay hits a lethal injection and wins it.

The fake sting hugs the heels after and it turns out to be Cole Carter. They all beat up on Darby then Sting's music hits. It turns out to be Jeff Jarrett who nails Darby with a guitar.

The Singh spot was cool but they still found a way to overdo it some here. They didn't match up bad at all. I don't really get Jeff Jarrett coming in here. Cole and Jarrett being with this ragtag group isn't going to do anything for anyone.

Jeff talks on the mic after and says Darby just got a lesson from the last outlaw. Jeff says whatever you worship becomes your weakness. Darby's head is bleeding and Jeff says Sting has become Darby's biggest weakness. Jeff talks about the history of his family in wrestling and promises bodybags in AEW.

Mox does a promo. He says it is the biggest of Lee Moriarty's night. Mox says him and Danielson decided said Lee isn't violent enough for the BCC and said he will give him a lesson tonight. Mox said Lee will have to dig deep into his guts tonight and the only way out is through him. Mox says he wants him to be mean and nasty and has no room for anything else.

We go to clips of AEW matches with someone editing video.  We then see the AEW logo disappear.
Lee Moriarty vs Jon Moxley

Lee looks silly here with the green hair and bright green tights. Stokeley is wearing a scarf of his own. Lee rolls Mox on the mat early and they trade leg kicks. Lee is knocked down with a forearm then hits some strikes. Mox ends up spearing the 2nd buckle then takes a hammerlock ddt. We go to PiP break.

We return and Lee is released off a suplex. They trade forearms and Lee springboard clotheslines him. Lee single underhook suplexes him and Lee does reverse curbstomps. Mox lariats Lee then does reverse curb stomps. Mox cutters him for 2. Lee hits forearms then takes slaps then gives some of his own. Lee jumping knees him and backdrops him. Mox no sells it then backdrops him and Lee no sells it. Mox does an elbow flurry on Lee then armbars him to win it.

It was okay but nothing too special. If it was supposed to be a coming out party or a showcase for Lee, I don't think it accomplished that.

Ethan Page, who was at the booth, came out after and facekicked Mox. Page then posed.

Saraya is interviewed. Britt Baker was supposed to show up but didn't. Saraya says Britt only cares about herself. Saray says there is something special about AEw and calls it a rebel company. She said she wanted to be part of it and said she felt like she could be part of it. She is asked about her health and says she still has to consult with a doctor before answering.

Regal is interviewed. He said MJF has all the potential in the world but not what it takes to be a real villain.

Billy Gunn's Birthday Celebration

The Acclaimed came out for Billy Gunn's birthday celebration. They said Swerve hurt Billy's fingers, so he can't scissor. They then reveal foam fingers and give them to Billy so he can do it. They say they want to see what gifts the crowd brought Billy and they give him some paper scissors. The Acclaimed then give Billy a trophy that says, "World's Best Daddy". They also go over some awards he won and one of them is the worst match which was a reverse battle royale. Bowens says some of Billy's friends were mad he didn't go to the DX reunion and give him a certification of adoption. Bowens says he and Max need Billy to sign it and Billy says, "I get to be your daddy?". I did like this.

Austin and Colten Gunn then come out. They were mad they weren't invited and said they are his sons. Billy puts his arms on The Acclaimed and the Gunn's say they have a gift for Billy. W. Morrissey then lays out Billy and The Acclaimed and all 3 are down. FTR comes out to help and clear the heels off. FTR give The Acclaimed their belts and stare them down.

Britt Baker talks to Tony with Jamie Hayter. Britt says Tony is her interviewer. She says she is doing an interview at her time and in her world. She says she is not showing up to the party. Jamie says she is tied of conspiracies like Britt. Jamie says she wants to wrestle, Britt agrees and they ask for a tag match on Rampage.

Jericho, Garcia and Hager come out. Jericho said he is open for a challenge tonight from any former ROH champ. He also offers to whip Lamar Jackson, who is a football player that is there. Colt Cabana comes out.

ROH Title - Chris Jericho vs Colt Cabana

Colt backs him up in the corner early, gets the advantage and beats him down. Colt comes off the 2nd rope, goes behind him and tries to pin him. Colt lariats him against the ropes and Jericho takes a break outside. Colt goes after him and they go up top. They both end up falling over as they sit on the top and we go to PiP break.

We return to them punching each other. Colt butt bumps him and hits double chops. Colt hits a 2nd rope splash for 2. Colt goes up top and is crotched. Colt hits punches and is poked in the eye. Colt rolls him up and puts him in a rocking chair variation. The JAS get involved and Colt asai moonsaults them outside. Jericho codebreakers Colt as he runs the ropes and wins it.

The result was obvious here and it was hard to buy Colt as a legit contender since he was never treated seriously in AEW.

The JAS grabs the ROH commentator Ian Riccaboni and Jericho puts his glasses on. Jericho breaks the glasses and teases hitting him then Claudio Castagnoli makes the save. CC is beat up on then Danielson makes the save. Sammy Guevara then comes out and Yuta does too.

Death Triangle is interviewed. Fenix talks about maybe becoming double champ tonight. Pac talks about being double champ and says if he wants real revenge, the hammer is the key. He says that can be his ticket and says the choice is his.

All-Atlantic Title, Winner chooses their next defense - Orange Cassidy vs Luchasaurus vs Rey Fenix

OC won this with the orange punch. Pac interfered and put Lucha through a table then Pac tried to give Fenix a hammer, but he wasn't interested. We had the usual goofing around with OC then Pac went after OC after.

Katsuyori Shibata of NJPW, Rocky Romero and Best Friends made the save. Shibata points at OC and signs the contract that the winner got for winning this. They could choose a dream match and Shibata, who is basically retired is somehow going to be his opponent. I don't really get this at all. Nobody knows who Shibata is and he's not even healthy. And of course, if you can pick your own match, you should pick someone easy to beat.

Swerve Strickland is interviewed with Rick Ross. Rick is not JR's brother. Rick said he is here to make Swerve the biggest artist in the business. Keith Lee comes in. He said Swerve didn't respond to his texts. Ross says we are here to spread the love only. Lee questions Swerve and Ross tries to play peacemaker. Swerve says it should be them and The Gunn Club vs The Acclaimed and FTR. Tony, Swerve, Lee and Ross toast champagne after.

AEW TBS Title - Jade Cargill vs Marina Shafir

Jade got mad at someone on Twitter for saying this was likely going to suck. On paper, it seems like it may. Other AEW women then joined in and they came across like major marks for it.

Music hits as soon as they start and Vickie comes out with her protege and that's the end of this one for me. Jade ended up winning this quick.

We get a video on Samoa Joe vs Brian Cage, which is next.

We get a House of Black video. Black asks what has become of us and we see Brody and Malakai put under sheets. Someone gets dunked in the ocean and seemingly gets burned on a cross. Someone then rises from the ground and we see a shot of Black.

They announced another World Title Eliminator Tournament. I believe this is our third this year. I have no idea why we need this.

Toni Storm vs Jamie Hayter is announced for the next PPV. Toni says they used to live together and go way back. She said Jamie hasn't talked to her since she got here and said it's obvious she is Britt's friend now. This would have worked better if we saw them not talking to each other as opposed to just being told that.

ROH World Title - Samoa Joe (c) vs Brian Cage

They shoulder battle early. Cage hits forearms in the corner then Joe hits chops. Joe enzugiri's him and elobws him. Cage does a nice dropkick then pounds on him with punches and kicks while he's down. Cage lariats him then Cage hits another enzugiri and a slow german.

We go to PiP break and return. Cage hits a nice tope con hilo as we return then poses. Joe comes back with punches and takes a spin kick, then Joe hits an atomic drop and a facekick. Joe sentons him then powerslams him for 2. Cage hits a jumping knee then 619's him. Cage then does a twisting elbow from the top. Cage hits a cool pump handle sitout reverse slam for 2. Cage then hits an olympic slam and spinning lariats him for 2. Cage goes for another olympic slam and is choked out for the Joe win.

Cage did a bunch of moves that he shouldn't really do here like usual but he did get a lot of stuff in and it made him look good. Joe was basically just along for the ride here as a punching bag. I liked this hoss style match.

The Gates of Agony attack Joe after. Wardlow comes to make the save and the heels back off even though they had a 4v1 advantage, which just looked dumb. Hobbs then spinebusters Wardlow, and that's not a match I like as neither guy should really be losing.

Overall thoughts: I liked the main, though it could have been better and I could say the same thing about the opener. The Billy Gunn segment was nice as well. Still lots of booking issues on this show though and it looks bad that they are doing yet another tournament.

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