Tuesday, November 1, 2022

AEW Dynamite 10/26/2022

AEW Dynamite 10/26/2022

Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta vs Chris Jericho and Dante Martin

CC beats up on the JAS early. Yuta beats on Garcia and hits a dropkick and chops. Garcia hits chops then is slammed and senton'd. The BCC hit stereo downward elbows then the JAS outside breaks it up. Garcia takes a euro into a german on his head. CC is distracted by Hager on the apron and gets dropkicked for it.

CC gets worked over during the PiP break and CC suplexes Jericho. Garcia sleepers CC and climbs his back. CC grabs him while he is hanging off of him and suplexes him. CC pops up Jericho into an uppercut then Yuta is tagged in and top rope frogsplashes Jericho. Yuta lariats Garcia over the top then hits an olympic slam variation on Jericho. Yuta is then lifted into a tornado ddt on Jericho.

CC flips out of a back body drop then springboards and meets a codebreaker. Yuta tope con hilos Garcia and CC powerbombs Jerich off a bat shot attempt. CC then does a combo airplane spin + big swing. CC kicks Jager off the apron then flips off him on the apron and hits the rest of the JAS with moves. CC hits the neutralizer on Jericho and wins it.

Decent opener. Nothing too great or anything but fine for what it was.

Renee interviews Bryan Danielson. He says he is frustrated that he lost to Jericho and that Garcia turned on him. He also wasn't happy with Yuta talking back to him. Yuta comes in and Bryan says he will take out his frustrations on Sammy Guevara. Yuta brags about beating the JAS and Bryan pushes him. CC and Regal try to play peacemaker. CC says they will discuss this as adults.

The JAS did a promo and Jericho said he is coming for all champs in ROH.

#1 Contenders to the Tag Titles - Swerve in Our Glory vs FTR

The Acclaimed came out to watch this. I wasn't a big fan of this. It was really slow and they had multiple botches here. It's also silly that this is even happening with FTR having so many titles and somehow not being #1 Contenders.

The Gunns attacked FTR after.

Saraya was interviewed hen Britt Baker came in. They argued and Britt ended up leaving soon after.

MJF was interviewed and did Jon Moxley impersonations. He talked about becoming champion then Stokeley Hathaway came out. Stokeley winked at him that they wouldn't lay a hand on Mox then MJF grabbed him and knocked the mic out of his hand. MJF told him he'd be fired if he even laid a hand on him. MJF then did his line with the crowd as they tease turning him face in an odd twist.

The Kingdom talked about Wardlow and Joe. Taven said if they are giving out title shots, he will step up to the plate. He says he is brand new and there will be a brand new TNT champ. Wardlow says none of Taven's titles matter and says he will be the next casualty of the powerbomb symphony and says Wardlow wins.

Sammy Guevara vs Bryan Danielson

Sammy hits a jumping knee, enzugiri and a double springboard cutter early. Sammy jumps over Bryan then takes a surfboard. Bryan hits shots in the corner then Sammy gives some back. Sammy flurries him with forearms then Bryan drops him with a euro. Bryan stomps on the arm then butterfly's him into an armbar attempt. Bryan hits mounted punches and Bryan dropkicks him through the ropes when he rolls out. Bryan comes off the apron and takes a jumping knee in mid-air. Sammy then springboard moonsaults him on the floor.

We go to PiP break and return with Sammy hitting some punches on Bryan while Bryan is on his knees. Sammy starts kicking him from that position then Bryan catches one and slaps him. Bryan hits kicks and chops on him in the corner, flips over him then does a flying elbow. Sammy is back body dropped over the top and Bryan topes him. Bryan top rope dropkicks him then hits kicks to his chest. Sammy standing spanish flies him for 2 and is crotched on the top rope. Sammy backflips out of a back body drop from the top. He then misses two moonsaults, tries to running SSP him but is caught with a lebell lock. Bryan goes up top and gets a top rope spanish fly but kicks out. Sammy bites him. Bryan escapes a GTH and hits a poisonrana. Bryan hits a flying knee then does reverse curb stomps. Bryan triangles him and hits elbows from that position then the ref calls the match off.

I thought this went a little long and didn't have a lot of great build to it. I was not a fan of the top rope spanish fly kickout but it wasn't that offensive otherwise. 

Rey Fenix and Alex are interviewed. Rey says Penta will become a double champ. Alex confirms this. Fenix says he could become a double champ too. Christian and Luchasaurus walk in. He says Lucha is going after anyone who has a title and says his man deserves a chance at the All-Atlantic title over Rey Fenix. Orange Cassidy then walks in with the All-Atlantic title and says let's do this.

Jamie Hayter vs Riho

Jamie runs her over with a shoulder early and Riho bridges out of a pin. Riho hits a spinning headscissors then Britt trips Riho. Jamie is pulled over the top rope then Riho dives on her from the top rope to the outside. Riho is driven into the post and rail then dropped on the apron.

Jamie does two snap suplexes into slams. We go to PiP break and return. Riho cartwheels through a lariat then rolls her into a double stomp. Rebel gets on the apron and is hit and Jamie blocks a 619. Riho northern lights suplexes her. Jamie rolls through Riho's top rope crossbody then brainbusters her. Riho flips out of a backdrop. Britt grabs Riho's boot amd Jamie blocks a sunset flip. Jamie pops up Riho and Riho code red's her. Jamie does a nasty chokeslam over the knee then Riho dragon suplexes her. Riho trips and rolls her up then takes a boot to the face. Jamie rainmaker lariats her and wins it.

They did a little too much but it was a hard hitting match and there was some good stuff here. Jamie's by far the best worker in AEW's womens division.

Toni Storm comes out after.

Eddie Kingston is interviewed. He pretends to be happy and wants to talk about Mox. Eddie says it will be hard for Mox against Penta, but Mox will win. Eddie tells everyone else to leave him alone in a weird promo.

We get a Darby Allin vs Jay Lethal video promo. Darby said Stng hasn't been with him in some time and Darby said it's because he said he wasn't happy. He said he wanted to disappear and Sting said he can't. Darby said his biggest weakeness is himself and tells Jay to come tell him what his biggest weakness is. Jay says Darby needs to worry about their match.

AEW Title - Jon Moxley vs Penta El Cero Miedo

They trade chops early and hockey fight. Penta avoids a lariat then does his taunt and Mox flips him off. Penta tope con hilos him. Mox facekicks him then belly to belly suplexes him into the buckles. Mox lariats him in the corner then pounds on him from the buckles. Penta superkicks him then Mox facekicks him. Penta hits a sling blade for 2.

Mox cutters him then piledrivers him. Mox hits elbows and a bulldog choke. Mox trips him the ndoes reverse curbstomps. Penta cranks his arm back and they trade shots on the apron. Mox ddt's him on the steps then lariats him inside for 2. Penta makes him hang from the top rope and he top rope double stomps him. Penta package piledrives him for 2. Penta springboard the is caught with a paradigm shift and death rider ddt.

I thought they did too much here as usual but they did match up a little better than expected.

The Firm beat up Mox after then Stokeley Hathaway came out. Security tried to stop it and we find out the Blackpool Combat Club is locked in the locker room. Mox tries to make a comeback but can't then MJF came out. MJF pulls off The Firm and fires Stokeley. The Firm beat up MJF and MJF takes a razor's edge from Ethan Page. MJF is thrown out of the ring after then chokeslammed through a table.

The Firm sucks and the storyline with MJF sucked. I'm glad to see that pairing is gone, but it seems like The Firm is staying. I don't like MJF being pushed as a face.

Overall thoughts: It was a wrestling heavy show. Some of it was okay, but the promotion is seriously dead storyline wise right now and I wasn't that interested in this.

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