Saturday, November 19, 2022

AEW Rampage 11/18/2022

AEW Rampage 11/18/2022

AEW World Title Tournament Eliminator - Lance Archer vs Ricky Starks 

Lance is beating Starks up in the back then Stakrs pushes him into boxes. Starks bangs Lance's head off a garage door then Lance does it to him. Someone is thrown into chairs then Starks hits him with a trash can. They head to ringside and fight in the crowd. Starks jumps off the stands onto him. Lance crossbodies him over the rail.

Starks pounds on him in the corner then lariats him over the top. Starks jumps off the apron then is chokeslammed on it. We go to PiP break and return. Lance is in control then Stakrs shoulders him off the 2nd rope. Starks flying lariats him then Lance hits a nice lariat. Starks tornado ddt's him for 2. Starks wraps his hair up then hits some slaps. Starks flips over his pounce but misses some of it then spears him to win it.

I'm not a fan of matches starting out in the back and having weapons used then being allowed to proceed like nothing happened. I don't think tournament matches like this should be on the B-show and I always hate to see hosses like Archer lose to everyone.

Brian Cage and Prince Nana come down the ramp after, Starks yells at them then is hit by Lance. Lance chokeslams him on the side of the steps and JR says the steps were "not selling a d@mn thing", which I didn't like since it exposes the business.

We get a package on Moxley vs MJF. 

Sammy Guevara and Chris Jericho are interviewed. Chris says Claudio and Bryan will eventually fight each other when the egos come out. Jericho says the ROH title will stay with the JAS and Jericho says he gaurantees he and Sammy will make sure he gets the belt. Sammy says we will see about that.

We see clips of Bandido beating Rush. We get an interview with Rush, John Silver, Jose and 10. John says he cost Rush a shot at the title and Jose calls him the clown of the Dark Order. Jose says John is acting tough like he could beat Jose. John says he and 10 could take them on and 10 says, "What do you mean, us two?". Rush tells John that he will beat the stupid smile off his face, talks in spanish and says he will see him this week.

Athena vs Madison Rayne

Rayne does a backstage promo. She says she respects Athena in the ring but doesn't like how she treats opponents after the match. Her promo then gets cut off as Athena is attacking Rayne in a stupid moment.

Rayne pulls Athena into the middle buckle then sliding lairats her in the corner. They go outside and Athena swings her into the rails. Athena does a carthweel and a backflip into a chop. Rayne rolls her up then Athena suplexes her. Rayne hits lariats and Athena does a foward flipping stunner. Athena spears her, hits some shots then puts her on her shoulder and spins her down onto her knees.

This wasn't too good.

Athena kicks her after and decks Aubrey Edwards (the ref). Athena then crossfaces Rayne and Mercedes Martinez comes out to stop this. She had been out of action. Athena goes outside as MM comes up to her. That match is no dimes.

FTW Title - Hook vs Lee Moriarty

I forgot all about this title. Lee hits a shot in the corner then Hook takes him down. Hook takes him down again then northern lights suplexes him. hook does a bow and arrow. Hook flips out of a hiptoss then grabs him around the leg and suplexes him. Lee runs at him wit ha shot and we go to PiP break.

We go to full break and return with Lee in control. Lee hits crossfaces then is lariated. Hook hits a punch combo to the gut then throws him byt the head. Hook STO's him then throws him on the fisherman suplex. Lee flatliners him in the middle rope and Lee does a knee off the ropes onto the back of his neck. Lee stays in control with a border city stretch attempt then Hook wins with a tazzmission.

It went a little longer than it needed to and I didn't think it was anything special.

Best Friends and The Factory are interviewed. BF says they want to fight them 5v5 tomorrow even though they have 3. BF then brings out Rocky Romero and a video tape.  Renee asks what she is supposed to do with this and it's Danhausen on the video. QT says they will kick their @ss tomorrow.

We get a House of Black video. Buddy Murphy is actually in it and they talk about restoring humanity's faith. They say to feel the creed and we see the HoB beat up on some unknowns. 

We get a split screen promo with Jun/Takeshita and Eddie/Ortiz. Ortiz says Eddie ready and he's been ready for 12 years. He says he trains everyday for momnets like this and says they will have to prove they are body. Takeshita says he knows Eddie respects Jun and this won't be a dream match, but a night mare.

Konosuke Takeshita and Jun Akiyama vs Eddie Kingston and Ortiz

Eddie hits a bad belly to belly early on KT and hits Jun on the apron. KT knocks down Ortiz with a forearm. Jun back elbows Ortiz then takes a shot at Eddie on the apron and boots him off it. Jun short piledrivers Ortiz then Ortiz takes an Akiyama boot then a backdrop + bulldog combo. KT drops Ortiz with a forearm and Jun headbutts Ortiz. Jun backdrops him then running knees him in the corner.

Ortiz takes a double shoulder then a double running knee.  KT running facekicks Ortiz and Ortiz catches him kneeling on the top and does a dragging cutter. Eddie gets in and hits a spinning neckbreaker on KT then hits just faceklook on Jun. Eddie does machine gun chops on KT and tells Jun to watch. KT fights back with forearms and is eye poked. Eddie double underhook suplexes KT then goes face to face with Jun.

Eddie suplexes KT then Ortiz suplexes KT. KT takes a double suplex for 2. Ortiz northern lights suplexes KT. KT fights off a 1v2 and KT is thrown into an Eddie ddt. KT flying clotheslines Eddie then Ortiz and Jun go at it. Jun facekicks him then jumping knees him. Eddie and Jun trade chops even though Eddie is pointed out as not the legal man. Ortiz dropkicks Jun then powerslams KT. KT hits a blue thunder bomb on Ortiz then Eddie backdrops KT.

Eddie and Jun trade chops and Eddie exploders Jun. Jun no sells it then exploders him. Eddie hits an enzugiri then hits a knee to Eddie's face. Jun exploders Ortiz for the win.

They were building here to a big showdown between Eddie and Jun, but we never really got it minus a quick exchange near the end. The whole build to this was about Eddie finally getting to fight Jun and they barely did at all here. Dumb stuff.

Supposedly they announced Eddie Kingston vs Jun Akiyama for tomorrow, but it wasn't on the show and you'd have no way of knowing that.

Overall thoughts: I thought they really screwed up the main and the announcement for tomorrow and 2 of the other 3 matches had issues as well. This was not a good one.

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