Wednesday, November 23, 2022

WWE NXT 11/22/2022

WWE NXT 11/22/2022

Last week's show is here:

Toxic Attraction came out to start. Mandy said another one bites the dust, referring to Alba Fyre. She said she won all by herself and said the Iron Survivor Challenge was created just to figure out who her next opponent is. Jacy said Mandy can sit on the throne and wait for her next victim, then Jacy and Gigi talked about wanting to become tag champs again.

Kayden and Katana Chance came out after they were mentioned. Katana said Mandy is phone and is only champ because of Isla Dawn. They argued and T-A said Kayden and Katana would be irrelevant like they were before when they lose the tag titles. T-A then brawled with them and left them laying.

We saw Wes Lee arriving earlier. Tony D talked trash at him from the car and said he hadn't forgotten what he had done and good luck. Wes said when he's finished with Melo, Tony knows where to find him.

Cora Jade from talked from the back. She said if you never go too far, you will never go far in life.

Duke Hudson is in the back and Grayson Waller comes up to him. GW said everyone knows this isn't him and he's faking his Chase U love. GW made a comment about him showing his true colors and Duke said his true colors are black and red.

Cora Jade vs Wendy Choo

Wendy slaps her to start and grabs a side headlock. Wendy shoulders her over then grabs her arm and swings her around and drops her down. Wendy hiptosses her and Cora running forearms the back of her neck against the ropes. Wendy running kicks her in the corner and misses her sleeping elbow drop. They fight outside and Cora takes a japanese armdrag on the floor.

We go to a PiP break and return. Cora misses an elbow on the ropes and takes an overhead belly to belly. Wendy cartwheels into a splash in the corner then does a sleeping crossbody. Wendy hits a stiff brainbuster and Cora grabs her stick. Cora misses a shot and takes a running facekick. Wendy grabs the stick, the ref argues with her then Cora throws Wendy's drink in her face. Cora double arm ddt's her and wins it.

This was not good at all. All of Wendy's offense looked sloppy here and the two just didn't click.

Wendy was crying after and her eyelash was on her face.

We see Apollo Crews walking to a diner. He says it has been 6 months in NXT and he finally gets Bron Breakker. He says his match with Bron is a match he wakes up in the middle of the night thinking about. He says when you look into his eyes - the vision is clear and we see him holding the NXT title.

Kiana James is interviewed. She says Ivy Nile is tough but she doesn't fear her. She said she doesn't count her wins, just her losses, because there are so few. Kiana says the deal for Fallon Henley's bar fell through due to stupidity, and Fallon and crew paid for it with interest last week.

Javier Bernal walks in and says we aren't going anywhere. He said McKenzie deprived us from seeing him last week. He gives her the "Big Body Files" and we see a list of 1,347 names of opponents for Javier Bernal. Elon Musk was #14 on the list and he said it's because he ain't paying $8 for a checkmark. He is asked about how many followers he has and he says he has 2 thousand million. Drake is on the list, and Mckenzie asks if its Drake Maverick, but it's not. #250 is someone who is retired and Mckenzie says he isn't fighting anyone on the list. Javi says if he keeps getting this attitude, he's fighting her next. A fun little segment. Bernal's really coming along and is going places.

Chase U minus Andre Chase are in the back. Pretty Deadly walk in and ask him about a poker game tonight. Duke doesn't play along and says gambling is against university rules. PD asks when he will take off the uniform and go back to being the Duke Hudson they know. They call him a stooge and he brawls with them. Chase U oddly doesn't really get involved. I know the angle here is that Duke is just pretending to support Chase U, but he needed to be convincing here and wasn't at all. The brawling was not good here.

Ivy Nile vs Kiana James

No entrance for either girl here, but Ivy had some music.  They push each other early and Ivy throws her down. KJ goes for the full nelson and is rolled up. KJ hits a lariat to the back of the neck then hits a backbreaker over her shoulder on her for 2. KJ hits another backbreaker then does a calf crusher variation. KJ backdrops her for 2 then Ivy does a nice octopus stretch on her. Ivy gets offense in and does a side suplex. Ivy does her flying kick in the corner and KJ goes out. KJ goes to leave then Fallon Henley comes out. Ivy puts her in her dragon sleeper submission and wins it.

I didn't think this was too bad at all.

Fallon Henley beats up Kiana after then the Creeds and Tatum Paxley come into the ring. Julius says Ivy is underappreciated and says she doesn't jump people like Indus Sher. Julius talks trash and Ivy stops him then Brutus says intimidation doesn't stop them. Brutus says Indus Sher will not get respect from jumping them and Julius says it will be just them in the ring at NXT Deadline. Ivy is still talking to them after and it feels like they are doing some kind of angle with her.
We see Isla Dawn talking about Alba Fyre. She said she warned us about her approach and then we see clips of the lights flickering, which I assumed were from Scrypts. She said for any answers Alba seeks, she must listen. She said they will have so much fun together and we see her blowing out a candle and playing with an oujia board.

We go to Chase U and Duke runs in. Chase is talking with someone named Mario. He said he ran here and said he punched someone. He said he punched Pretty Deadly for talking bad on them. Chase asks if he got fined and then Duke said he got them a tag title match tonight. Chase is shocked and excited. Mario is excited too and Chase tells him to get out as they have a tag title match tonight.

Scrypts vs Guru Raaj

Scrypts wears a mask and a black and orange suit. I think it's Reggie. He flips in the ring from a trampoline and does writing hand motions.

Scrpts does some capoeira, then slides between his legs and dropkicks him. He does a dropsault then kips down under Raaj's leapfrog. Scrpts flips out of a lariat then does a corkscrew crossbody. Scrypts pounds on him then does a flip into a la silla from the top and wins it. He leaves a note with his name on Raaj's chest after.

Scrypts' can really do some amazing things, but his look is terrible and I don't know if he will be able to get over that.

The Schism is in the ring for their Thanksgiving message.  Gacy said autumn is the time of year when the trees shed their leaves. They said this is the time of the year for giving thanks and said it is their duty to represent it. Ava Raine says dysfunction remains the norm and says while blood relatives sometimes have isuses, Schism can be counted on. Rip says gluttony has left this holiday a far cry from its intent. Jagger says people are worried more about Thanksgiving deals on Black Friday. Ava brings a person in the crowd in and they say he is someone who celebrates Thanksgiving. They say they wil christen a new holiday and the fan will be the bridge to the old holidays they leave behind. The crowd chants for "sacrifice" and Gacy says to pledge for Schism Invictus.  Gacy says it's too late to join The Schism and they are not inclusive, but now divisive. They thank the fan for his sacrifice and uranage him through the table. The crowd chants for "sacrifice". I guess they are going a new way with this group and we will have to see how it goes. Them going against the inclusive thing didn't really work for me since they spent their whole existence talking about that.

Trick Williams is interviewed. McKenzie said she was expecting Melo as well. Wes Lee walks in as Trick talks about how good Melo is. Wes asks if Melo has this in the bag tonight and Trick says he does. Wes tries to talk Trick out of being at ringside and implies Melo needs Trick out there to win. Trick eventually agrees that Melo doesn't need him and Wes says it seems he agrees that it'll Melo vs Wes 1v1 tonight.

We see Bron Breakker out on the ocean fishing. He says he can be himself out there and likes it because it is quiet. He says being NXT champ takes a toll. He said he can take his weight off here but says at NXT Deadline, the weight comes back on. He says when he wins, you can find him fishing.

Zoey Stark vs Sol Ruca

She made some comments via TikTok. She siad the locker room doesn't need Zoey's negative energy and she will prove that to her in the ring.

Zoey takes her down then Sol does a handstand walk out of a headlock. Sol cartwheels out of a throw then forward flips out of one. Sol then does a nice leapfrog into a dropkick. They trade superkicks and zoey goes out. Sol follows and is stuck in the ring skirt then beaten up. Zoey baseball slides her.

Zoey misses a corner charge and is rolled up then Sol hits flying shoulders. Sol back body drops her and is kicked hwen she goes up top. She does a slingshot sunset flip for 2 then forward flips into a splash. Sol powerslams her for 2. Sol misses a top rope dropkick then takes a sliding knee for the Zoey Stark win.

This was short but action packed and decent. Sol's really quite the prospect and is probably going to be the future of the women's division along with Tiffany Stratton. She's good looking, she has a gimmick and she's really athletic.

Zoey beats her up after then Nikkita Lyons comes out wearing some very skimpy clothing and chases Zoey off.

Edris Enofe and Malik Blade welcome Von to join them for a party with Odyssey Jones in the parking lot. Von says Blade is looking sharp and Von says he got his dancing shoes on. Von says he could use a night out being mediocre for once and says they don't know about success. He says they will never see him with those two losers then he beats them up 1v2. He rips up Blade's vest and Odyssey Jones has to come make the save.

We see Charlie Dempsey working out and ripping some of the new exercise trends. He says he just needs a deck of cards and we see clips of Karl Gotch and Billy Robinson. He said he trains like they trained and said he trains for performance while being surrounded by people who train for instagram. He says he does 5,000 free squats before breakfast and rips a security guy getting a contract - Hank Walker. He says professional wrestling is a serious business.

WWE NXT Tag Titles - Pretty Deadly vs Chase U (Duke Hudson and Andre Chase)

Elton tries to jump Chase at the bell but Duke nails him.  Duke jumping side slams Kit then Kit is tripped into an elbow drop. Elton gets on Chase's shoulders, Chase is hit in the gut and Elton victory rolls him. Chase rolls up Elton and side headlock takedowns him. Chase shoulders elton over then Elton hits a beautiful dropkick. PD hit a double shoulder then a legdrop + splash combo on Chase.

Chase rolls backwards out of a boston crab then back body drops Elton while he has Kit in a side headlock. Chase then headscissors takedowns Elton while holding Kit. Kit takes a double back body drop and Chase hits the C-H-A-S-E-U stomps.

We go to PiP break and return. Chase chinbreakers Elton and Duke misses a tag because he went after Kit. Chase takes a double axe handle off the top. Chase throws out Elton and he knocks over Thea on the landing. Duke goes to help Thea but misses the Chase tag. Chase is launched into a codebreaker for 2. Duke gets the hot tag in, slamming PD onto each other. Duke slams Chase onto Elton and does a bad punch combo and taunt.

Duke throws out Elton and tags in Chase who isn't expecting it. Chase is out and on the mat. Chase decks Elton then Duke accidentally facekicks him. PD hits a spilled milk on Chase and picks up the win.

This was excellent. Duke's hot tag segment wasn't the best but the storytelling was really good here. Duke made constant mistakes the whole match to further the storyline that he is faking his support for Chase U. He missed tags, brought Chase in when he was out of it then ended up kicking him in the face to cost them the finish. PD were really good heels here as well. Very good pro wrestling here and one of the smarter matches this year.

We see Tiktok clips of Roxanne PErez talking to Nikkita Lyons. Indi Hartwell walks in and starts yelling at her then we see clips of Elektra Lopez filming the argument as well. Elektra says it seems like she isn't the only one who has a problem with Indi Hartwell. Perez vs Hartwell is next week.

Katana Chance and Kayden Carter are talking then Nikkita Lyons comes in. Carter asks if she can help her and they aren't happy with her. Nikkita says they are right and says her and Zoey weren't a real team. She said she met the real Zoey when she hit her. The KC's say what matter is Lyons staing true to who she is and Lyons offers to be their third next week. They make up and do some dancing.

We find out who is in the Iron Survivor Challenge next week.

WWE NXT North American Title - Wes Lee (c) vs Carmelo Hayes

Wes gets a volcano video on his tron for this then pops out of a rock. He stands on it then jumps off. They say it symbolizes all the hurdles and boulders he overcame this year.

Melo drops him with a punch early. Wes spears him then hits punches. Melo goes out and is elbowed onto the table then Wes is put into the rails. Melo is tripped into the rails then lariated over them and pulled back over. Melo pump kicks him then is hurricanrana'd on the ropes.

Melo is rolled up and they pump kick each other at hte same time then try to pin each other. We go to PiP break and return. Wes has his throat dropped on the ropes then Melo hits a nice springboard twisting clothesline. Wes is thrown chest first into the buckles then Melo goes into the buckles. Wes release germans him then they trade shots. Wes combos him and running euros him. Wes hurricanrana's him then Melo la mistica's him without the armbar. Melo goes for a codebreaker but Wes holds onto the ropes. Wes gets a nice jumping meteora to a running Melo then flipping koppo kicks him.

Trick Williams comes out and Wes tope con hilo's him. Wes does a beautiful back handspring into a flip kick then michinoku drivers him for the win.

This was a good match. They were aggressive with each other, everything they did looked good, they did a little more than usual, the crowd was hot and they didn't overdo it. It wasn't as good as the tag match earlier in the show but they just totally got the timing down for this athletically focused match.

We get a graphic that says, "and still North American champion, Wes Lee" on the tron. A cage door then opens up around it and Dijak appears in the ring with sunglasses and a leather jacket. He tries to do a GTH but doesn't seem to hit it and they have to cover for it. The show then ends.

Overall thoughts: The last two matches really delivered and made this one a good show. The tag match is a must see for the great storytelling and the main was a good athletic style match. Scrypts' debut left more to be desired here as his costume was just terrible, but this was an action packed show.

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