Friday, November 18, 2022

WWE NXT Level Up 11/18/2022

WWE NXT Level Up 11/18/2022

Last week's show is here:

Thea Hail vs Dani Palmer


This is Dani Palmer's debut. She does flips during her entrance and they say she is a tumbler and a fitness guru who went to Baylor. She shakes Chase's hand and Duke's hand as well.

They lock up, Dani is flipped and they trade wristlocks. Thea uses the ropes to flip out of the wristlock then shoulders her over. Thea hits a nice high armdrag then a Japanese armdrag. She then jumps onto the bottom rope and armdrags her. The does a neat throw on her with the arm then Dani arm throws her. They stand off and shake and crossbody each other at the same time.

Dani chinlocks her from behind and abdominal stretches her. Thea armdrags her out of it then does a step up enzugiri. Thea starts shaking the ropes and back splashes her. Then misses the bottom rope then back splashes off of it. She then does a spinning neckbreaker and wins it.

Dani really didn't get to do anything here unfortunately except sell, but she does seem athletic. They had a couple sloppy moments but it was short, fast paced and interesting.

Oba Femi, a new wrestler, is interviewed. He's huge, soft spoken and says he's excited to be here. He was born in Nigeria and got a shotput scholarship in Alabama. He said  he's here to make his family proud.

Oba Femi vs Dante Chen

This is Oba Femi's debut. As I said earlier, he's big. They said he's 6'4 and 300lbs and he's not ripped to shreds, but it's believable that he's close to 300lbs.

They lock up and Oba throws him out of the lock-up. Chen side headlocks him and Oba euros him after Chen comes off the ropes. Chen is down then Oba throws him in the corners and one handed backbreakers him. Oba bearhugs him and atomic drops him. Oba hits another euro for 2.

Oba bearhugs him again and Chen jumps on his back. Oba rolls him over and misses an elbow. Chen hits punches and a pump kick. Chen does a springboard punch and does some silly firing up motion. Chen double chops him down for 2. Chen then hits a running double chop and wins it.

This was a pretty good debut for Oba Femi. He's big and he knows how to add a little to the moves he does. They might have something with him. They shake hands after and hold up their arms. 

Oro Mensah vs Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo

Tony D joins the commentators.

Oro wristlocks Stacks then Stacks does it back to him. Tony D talks about having Byron over for dinner. Stacks pulls him down by the hair and stomps on him. Oro walks up him and flips in the corner then does an italian taunt. Oro hits some armdrags and Stacks goes out.

Oro gets some offense in and slides over top the back of his neck on the middle rope to the outside. Oro is sent into the middle buckle then the post then Stacks drops knees on his arm. Stacks fujiwara armbars him and Oro rolls him up. Stacks puts him in a double reverse armbar then keylocks him. They trade forearms and Stacks hits kicks. Oro hits a nice lariat then hits forearms. Oro 2nd rope moonsaults him then hits a nice springboard dropkick. Oro fires up and Tony D distracts him. Oro hits his flipping koppo kick on Stacks for 2. Tony hits Oro in the throat with the crutch while he's on the ropes then Stacks does a curbstomp with the knee to win.

Nothing wrong with this at all. Oro did a good job as the face here before getting screwed in the end.

Overall thoughts: Nothing must see here but a fun show. Dani Palmer didn't really get to do anything in her debut, but she seems athletic. Oba Femi had a good debut against Dante Chen and seems like he has potential. The main was short but decent with Oro doing a good job as a face.

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