Wednesday, November 9, 2022

WWE NXT 11/8/2022

WWE NXT 11/8/2022

Last week's show is here:

Cameron Grimes vs Joe Gacy


Gacy is wearing trunks  and does not look good in them. Grimes hits some kicks then hurricanrana's him. Gacy splashes him in the corner then Grimes crossbodies and pounds on him. Gacy hits a nice hiptoss into a suplex. Grimes hits a high kick and knocks him out of the ring then kicks him from the apron.

We go to break and return. Grimes goes up and over in the corner then Gacy does a neat running elbow into a backbreaker. Gacy crossfaces him then goes for a spinning lariat but takes a spanish fly off of it. Grimes hits some flying shoulders, knocks Jagger off the apron then hits superkicks and a german. Grimes them top rope crossbodies Gacy and hits a poisonrana.

Gacy rolls out then Grimes tope con hilos Gacy and the rest of Schism. Grimes goes up top, is pushed off by Ava Raine while the ref wasn't looking and Gacy hits his handspring into a lariat to win.

It was fast paced and action packed, but you wouldn't know they had really hated each other by the way they worked. They just did their usual cool moves and not the brawling that they should have been doing. Gacy's moveset might make for more interesting matches, but it doesn't really fit the character.

Nathan Frazer is coming from the training area and says it is a few more weeks until he is cleared to Axiom. Ax tells him he wil lbe back before he knows it then JD comes in. JD says they need to leave the medical stuff to the experts. JD says Nathan isn't going to tell Axiom how hurt he is and says he thinks he is hurt worse. JD tells Axiom he would have lost if he was in the ladder match instead of Nathan. Axiom then says he is asking if he would pull a JD McDonagh, where you try and fail. JD threatens to injure him.

Nikkita Lyons and Zoey Stark are shown arriving.

We go to the barber shop with Trick and Carmelo Hayes. Trick says the streets are talking and Melo is mad about losing his N-A title. Trick says nobody has actually pinned him to win his N-A title and he has just lost it in ladder matches. He says he has respect for Wes Lee, but Wes hasn't beaten Melo and he's not the real champ. Trick calls him the transitional chump. The barber says the NXT fans are behind Wes, but Trick says it doesn't matter until he beats him 1v1. Trick says it's going to be a sort title reign and Trick says it will only be a 2 week title reign. Trick says they will sign the contract for the N-A title match next week and make it official. As usual, this was a decent segment. It's real believable and simple stuff.

The announcers talk, the lights go out and rap lyrics from Scrypts are on the tron.

Sol Ruca vs Elektra Lopez

Lopez has an entrance with a skyline on the side trons and a desk bell sound.

Sol has nice new colorful gear and they throw each other down. Sol hits chest slaps then flips out of a hiptoss into a facebuster. Lopez then lariats her and she hits her head off the floor. Lopez works over her and Sol does some rollups. Sol hits some clotheslines and a decent dropkick. Sol flying shoulder tackles her then forward cartwheels into a splash. Sol is pulled off the top rope and flips down then takes a sitout chokeslam bomb and Lopez wins it.

Sol is still green but has a lot of potential. Lopez didn't make any big mistakes here. It was short and nothing too special.

Indi Hartwell attacks Lopez after.

We go to Chase U with Chase, Thea and Duke. Thea calls Charlie Dempsey a coward and she tells Chase to "let me at her". Duke says last week was a teachable moment. Duke says he learned that we only win and lose between the ropes and Duke says he will support Thea out there. Duke fires up about Chase being attacked last week and all of them are hyped up and yelling. They then do a Chase-U cheer. This was fun and Duke did okay here with his lines.

Jacy Jayne calls Mandy Rose from the car. Jacy is coming back from the mall and says she is worried about "Bonfire Jones" aka Alba Fyre. They say Gigi has cracked ribs from last week's attack and then a mall cop pulls up behind Jacy. Jacy then gets abducted and it turns out to be Alba Fyre. Alba says she told them she would take T-A out one by one. Jacy is laid out on the ground and says she will take out Mandy next week.

We see Kayden Carter and Katana Chance arrive.

Charlie Dempsey vs Andre Chase

They show a clip from their first match and they point out that it was 3 months ago which came off weird.

CD hits a snapmare then is flipped over by Chase. CD is lariated over the top. They do some wrestling and Chase takes a deadlift northern lights suplex into a kimura attempt. Chase hits punches and a spinning shot. Chase russian legsweeps him then hits the C-H-A-S-E-U stomps. CD drops down and goes for a Regal stretch. Duke tries to push the ropes in to help Chase reach them and Chase yells, "no Duke no". Thea waves a towel around and Duke tries to throw it in but it hangs on the ropes. Duke then tries again and the match is stopped. Chase asked what happened as he loses via forfeit.

It was short and Dempsey looked good as usual. At least the ending furthered the story.

 Indi Hartwell was interviewed. She said what we saw was her figuring out how NXT works. She said Lopez came to NXT wanting to prove a point, but nobody will prove a point on her. She said you have to take what you want or else it won't happen. She said she is betting on herself.

We go to Fallon Henley's family's bar. Briggs, Jensen and Fallon are there then Kiana James comes in with her assistant. Kiana says this property is promising. Kiana says she wants to talk about her proposal and Jensen tries to hit on her. Kiana says she sees potential in the property and Fallon says she is not interested. Fallon says this bar has been her life and Fallon says she will build an apartment complex on it. Fallon turns down her final offer and Kiana says they will be land rich but money poor. I like these little segments.

 Hank Walker vs  Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo

No entrance for Hank. Stacks gets the advantage with punches early then Hank does a big throw out of the corner. Stacks euro uppercuts him then Stacks is pushed over the top throat first. Stacks takes back control and hits knees. Stacks gets his foot caught by Hank and Hank takes over with a Thesz press and punches. Hank makes him fly by shrugging him off.

Hank hits corner splashes then Hank pulls up Stacks and slams him on his chest. Stacks slaps Hank and gets him mad the eye pokes him for 2. Stacks hits a curbstomp with his knee instead of the foot and wins.

It was short and it was a fiery little match here. Hank looked good as usual.

Grayson Waller talks in the back. He tells us to go onto his instagram and start submitting questions for his show tonight.

The Grayson Waller Effect with Bron Breakker and Von Wagner

GW makes fun of R-Truth then Bron and Von/Mr. Stone come out. Stone says people are jealous of Von. Von says he isn't here to be popular, he's here to be NXT champ. He said he left him laying last week and nothing will change next week. Bron says he learned from Ciampa and Gargano that if you want something, you have to go out and take it. He talks about past NXT champs and says everyone wants a shot at his title. Bron says no one will take the title from him and Von says he will be the one. Von says he will rag dog Bron next week and says they are both second generation superstars, but he didn't use his stroke to get anywhere. He said he won't need it to take his title away next week. Bron challenges him to do it now. Stone tells Von to wait until next week and Bron bangs Stone's head off the table. Von and Bron stare down while Waller enjoys himself in the background. This was a  decent segment. Both guys did fine here and Von is starting to show some improvement on the mic.

Wes Lee is interviewed. He said Melo is right - he was never pinned for the N-A title. He said his career was supposed to be over in April and he was never supposed ot be a singles guy. He said he will make Melo miss and said he's on a roll that you get once in your career.

Cora Jade does a promo on Wendy Choo. She said she got involved in something that had nothing to do with her. She said Wendy is desperate to be accepted. Cora says Wendy will never be "it" and will always be on the outside looking in.

Stark and Lyons are working out in the locker room.

Apollo Crews is in Nigeria, looking for the next star there. He said we don't have to go too far to find the next NXT champ as Apollo is right there.
Axiom vs JD Mcdonagh

JD hits some shoulders early and headscissors him. Ax handstands, bridges and rolls out of it then stretces both arms of JD back. JD flips out of the hold then avoids a flying kick. Ax leaps over JD and ends up in a gori special and JD pulls hard on his neck.  AX armdrags JD then dropkicks him out.

We go to break and return. Ax enzugiri's him then hits a nice dropkick. Ax then moonsaults off the top rope onto JD on the outside. They beat the count in and Ax has his leg swept and clipped. Ax does a cool flip from the top rope into a grounded choke on JD then JD crabs him. The two trade forearms and Ax takes a headbutt. JD moonsaults off the top and Ax catches him with a triangle. JD yanks him up and Ax grounded sleepers him. JD pushes Ax's leg all the way forward and the ref makes him stop as Ax screams. Ax says not to stop it and the trainers check out Ax. The ref then stops it.

I don't really understand how the ref could pull someone out of a submission and continue the match. That's very clearly a ref stoppage, yet they were letting it go for a while like it could be anything else. The technical wrestling was very good here and they had some nice highlights here. I would have liked more knee work since the finish was about JD working on the knee, but I think it was still a good match regardless. 

5 Minute Match - Brutus Creed vs Damon Kemp

Brutus attacks Kemp as he comes out and throws him into the rails. Kemp hits corner spears then takes a flurry of clubs in the corner. Brutus belly to belly suplexes him then knocks him off the apron into the rails. Kem pis thrown into the steps. Kemp gets pulled out of the ring and then has his head banged off the table. Kemp gets a chair and swings it but Brutus blocks it. Brutus sentons him Brutus hits him with a chair and is DQ'd. Brutus says he will always be a better man than him after then chairs him again.

I don't have any real thoughts on this.

Sanga and Veer appear on the riser after and The Creeds look at them.

We get the former T-Barr talking while his mask burns. He said the world needs to play under his rules and the ones who don't will face his form of justice.

We get a promo for NXT Deadl1ne and they say Shawn Michaels will give an update.

Indi Hartwell is walking around and Roxanne Perez goes up to her. she says Indi is acting different. Indi asked if she learned from what happened with Cora? Indi says there's no friends in wrestling and it's bringing them down to worry about friends and softspots over titles.

Bron vs Von for the title is next week as is Apollo Crews/JD Mcdonagh and Alba Fyre vs Mandy Rose for the women's title.

NXT Women's Tag Titles - Katana Chance and Kayden Carter (c) vs Nikkita Lyons and Zoey Stark

Lyons lifts up Chance by her arm then Zoey double axe handles it. Chance gets some help on a monkey flip attempt but Zoey blocks it. Chance spinning headscissors her and uses the ropes to flip onto her. Carter cartwheels over Zoey then Zoey kips up and dropkicks her. Lyons and Carter do a martial arts spot and Carter takes an armlock.

Carter and Chance are slammed at the same time. Zoey takes a nasty bump over the top rope then Carter jumps off of Chance's back for a dropkick. Chance slides through the ropes and hits a hurricanrana as we go to break.

We return and Carter gets the hot tag in. Carter kicks Stark's face through the ropes then Carter is helped up to the top and dives then Chance tornillo plancha's Lyons. Carter holds up Stark and Chance comes off the 2nd rope for an flatliner. Chance takes a wheelbarrow german.

Chance top rope crossbodies Lyons, but Lyons rolls back, catches her and does a spinning slam on her. Zoey half-nelson suplexes Chance and Chance avoids a phoenix splash. Chance ends up hitting a stunner on Zoey. Zoey almost hits Lyons then Lyons takes a double superkick. Chance satelitte ddt's Zoey then Zoey takes a 450 + neckbreaker move for the Chance and Carter win.

This was a very athletic and action packed match. Not so much story going on here, but they did a good job and made the match worthy of a main event. These girls are better than a lot of the girls on the main roster and you have to give it to them for pulling this off without any issues.

Zoey and Lyons give Chance and Carter the titles after. Zoey takes the title, hits Lyons with it then goes after Chance and Carter. She baseball slides Lyons and Zoey throws the title to Carter. It didn't seem like it was a team that they had big plans for, but they were doing well together and maybe should have stayed together.

Overall thoughts: It was a long show with a lot of in-ring action. It was good and had something for older NXT fans and NXT 2.0 fans. I thought the women did well in the main and I liked JD/Axiom.

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