Wednesday, November 30, 2022

AEW Rampage 11/25/2022

AEW Rampage 11/25/2022

Last week's show is here:

This took place at 4PM on Black Friday.

ROH Tag Titles - FTR vs Top Flight


Darius has a big bald spot and armdrags Dax. No entrances for either team here. Dax slams Darius then they do a stand off. Darius hits some shoulders then takes a double headbutt. Darius armdrags Cash and Cash shoulders him over. Cash is double leapfrogged then is legswept into a ddt.

Darius and Dax trade chops and Dante top rope meteora's Dax. FTR take double hurricanrana's and FTr walk away from a Dante dive. We go to PiP break and return. Dante hits a springboard dropkick on both FTR members then TF hits dropkicks on FTR. FTR is lariated over the top and Darius tops them. Dante the springboards but flips and lands on Cash outside. Dante top rope crossbodies Dax for 2.

Dax fights TF 1v2 then Dante takes a slingshot powerbomb into a top rope splash by Cash. Darius flips on a Dax lariat. Dante tries to pin Dax and messes it up then Dante top rope splashes Dax for 2. Darius standing spanish flies Cash then takes a Dax brainbuster. Dax and Dante roll each other up. Dante misses a flip then takes a big rig for the FTR win.

I didn't like this one. They rushed and just seemed to get confused with the multiple spots they had planned. Dante was sloppy here as well.

The Gunn Club come out after and mock clap and celebrate for them.

We see a video on Powerhouse Hobbs. We see him driving around and he says when you open up the Book of Hobbs, you see a life you want nothing apart of. He said everyone has taken everything that meant something to him and now he is taking everything that means something to you. It's nice to see a little non-wrestling segment on some of the roster members.

The Jericho Appreciation Society come out. Parker says all honor the ocho. Jericho asks if there is any doubt he is the best ROH champ ever. Jericho asks who will be the one to detrhone him then Claudio Castagnoli comes out. CC said he doubted himself because he couldn't be Jericho when it counted. He says he has to beat Jericho for the ROH title. Jericho says he should be more worried about the BCC.

Jericho says he won't give CC a title shot and says there is nothing CC can offer him. Menard interrupts and says CC would make a good addition to the JAS since he used to be a good sports entertainer. Jericho says he will give him a title shot if he agrees to join the JAS upon losing. CC agrees. CC wasn't too good here as a promo and was pretty generic.

Toni Storm is interviewed. They talk about Jamie Hayter becoming champ. Toni said Hayter needed help to win and says she could never do that. Toni said she broke her face losing the title and will break it again to get it back.

Darby Allin vs Anthony Henry

Henry takes him down then Darby does the same. Henry hits some kicks to the back. Darby goes for a sunset flip but it's blocked. Darby bullet topes JD Drake when Henry moves then Darby is stunned over the top rope. Henry spits on him and sto's him on the apron.

We go to PiP break then full break and return. Henry kicks him in the tree of woe position then dropkicks him as he hangs. Henry hanging neckbreakers him for 2. Darby hits a code red for 2. JD throws Darby into the ropes on the outside and lariats him. The ref doesn't see it then Sting lariats JD.

JD is thrown into the rails then Darby takes a top rope superplex. Darby gets out of a suplex and hits a scorpion deathdrop. Darby then does his coffin drop with a bloody mouth and wins it.

It was okay for being a throwaway. The two matches up okay and Henry was fine. 

Athena is interviewed. She said she was suspended and has to give a public apology to Aubrey Edwards. She then dismisses Lexi the interviewed. She then talks about Mercedez Martinez. She wants to know when she will put the ROH Title on the line.

Hikaru Shida vs Queen Aminata

Penelope Ford and The Bunny come down before this starts. Shida is hit on the apron then has her head banged off the buckles. Queen running facekicks her then is rolled up. Shida hits a forearm then a falcon arrow. Shida then does her stupid spinning knee and wins in quick fashion.

We get a split screen promo between Rush, Butcher and Blade vs Reynolds and Silver. 10 is missing and Silver doesn't know why. Reynolds said 10 will be here and said the heels have been annoying him for months. Blade calls him "Slick" and said the three are here to kick @ss. Rush says he's sick of talking and needs to fight.

FTR are interviewed. Dax said it's been a good 2022 and challenges Bryan Danielson.

Rush, The Butcher and The Blade vs Dark Order (John Silver and Alex Reynolds)

10 is still missing. The heels beat them up 3v2 to start. Silver is thrown into the rails then Alex running euros and facekicks Blade. Silver gets in and beats up the heels 1v2 then olympic slams Blade. Silver topes Butcher then is caught and forearmed.

We go to PiP break and return. Silver superkicks Butch then hits an Ultimo Dragon stunner on Blade. Uno and -1 found 10 on the stage and bring him in. 10 runs down and goes face to face with Rush. 10 then lariats Silver. Rush hits a dropkick on Silver and gets the win.

Uno is thrown into the steps after and Reynolds takes a spinning lariat. 10 does the same to Uno then Uno has his mask ripped up. Reynolds is thrown through a table off the apron. 10 goes up to -1 on the apron and throws his mask down at him and rips it off. 10 and his new friends then pose behind -1. Jose mocks -1. Rush then talks in spanish.

This was quick and was pretty much all angle. I never liked The Dark Order and I'm happy that it's done. I never got why they put 10 under a mask and as far as I'm concerned, they wasted 3 years of that guys career. I don't think this is the right group for 10 though and I'd certainly not want to be in it if it was me.

Overall thoughts: Nothing really special or worth seeing here. The only real noteworthy thing was 10's turn.

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