Saturday, January 5, 2013

WWE Superstars 1/4/2013 Review

WWE Superstars 1/4/2013 Review

Last week's show is here:

Your announcers

The Uso Brothers - Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso vs The Prime Time Players
Matt Striker told an interesting story during this. He said the Uso's had a BBQ and invited him. Then they brought the food to WWE. Striker said that Darren Young got food poisoning from it and blamed the Uso's, which is how the match got started.

"Here comes T.O." - Stanford
"The man is in the house" - Titus O'Neil
"He had that whistle with him the whole time? I'm afraid to ask where he kept it." - Matt Striker
"Hey, that's the wrong Uso. That's not legal. That's not the legal Uso. Just because they're twins doesn't mean they should be allowed to cheat." - Matt Striker

"David Otunga has to be watching this. The Prime time Players need to be filing some sort of injunction. This is illegal. This is rule-breaking." - Matt Striker

The Uso's won with the Samoan Double Splash. Really good match here with the PTP's really being into it and the Uso's kicking everyone in the face with Sweet Chin Music. Definitely one of the better Superstars matches and one to add to the best matches of the month list! Rating:***1/4

Primo vs Brodus Clay
"Brodus Clay with the LL Cool J look for the new year." - Striker
"I was hoping to get a kiss for the new year. I was hoping for Cameron. Instead I got Samu." - Striker
"Always wondered what it would be like on Planet Funk. Seems like a mix of Willy Wonka and Saturday Night Fever." - Stanford
Brodus Clay lost weight
Brodus won with a splash in a quick squash. You know the deal here. The focus was also pretty much on Rosa and not Primo, as usual.

Overall thoughts: Decent show with the tag match being worth going out of your way to see!

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