Saturday, October 20, 2012

Ring of Honor TV 10/20/2012 Review

Ring of Honor TV 10/20/2012 Review

The previous show is here:

SOTF Qualifier - Homicide vs Roderick Strong
Roderick Strong came out with Truth Martini, but there was something involving that at the iPPV. See here -
The announcers mentioned Homicide being at a crossroad where he's not sure if he has it anymore. Sounds like a bad angle waiting to happen.
"The countdown is on and no matter what the naysayers and the nathering naybobs of negativity say, the House of Truth - we are still a cohesive unit." - Truth Martini
Roderick Strong beat Homicide with a Gibson Driver. Sorry for few pictures from this. There was just not alot to highlight. Their match was rather uninteresting until they started hotshotting moves for the finish and until the crowd woke up. I expected alot better from these two but it just wasn't here. Rating:*

SOTF qualifier - Mike Mondo vs Kyle O'Reilly
"Look at that face." - Nigel McGuinness
"It's not about kissing Maria now, it's about winning wrestling matches. Something Mondo has done well." - Kevin Kelly
From Lust 2 Dust Snapmare Driver

The finish
Mike Mondo beat Kyle O'Reilly with um, something. If you see the picture above me, it's hard to tell what it is. It looks like a version of the stretch muffler. This was a very good match. Mike Mondo is becoming one of ROH's top guys workrate wise. He really goes all out each match and takes just about any move. O'Reilly looks like the world biggest nerd now. He also makes weird faces and comes off as laughable. The finish was very nice as both men hit their big moves until Mondo locked in the submission. Rating:***

Mike Mondo cut a really awful promo for Final Battle after this. He made the "rock and roll" hand signal many times and talked about how tough New York is while doing this. This might be worth seeing just for how goofy it is.

"As to the once Prince, now peasant, Nana, if that plebian dare puts his hands on me again, I'll throw him in prison because I have a restraining order against him." - RD Evans
Adam Cole cut a promo promising to hurt Kyle O'Reilly in Pittsburgh and saying that he brings out the best in him.

Michael Elgin vs Rhino
"Our main event has come and one thing we know for sure: Truth Martini is going to lose." - Nigel McGuinness
"There's that music again. Truth Martini is with his other client, the man who will face Michael Elgin." - Truth Martini
There were some developments with The House of Truth at the PPV. You can check them out here -
"We do not have to do this. Survival of the Fittest, a random drawing. Random? Random my booty. They are trying to break us apart. Nobody likes to see family fight." - Truth Martini
"Do the right thing Rhino, step down from this matc." - Truth Martini
"I step down to no man." - Rhino
"Elgin, Elgin, look at the bigger picture here. Think of the House of Truth. Elgin, you do the right thing. Step down from the match." - Truth Martini
"There's no way I'm stepping down from anyone." - Michael Elgin
Roderick Strong came down to watch during this.
"Martini looks like he's about to give birth." - Kevin Kelly
"He doesn't want Rhino to deliver the gore." - Kevin Kelly
Michael Elgin beat Rhino with the spinning powerbomb in a good match. The focus wasn't really on the match here unfortunately, but it did all lead up to a good story. Roddy got involved after he thought Rhino won with a powerbomb. Then due to his distraction and Truth's distraction, Elgin was able to capitalize and get the win. Roddy wasn't happy and neither was Truth.

Overall thoughts: Pretty good show. Two out of the three matches were pretty good and I really liked the storytelling in the Elgin/Rhyno match. Truth is a really good character and he's not hard to believe in. Same with Roddy who played his role well. This show was a little akward if you have seen the iPPV, since you know where everything goes, but without it, it's probably a little better. I still give this one a thumbs up and say maybe check it out if you can.

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