WWE NXT 3/4/2025
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/02/wwe-nxt-2252025.html
Chelsea Green and Piper Niven vs Zaria and Sol Ruca
Green slaps and pushes Sol. Sol slaps her back then facebusters her. Piper and Zar try to lift each other. They then headbutt each other at the same time and lariat each other at the same time. Piper shoulders her over. Zar running lariats Piper.
Sol misses a springboard and is banged off the buckles. Sol goes over Green in the corner, trips her and superkicks her for 2. Green throws her down backwards. Sol comes in and pump kicks Piper. Piper takes a high/low for 2.
Green bangs Zar's head off the apron outside and Sol plancha's Green outside, landing hard on the floor. Piper cannonballs both opponents on the floor. We go to PiP break and return.
Green pulls Sol down by the hair. Sol step up enzugiri's Piper. Sol high kicks Piper. Sol goes to tag in Zar but Zar is pulled down off the apron. Piper throws Sol then corner splashes her. Sol hits a top rope double crossbody on her opponents. Zar gets in and pump kicks Piper. Zar germans Green then lariats Piper. Zar germans Green. Zar spears Piper then Green. Green holds Zar for a senton from Piper for 2. Green's nose is bleeding. Green is put in the electric chair and Sol moonsaults her off the top rope in like a sliced bread for 2.
Piper splashes Green on accident. Zar F-5's Piper onto Green. Sol then hits a sol snatcher on Green and pins her.
Thoughts: It wasn't the safest tag as Sol went splat outside and Green got her nose busted open but it was entertaining especially in the 2nd half. I loved the electric chair spot and the two teams meshed pretty well. It could have been a little cleaner but this was a success and I thought it was good.
We see Jordynne Grace talking to Ava earlier in the day. She says she has unfinished business with Roxanne. Cora Jade walks in and says she was told Ava had time to talk. Cora says her and Roxanne aren't best friends. Cora thanks Ava for helping her get a match with Masha Slamovich for the TNA Women's title. She says she will take the title to places Grace and Masha couldn't. Grace tells her the day she wins the title is the day she retires. Ava sets a match up between them.
We get a commercial for WWE Evolve which debuts tomorrow night.
Trick Williams talks to Ava in the back. Uriah Connors and Kale Dixon come in and says they have a new office gift for Ava. Trick says to come back another time and go talk to Mr. Chase. Kale says Trick is the reason Chase U got put on the line. Trick threatens him against the rollaway door and it seems like a match might be set between them.
Jaida Parker vs Kelani Jordan
They shove each other. JP rams her into the corner and hits corner spears. KJ goes up and over her then dropkicks her. KJ hits corner spears then snapmares her. KJ standing moonsaults her for 2.
KJ yanks on JP's arm then la magistrals her for 2. JP back elbows her then KJ hits a hard lariat. JP tries to slide out and is double stomped on the back. KJ asai moonsaults her outside. KJ low crossbodies her for 2. JP shoulders KJ over.
KJ kicks her out of the corner. They go up on the buckles and JP backbreakers her over the top buckle. We go to PiP break and return.
KJ upkicks her then does her odd russian legsweep move. JP knocks KJ off the apron with a shot to the gut. KJ legdrops the back of JP's neck over the 2nd rope for 2. They trade shots. KJ flips out of a reverse suplex. KJ cartwheel back elbows her then kips up.
KJ leg slices her for 2. KJ rolls her up then takes a pop-up samoan drop. KJ kicks JP on the buckles. KJ hits a dangerous looking spanish fly off the top. JP rolls out. KJ goes for a dive outside and is pulled down. JP running hip attcks her. JP tries again and goes into the steps.
KJ misses a top rope 450. JP running hip attacks her and wins.
Thoughts: They did a little much here with the spanish fly not meaning much. Other than that, I liked it. JP was able to hang in there with the more flashier KJ and was able to work with someone who worked a different style. They got a lot of time and KJ really went all out for this. The crowd was into it and it was a good showing for both girls.
JP says she will be at Roadblock watching Giulia's and Stephanie Vaquer's matches.
Kelly Kincaid is back and interviews The D'Angelo Family. Tony welcomes her back. Tony says he has a lot to say about Izzi Dame but says next question instead. Tony says there's only one family in NXT, not Spears' Family, but The D'Angelo Family.
Oba Femi is doing a press conference. He says Moose is a 5 star athlete and he isn't taking this lightly. Oba says he can't afford to lose as then we will have a TNA wrestler with the NXT Title around his waist. Oba says Moose matches him in the supply department. Oba says he will hit first and hard and says Moose will wish he never left TNA. He says he will walk out of MSG as The Ruler and the NXT champ.
The Hardy Boyz come out to talk. They get a big pop. Jeff says it feels so good to be here in NXT and back home in WWE. Matt says it was exhilerating and amazing to beat NQCC.
Matt says something special is happening in NXT. Jeff says the passion is there and the hunger is infectious. Halk Walker and Tank Ledger come out. Tank says they mean no disrespect. They thank them for showing them what it means to be a tag team. They get booed. Tank says they want advice from them. Hank says they are missing something and ask them what they have to do. Matt says they know who they are and enjoy their work.
Matt says they are young, strong and hungry. Matt says they have to break the norm sometimes to get noticed and take things to the extreme. Tank asks if he's talking about tables, ladders and chairs. Jeff says it's about pushing yourself past your limits. Matt says they have the same hunger and passion they did in 1998.
Josh Briggs and Yoshiki Inamura interrupt. Josh says Hank and Tank need to remove their lips from The Hardys' @sses. Josh says you can give them all the advice under the sun but you are wasting your time. Josh says The Hardy's won't give them a title shot and says they are taking it. Hank asks if Tank thinks what he's thinking. Hank and Tank then tope Inamura and Briggs. They then fight to the back.
Matt then says something to Fraxiom, who show up behind them. Axiom says it'll be a dream match in 7 days. Matt says to bring your best. Fraazer says they will. Frazer says let's truly find out who is the the best team in the world. Jeff says he will see them in NYC.
We get a package on Giulia vs Stephanie Vaquer.
Jordynne Grace vs Cora Jade
Masha Slamovich is in the crowd. JG side headlock takeovers Jade several times. Jade backrolls her and JG rams Jade into the buckles. JG shoulders over and lariats Jade. JG flips her off the gutwrench for 2.
JG hits shots to the back and front of Jade. JG side slams her. JG is thrown backwards into the buckles. JG's face is banged off the mat. Jade hits knees to the head.
We go to PiP break and return. Jade is hurt in the ring and is being checked on. The match is then stopped.
Thoughts: This ended prematurely, so there's no rating for this one. I'm not sure what happened to Jade as I didn't see anything obvious.
We get a split screen interview between Ethan Page and Je'Von Evans. Page says Evans got into WWE easy while it took him as all his life. Page says he would break Page's jaw again if he could. They say they will be no rules in NYC. Evans said Page took everything from him when he injured him. Evans says people like Page try to hold him down but nobody will do that anymore or take his joy and smile. They then argue more as we cut away.
Trick Williams vs Kale Dixon
Uriah Connors is with Kale. Trick flying knees Kale to start then hits mounted shots. Kale is out and Trick wins via ref stop.
Thoughts: This was an unusual finish to do after a match just ended due to injury. I don't know why they squashed Kale this way.
Trick gets on the mic after. He tells Eddy Thorpe to come get him if he wants him. Eddy appears on the riser. He says Trick has been struggling with not being champ. Eddy says he beat him but says he has to beat it into Trick and the fans that he is the guy. Eddy says they should do an NXT Underground match. Trick agrees.
We go to the back. Roxanne Perez has hit Jordynne Grace with a chair and the refs break it up.
Moose is at a press conference. He says he was patient and waited for the right time. He says there's no greater match then him vs Oba. He says Oba can be the ruler of NXT but he won't be champ. Moose says he will leave Roadblock with 2 titles.
Ava says Roxanne Perez will face Jordynne Grace at MSG. Fatal Influence walk in. Fallon wants to know when her championship rematch is. Ava doesn't want to talk about it now and Fatal get mad.
Ricky Saints goes up to Ridge Holland in the back. Ridge says Ricky shouldn't be here. Ricky tells him to get used to seeing a lot of him. Ricky goes up to Shawn Spears and his crew. Shawn says the revolution will be televised when he wins the N-A Title.
WWE NXT North American Title - Tony D'Angelo (c) vs Shawn Spears
Tony hits punches on Shawn. Shawn thesz presses him and hits mounted punches. Shawn chops Tony. Tony hits punches on him then running lariats him. Tony hits some punches and Shawn knees and headbutts him. Tony bengs over and is kicked. Tony flying forearms Shawn for 2.
Tony hits punches on Shawn on the buckles. Tony superplexes Shawn for 2. We go to Pip break and return. Shawn gets a 2 count on Tony. Shawn stomps Tony's head then butt drops his back. Shawn camel clutches Tony. Shawn drops Tony's spine down on his knee.
Shawn tells Tony his family is done. Tony and Shawn grab each other by the chin together. They trade punches. Tony belly to belly suplexes him. Tony hits a running spear for 2.
Shawn sharpshooters Tony. Tony gets out then twisting fisherman's busters him for 2. Izzi tries to help out Shawn, Rizzo dives on her and the two factions fight. Stacks is pushed into Tony, knocking off the apron and onto a chair back first. Shawn hits a death valley driver on Tony for 2. Tony flips out of a move and tries to spinebuster Shawn but his back gives out. Shawn then pins Tony.
Thoughts: I figured Shawn would win here as he kind of had to and he's here to wrestler young wrestlers, which he will be doing a lot of as champ. I thought Shawn did okay working Tony's back but it was just an average back for the most part that didn't really get going until the two factions fought.
Overall thoughts: The first two matches got thing off to a good start but then we had a stoppage due to injury in the next match, a squash and then an average main. A lot of the stars weren't in action here which hurt this one some and with the big show coming up soon, we weren't getting a lot of new developments. I'd give this a 6 out of 10 overall but I didn't think it was a must see show.
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