WWE NXT 10/23/2013
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/03/wwe-nxt-10162013.html
Tom Phillips, Alex Riley and Tensai are on commentary.
Corey Graves comes out on the ramp with a mic. He says Neville wants to know why he turned on him. Adrian Neville then nails him from behind and pounds on him. They fight more in the ring. Neville plancha's him outside and stomps on him. The refs then try to break it up.
Emma vs Sasha Banks
SB shoves her and dances then Emma shoves her back. Emma takes her down and bangs her head off the mat. Emma armdrags her. Emma gets a 2 count on her then la magistrals her. Emma armdrags her. SB does Emma's dance and bangs her head off the turnbuckles multiple times.
Emma bangs SB's head off the buckles.
SB throws her down backwards. SB chinlocks her and we go to break. We return and SB still has the chinlock on. SB back elbows her and shoves her while she's down. Emma hits like a slap and Sasha flurries her with wild clubs.
Emma hits lariats on her then does the tarantula. Emma corner crossbodies her for 2. SB is catapulted into the mat. Summer Rae gets on the apron. Emma hits her and Paige pulls Summer down. SB then cradles Emma for the win.
Thoughts: It was an average match here and it was rather textbook with the girls going even, Sasha getting the edge for a while, Emma making her comeback and then losing via cheating.
Paige and Emma try to double team Sasha after but Paige lariats Emma when Sasha ducks.
Emma shoves Paige after as they argue.
We see an exclusive with Bo Dallas from last week. He says the controversy doesn't matter with Sami, only him being champ matters. He says he's going to take a well deserved vacation. He says he will go all over the place and deliver 10,000 squirt guns to Bolivian children. He then says "konnichiwa" and says it's Japanese for goodbye. He says to don't stop bo-lieving.
The Ascension (Conor O'Brien and Rick Victory) vs Casey Morton and Tommy Taylor
Tom is in the blue and Casey is in the green. They say Casey's name is Casey Marin on the announcement, but the graphic says it's Casey Morton.
Conor throws Morton in the corner then corner splashes him. Rick stomps on Morton in the corner. Rick hits chops on Morton then waterwheel drops him. Conor hits running shoulders on Morton. Rick hit a headbutt to Morton's gut.
Rick dropkicks Tom off the apron. Morton takes a double hiptoss drop, then he takes a high/low and is pinned.
Thoughts: It was all squash here as expected. I would have liked to have seen what Morton and Taylor could do. Taylor kind of looked like Giovanni Vinci.
We see a Sami Zayn interview from after last week's show. Sami said he had the NXT Title in his hands. He said he didn't have a problem with JBL restarting the match but didn't like it when JBL saw him take the exposed buckle and not restart the match. He says he knows how Daniel Bryan feels when you feel like you aren't the chosen guy. He says it's not a conspiracy, but it's a coincidence. He says the next time the NXT Title gets in his hands, it's staying there for good.
Renee interviews JBL. JBL asks if she's wearing an NXT issued tanktop. JBL accuses Sami of making bad excuses. He says he overturned a mistake made by the ref. He says he can't be bought and says HHH does what is best for business. JBL says they take accusations seriously. JBL says we won't see Sami for a while and tells Sami to look up JBL and see who he is dealing with. JBL says Sami needs to apologize and he will think of bringing him back. JBL says he won't be here until they decide he's coming back. JBL says Renee should also think of buying a new shirt.
CJ Parker vs Alexander Rusev
Rusev hits knees to the gut. Rusev clubs him and headbutt drops him. Rusev hits a hard bodyblock. A girl in a red dress comes to ringside, who they don't name but is Lana. Rusev then does a camel clutch and taps out CJ to win.
Thoughts: It was all squash as expected and was the beginning of the Lana/Rusev partnership.
During the break, Tyler Breeze took out CJ Parker then cut his hair off. I have no idea why they did this during the break. A match between the two is later signed for next week alone with Paige vs Summer Rae.
Corey Graves vs Adrian Neville
Nev dropkicks him to start then hits chops and punches. Nev hits boots then dropkicks him off the apron. Nev fosbury flops him outside. Nev hits chest kicks then is swept down. CG stomps on the leg then Nev kicks him in the chest for 2. CG bridges Nev's leg on the 2nd rope and stomps it down.
CG pounds on Nev. CG yanks on the leg. CG stomps on him then kneebreakers him. Nev fist drops him for 2. CG figure fours the leg with a heel hook. Nev boots his way out of it. Nev sunset flips him. CG then yanks on the leg.
CG does the figure four heel hook again. Nev hits some running shots. Nev comes off the top and hurts his leg but he then rolls up CG for 2. CG spears him in the knee and does the lucky 13 figure four variation on Nev. Nev then taps out.
Thoughts: It was fine with CG working the knee then submitting him with it. It wasn't anything too great though. CG really needed some kind on engagement with the crowd and Neville needed a better comeback to put this one over.
CG then puts a lucky 13 on him on the floor. The refs break it up to end the show.
Overall thoughts: It was an average show here. We had 2 squashes which weren't that great and we had 2 full length matches. The big news coming out of this is that Sami Zayn is suspended and that JBL is totally doing the heel GM role on him. The main was okay on this one but not terribly exciting. I'd give it a 5 out of 10 as there was nothing wrong with it but there was nothing too great about it either.
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