WWE NXT 10/16/2013
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/02/wwe-nxt-1092013.html
Tony Dawson, William Regal and Renee Young are on commentary.
WWE NXT Tag Team Title Match - The Ascension (Conor O'Brian & Rick Victor) (c) vs. Adrian Neville & Corey Graves
CG = Corey Graves
The Ascension beat Neville and CG 2 weeks ago for the titles.
Rick misses shots on CG then CG fires back. CG bangs Rick's head off the buckles. CG hits punches in the corner. CG back elbows Rick in the corner then hanging headscissors him over the top. CG swings at Conor outside. Neville springboard dropkicks Rick and lariats him over twice. Neville slams Rick. Conor pulls the orpes down on Neville and Neville goes out.
We go to break and return. Neville boots Conor out of a double team. Neville makes the tag. CG gets in and hits shots on Conor. CG hits an STO and a fist drop. CG spears Conor in the knee then does an inverted figure four submission. Rick breaks it up.
Neville hits shots on Conor then Conor dropkicks Neville in the knee. Neville is thrown into the post/midlde buckle. Rick stomps on Neville. Neville upkicks Rick. Rick dropkicks Neville into CG. Neville takes a legsweep + flying euro and is pinned.
Thoughts: It was just average. They worked Neville's knee here but most of the work happened during the break, which we didn't see. The crowd wasn't into this one too much and The Ascension won as expected.
CG yells at Neville after. He says that was their shot and the titles are gone. Neville says he's sorry. CG helps lift him up and running spears him in the knee. CG then pounds on Neville. CG says "they're gone" and "you lost".
Regal says Corey was desperate and he blamed Neville for the loss. Regal insists Neville could have done more to save the match.
Tyler Breeze vs CJ Parker
CJ hits chops and Renee calls it Beauty vs The Hobo. CJ airplane spins TB and TB goes out. CJ slinghsot sunset flips him for 2. CJ flips him by the arm then kicks him in the back.
CJ pushes him down then misses a dropkick. TB grabs his phone to take photos. TB then mounts him and pounds on him. CJ la magistral's him for 2 then flying lariats him. TB backs off and grabs the ring skirt. TB eye pokes him and spinning heel kicks him. TB then get the pin.
Thoughts: It was a shorter match here. I thought Breeze did a good job with this one but there just wasn't much to it. Breeze winning wasn't much of a surprise.
TB tries to take a selfie with CJ after and CJ hits a big shotei. CJ then steals TB's phone and takes selfies with the fans.
Paige and Emma vs Summer Rae and Sasha Banks
Paige thesz presses SB and bangs her head off the mat. SB is bounced off the ropes. Summer gets in and is bounced off the ropes as well. Emma trips SB and bangs her head off the buckles. Emma slides through the ropes and rolls up SB for 2.
SB pounds on Emma then Summer chokes Emma on the ropes. Emma's head is banged off the mat then Summer drives Emma's head into the mat. Summer pulls on Emma's arms. Emma rolls to make the tag.
Paige comes in and shoulders over Summer. She hits knees to the gut and side of Summer over the 2nd rope. SB trips up Paige from the outside and Paige dropkicks Summer for 2. Paige fisherman suplexes Summer for 2.
SB throws Emma out then is knocked out with her. Summer leg slices Paige and wins.
Thoughts: It was another normal and basically average match. The faces didn't get much offense in here at all and SB also didn't get a lot of meaningful offense in on this one. I was surprised that the heels won mostly clean.
WWE NXT Title Match - Bo Dallas (c) vs. Sami Zayn
They wristlock each other and Sami armdrags him. Sami snapmares him into a crucifix. Sami backrolls him then rolls him up for 2. Sami hammerlocks him and side headlocks him. Bo side headlocks him.
Bo hits knee drops on Sami for 2. Bo cravates him. Sami hits lariats out of the corner then back body drops Bo. Sami helluva kicks Bo and gets a 3 count but Bo's foot is on the ropes.
JBL immediately comes out. He says the JBL era will not start with controversy. He then shows the clip of Bo having his foot on the ropes. JBL tells the ref not to make him learn his name and says the match is being restarted.
Bo running forearms Sami out. We go to break and return. Sami hits punches and takes a back elbow. Bo is pulled over the top rope. Sami tope con hilos him outside. Sami top rope crossbodies Bo for 2.
Sami blue thunders Bo for 2. Bo running boots Sami in the side of the head and hits a tornado bulldog for 2. Bo reverse ddt's Sami for 2. Bo misses an armdrag then Sami hits a running spear for 2. Sami walks up the buckles and gets crotched on the top. He then falls over. Bo then hits a running spear for 2.
Bo hits punches on Sami on the buckles. Sami clubs back on him then sunset bombs him from the buckles for 2. Bo pulls the top buckle off and Sami germans him twice. Bo pushes Sami's head into the exposed buckle and Bo rolls up Sami for the win.
Thoughts: I didn't think Sami was winning here and I'm sure the crowd is not pleased about Sami losing. The finish wasn't done well at all. Bo likely pulled the buckle off too early and they were definitely trying to figure out what to do once that happened. The JBL thing happened early but did wake the crowd up some and they eventually turned it into a decent match, but the beginning and ending of this was not good enough to make me rate this one as good.
Overall thoughts: It was an easy show to watch but it was just average overall. Nothing really clicked that well here minus the main, but the main had a botched ending and a slow start to it. I'd probably give this on a 4 out of 10 overall as there was a lot of room for improvement.
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