WWF This Tuesday In Texas 12/3/1991
Pre-show thoughts: This comes a week after Survivor Series 1991. Survivor Series was a total dud and basically just a long paid infomercial for this show, so this better be good since another PPV was sacrificed for it. As someone who only watched Superstars, the only two matches I know of are Jake/Macho and Hulk/Taker. But that's what happens when two shows are booked so close together like this.
We are in San Antonio, Texas. Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan are on commentary.
We open up with the post-Survivor Series 1991 Mean Gene interview with Paul Bearer and Undertaker
Gorilla and Heenan talk. Heenan says we saw the death of Hulkamania and now we see the wake of it. Heenan says dealing with Jake Roberts is dangerous and says it could be a double wake today.
WWF Intercontinental Title - Bret Hart (c) vs Skinner
This one doesn't make much sense. Bret has been feuding with The Mountie yet Skinner gets the title shot.
Bret armdrags Skin twice then armlocks him. Skin leapfrogs Bret and takes an atomic drop and inverted atomic drop. Bret lariats Skin out. Bret bounds on Skin's arm and armdrags him. Skin armdrags him but Bret holds on and reverses it.
Bret hits knee drops to the arm then leg drops it. Skin hides between the buckles and they trade hammerlocks. Bret drops him with a shot and stomps his gut. Skin sends Bret into the post shoulder first.
Skin stomps on Bret then chokes him outside. Skin double axe handles Bret then abdominal stretches him. Skin shoulderbreakers Bret for 2. Bret boots Skin out of the corner then misses a 2nd rope elbow drop. Skin spits out tobacco and hits Bret with the gator claw he has. Skin chokes Bret on the ropes.
Bret is sent into the buckles chest first. Skin chokes Bret and bangs his head off the mat. Skin reverse ddt's Bret for 2. Skin comes off the 2nd buckle and eats a boot from Bret. Bret hits shots to the gut and headbutts him. Bret back elbows him then hits a shot to the gut. Bret russian legsweeps him for 2.
Bret suplexes Skin for 2. Bret 2nd rope elbow drops Skin. Skin back rolls him then is pushed out. They trade shots outside and Bret's head is banged off the apron. Skin stomps him. Bret throws Skin off the buckles. Bret sharpshooters Skin and submits him.
Thoughts: I didn't think it was that good. It's not like there were any botches or anything but Bret didn't work the leg much before getting the sharpshooter win. It was a little long for the opener as well and there weren't that many highlights here.
Sean Mooney interviews Jake "The Snake" Roberts. Jake isn't worried about Macho. He says the last time he saw Macho, he was flailing like a helpless drowning child. He says the snake does what he has to and takes care of what he has to like Jake. Jake says Macho's eyes were gone when he got bit. He says he got a rush out of seeing Liz's eyes with her pupils small and scared. He says it felt so good to listen to see Macho squeal.
He says Tunney banned his snake. He said nothing he does out there is his fault. He says Tunney makes him do what he does out there tonight and says it's Tunney's fault. Jake says to trust him about the snake in the corner.
Macho Man Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth are interviewed by Mean Gene. Macho says Jake told them not to trust him. Macho says he doesn't trust him. Macho says they won't trust each other. He says he will jump off the top and crush him with an elbow to win. Macho says to trust him that that's what will happen. He says he will then get the rush there when Jake is down and he looks in Liz's eyes. We hear Jake's music and Macho says Jake must be on his way to the ring. Macho says it's a date with destiny.
"Macho Man" Randy Savage vs Jake "The Snake" Roberts
Macho nails Jake from behind as he enters and bangs his shoulder off the post. Macho eye rakes him then hits punches in the corner. Macho eye rakes him more with his entrance gear on. Macho back elbows Jake. Macho then top rope double axe handles Jake with his big hat still on.
Jake goes into the aisle and Macho double axe handles him. They get back in and Jake throws Macho out. Macho is sent into the post while trying to throw Jake into it. Jake pulls Macho's snake bitten arm into the post and bangs the arm off the post.
Macho uppercuts Jake and Jake eye pokes him. Jake atomic drops him. Jake takes Macho's arm bandage off. Jake bangs the arm off the ropes and Macho's head off the buckles. Jake bends over and is kicked. Jake misses a short arm clothesline and is elbowed in the head. Macho runs into Jake's knee in the corner. Jake short arm lariats Macho.
Macho rams Jake into the buckles. Macho's mouth is busted open. Macho top rope elbow drops Jake and pins him.
Thoughts: It was a short one here with no time wasted. Jake worked Macho's arm and Macho ended up winning with a top rope elbow drop. I was surprised it didn't go longer and didn't get wilder with blood especially since it's one of the few feature matches on this show. They did put over that they hated each other well though and both made it look like a fight. I liked what we got but I wanted more.
Macho grabs a chair but an official pulls it away. He pushes the timekeeper over and grabs the ring bell. Jake then ddt's Macho.
Jake then hits another ddt. The ref tells Jake it's over and to get out. Jake says he gave Tunney his word and said there was no snake in the corner. Jake then pulls a bag out from under the ring. Miss Elizabeth runs down and tries to protect Macho. Jake slaps Macho around as Liz says to stop it. Jake grabs Macho and hits another ddt. Jake puts the snake handling glove on. He tells Liz to beg if she wants to save Macho. Jake says Macho is nothing. Jake grabs Liz by the hair and slaps her. Another ref comes out then Jack Tunney finally comes to ringside Tunney yells at Jake and Jake finally walks off.
Thoughts: I'm really surprised no one came to Macho's rescue. Jake slapping Liz was pretty wild and should lead to another match between these two.
Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Jake Roberts. Gene calls him a sicko for hitting Liz. Jake says no man wants a woman who will beg for someone's life. He says he wants a woman who will stand up. Jake says he slapped her but he will slap himself. He says ddt'ing Macho felt good and said grabbing Liz was the best feeling of his life. He says it felt so good to slap Liz that he would pay for it. Jake says to please bring Liz back so he can touch her again. He says he can cultivate her into something he would want. Gene then calls for Gorilla and tells Jake to get the hell out of here:
Thoughts: Wow, this was really raunchy for 1991 WWF. This was not something you saw very often then.
The Warlord vs The British Bulldog
These two were feuding through promos a bit ago so this totally isn't out of left field, but I had the impression that feud was done with. Harvey Wippleman is with War.
War pushes Davey off the lock up and poses. Davey then pushes him. War boots and clubs on Davey. Davey catches War's boot then headbutt drops him in the gut. Davey's head is banged off the buckle. Davey lariats War out of the ring.
Davey plancha's War but is caught and rammed into the post. Davey bangs War's head off the buckle. Davey then top rope dropkicks War. Davey lariats War into the ropes and ties him up in the ropes. Davey pounds on him there. Davey then misses something on the ropes and goes in crotch first.
War stomps Davey's back. War hits a nice back body drop. Harvey calls the fans idiots and says him and War are the #1 thing in the WWF. War boots Davey in the corner then bearhugs him (like we were going to get a match between these two without that spot?). Davey breaks out and War powerslams him.
War hits shots on Davey's back for 2. Davey tries to sunset flip War, War kneels on him but Davey gets it. War then lariats Davey over. War full nelson's Davey. War keeps the hold on for a long time then just releases it.
Davey's head is banged off the buckles. Davey boots War out of the corner then 2nd rope diving lariating him. davey does an impressive suplex on War for 2. Davey hits a corner lariat and goes for the powerslam but War falls on him. Davey crucifixes War and wins.
Thoughts: It was every Warlord match you have ever seen and it was what you would expect. War did his usual bearhugs here along with boots and clubs. It was boring at times and not that good. Davey's agility here was impressive though.
Sean Mooney goes to interview Macho Man. Macho tells him to shut up. Macho grabs Sean. Macho says Jake degraded Liz. He says it's the worst day of his life that he let her do that. Macho slaps himself and says it's his fault. Macho says he's gonna get Jake and says there will be not stopping him. He says he didn't even get a piece of him today and says he blames himself. He goes down to the floor. He says it's over and says there's no control. He says he's gonna get Jake. Macho then punches himself and says it's not over or even started.
Thoughts: This was a wild and great promo from Macho. We've never seen Macho quite like this before.
"The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase and The Repo Man vs Virgil and El Matador
This is a random one that kind of built off of Survivor Series Showdown where Tito saved Virgil from a Dibiase beating. Virgil and Ted have been feuding for 10 months now and I hope this is it.
Repo boots Tito in the gut and hits punches. Tito wristlocks and hammerlocks him. Tito shoulders Repo over then armdrags him.Tito hits some shots on Repo then Virgil gets one in too. Tito hiptosses Repo over the top.
Repo misses a lariat on Tito then gets hit with one. Virg and Ted go at it. Ted clubs on him and hits shots to the gut. Virg sunset flips him then atomic drops Ted out. Ted gets back in and Virg hits a lariat, sending Ted back over the top. Tito hits a shot on Ted outside.
Ted back elbows Virg out of the corner. Repo slams Virg. Ted chokes Virg with the tag rope. Ted lariats Virg. Repo pounds on Virg. Virg hits some shots back. Ted gutwrench suplexes Virg. Virg neckbreakers Ted.
Tito gets the hot tag in and hits shots on Repo. He back elbows and dropkicks him. Tito flying forearms Repo. Ted trips Tito from the outside and Repo knocks Tito over the top. Tito's head is banged off the steps. Repo boots Tito in the gut for 2.
Ted double axe handles Tito off the buckles. Virg is tagged in but the ref doesn't see it. The heels double slam Tito. Tito and Repo do a double clothesline spot. Ted and Virg get in. Virg hits punches and lariats Ted and Repo. Virg russian legsweeps Ted for 2. The four fight. Sherri tries to hit Virg with her heel but mises. Virg grabs Sherri and Repo breaks it up with a boot. Ted then pins Virg.
Thoughts: It was fine. Everything Ted did here looked great which isn't news and Tito had nice looking offense as well. Ted wins and hopefully this feud with Virgil ends.
Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Hulk Hogan. Hulk says it will be the happiest day in the history of Hulkamania. Hulk says they felt Taker stop him at Survivor Series. He brings up Flair interfering. He says The Hulkamaniacs were the real survivors. Hulk says they got the rematch because they believed. Hulk tells Flair to stay out of it. He says the WWF Title will be where it should be - around Hulk's waist. He asks what will Taker do when Hulk buries him.
WWF Title - The Undertaker (c) vs Hulk Hogan
Hulk takes his shirt off as he walks to the ring. Paul and Taker stomp Hulk as he enters. The ref sees it and ignores it. Hulk bangs Taker's and Paul's heads together.
Hulk hits punches on Taker and corner lariats him. Hulk bites Taker and hits corner punches. Jack Tunney is at ringside and Hulk atomic drops Taker. Taker gets right back up. Hulk lariats Taker. Hulk picks him up and Taker clubs him. Hulk eye rakes him then slams him.
Taker gets right back up and Hulk nails Paul on the apron. Hulk hits punches on Taker then lariats him over the top rope. Taker lands on his feet. Hulk clubs Take's chest and punches him on the apron. Taker pulls Hulk out and uppercuts him.
Taker chokes Hulk outside then inside. Heenan says Taker should have taken a month off to relax and bury people after winning the title. Hulk rams Taker into the corner. Taker then gets his knee up when Hulk charges him in the corner. Heenan says Taker will be around for a long time which ended up being true. Taker walks the top rope and clubs Hulk.
They go outside and Hulk hits punches. Hulk is thrown into the post. Taker iron claws Hulk. Hulk makes his comeback. He boots Taker in the gut and eye rakes him. Taker goes into the ropes but slips or gets himself caught and goes down. Taker boots Hulk out of the corner. Taker flying lariats Hulk. Taker tries to walk the top rope and Hulk pulls him down.
Ric Flair comes down and Jack Tunney stops him. Hulk starts to hulk up. Hulk lariats Taker over the top. Hulk chairs Flair outside and knocks him into Tunney. Hulk boots Taker and running elbows him in the head. Hulk hits punches.
Hulk chops Taker. Flair gets on the apron and holds a chair up. Hulk shoves Taker into it and lariats Flair over. Hulk hits the big boot on Taker. Taker sits out. Paul Bearer gets on the apron as Flair grabs Tunney. Paul misses an urn shot on Hulk and nails Taker. Hulk pours the urn out and throws the ashes into Taker's eyes. Hulk then pins Taker.
Thoughts: This was a lot better than their Survivor Series match. It was much quicker and had more action. It still did have some slow points though. There was tons of shenanigans with Flair and Paul here but Hulk pulled out as expected. I would hope there's some suspensions in order for Paul and Flair getting involved when they weren't supposed to but I double it. I wouldn't say this was good but it was acceptable.
Overall thoughts: The show was better than Survivor Series 1991, but that show was awful. This was a shorter one at around 90 minutes. We got 5 matches here and we really only knew of 2 of them coming in. The opener went long and wasn't that good. I liked Jake vs Macho but I was expecting a big showdown and we didn't get that. Warlord/Bulldog was what you would expect and was boring at times. The Dibiase tag match was fine. The Taker/Hulk rematch was much better than their Survivor Series 1991 match and had a bunch of shenanigans in it. Because it was a shorter show, a bunch of stars were missing from this including Piper and The Legion of Doom. I think the important question coming out of this show to ask is that was This Tuesday in Texas worth sacrificing Survivor Series 1991 for? And my answer is no. Maybe if they had stacked the rest of the card up it would have been, but there were only 2 matches promoted here and neither were classics. I'd give this one a 5 out of 10. It's nothing you need to see and there was nothing great on it but they gave what they promised and it wasn't a total rip off. It was just average overall.
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