Tuesday, February 18, 2025

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 12/7/1991

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 12/7/1991

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/02/wwf-superstars-of-wrestling-11301991.html

We are in New Haven, CT. Vince McMahon, Mr. Perfect and Roddy Piper are our hosts. Vince tells us Hulk Hogan is WWF champ again and says there's some more controversy. Piper threatens Perfect if he interferes in any of his matches. Perfect says Flair is the real world's champ.   

The Legion Of Doom (Animal & Hawk) vs. The Executioners (Executioner #1 & Executioner #2)

The Ex's are wearing skull masks and are two smaller guys. They get booted before it starts and both are gorilla pressed. One of them is dropped face first on the top buckle. An Ex is thrown into the other Ex on the ropes, sending both over. Hawk slingshots an Ex in then fist drops him. Hawk hits a flying shoulderblock then he headbutts an Ex.

Animal back elbows an Ex then hits a high powerslam. Animal then hits an elbow drop. Animal hits a belly to belly then elbows an Ex in the head.

The other Ex gets in and is booted. Hawk clubs the Ex off the top then chops him. Hawk snapmares an Ex and chinlocks him. Hawk hits a gutwrench suplex then a big boot. Animal hits a corner lariat. An Ex then takes a doomsday device and is pinned.

It was a solid squash for The LOD. The jobbers bumped big for them and they looked good throwing them around.  

WWF Update

Gene says Survivor Series 1991 is available on VHS on December 19th. Gene talks Hulk Hogan winning the WWF Title at This Tuesday in Texas. We hear from Jack Tunney. He says he's aware his decisions are not always popular. He says this won't be an exception.

Jack says the ref pulled an oversight during Hulk vs Taker at This Tuesday in Texas. He says he won't overturn his decision but will declare the WWF Title vacant. He says the winner of the 1992 Royal Rumble will be declared the WWF champ. Tunney says due to Flair and Hulk having claims to the title, he will let Hulk and Flair enter between #20-#30.

Gene is rightfully upset about this and says we will hear from Hulk later.

Thoughts: Vince was in peak carny mode in late 1991. He gets you to buy Survivor Series 1991. He then turns that show into a long infomercial for This Tuesday in Texas, so you have to buy that to see what you didn't get to see at Survivor Series. Then, they just undid the results of This Tuesday in Texas and now you have to buy Royal Rumble 1992 to actually see who the champ is. This is absolute garbage. And to make it worse, they basically rewarded Ric Flair for getting involved in the WWF Title match at This Tuesday in Texas as he got Hulk stripped of the belt at the end of the day. And why was Hulk stripped of the belt? We don't know, because they didn't show whatever the issue was. We also still aren't getting Hulk vs Flair either. This is not acceptable at all.

The Mountie vs. Al Phillips

Perfect puts over Tunney's decision. Mountie hits Al in the gut and clubs him. Al's head is banged off the buckles. Al is sent out and Mountie hits him in the chest. Mountie yells at Jamison in the front row. Mountie nodowa otoshi's Al and wins.

Thoughts: It was the usual lame Mountie squash with him winning with ease here.

Mountie handcuffs Al to the ropes after. Mountie gets on the mic. He says Al is under arrest and says he has the right to remain silent. Mountie then shocks him with the shock stick.

WWF Event Center

Sean says nothing was settled between Jake and Macho at Tuesday in Texas. He says it'll be Macho and Duggan vs Jake and Taker at the next Boston Garden show.

Jake Roberts, Paul Bearer and The Undertaker do a promo. Jake does a poem and calls Duggan a fool to team with Macho. He says Macho isn't feeling well. Taker says Macho is a beaten man and says Duggan will go down in Macho's plot.

Macno Man Randy Savage and Jim Duggan do a promo. Macho says he's gonna make Jake the one who is begging. Duggan says he doesn't understand Jake's riddles but understands what he did to Elizabeth. He says not expect a wrestling match and says it'll be a fight. Macho says they won't just beat them, they will destroy them.

We see clips of Ted Dibiase beating Virgil at Survivor Series Showdown for the Million Dollar Title with Repo Man's help. We then see El Matador come out to help.

Ted DiBiase vs. Russ Greenberg

Ted armdrags Russ twice. Ted does an inset promo with Sherri. He tells El Matadore that he's not climbing in the ring with a defenseless bull, he's alive. He says if you cross him, you will pay the price.

Ted slams Russ then is hit from behind. Russ bangs Ted's head off the buckles.Ted back elbows himout of the corner then stomps on him. Ted throws Russ out then chops him outside. Russ' head is banged off the apron. Ted powerslams Russ. Ted then puts Russ to sleep with the million dollar dream to win.

It was a squash as expected. Russ got a shot or two in but not much else. This continued the build for Ted Dibiase vs El Matador.

Ted puts money in Russ' mouth after.

WWF Event Center

Sean hypes up the 12/14/91 Boston Garden show. Sgt. Slaughter talks about the handicap flag match with Col. Mustafa and General Adnan. Sarge says he has something to prove and said he got his country back. He says Adnan and Mustafa won't beat him. He says he will lift the flag for the USA.

Jim Neidhart and The Bushwhackers do a promo. The BW's say they will fix The Beverly Brothers. Luke says they have The Anvil to take care of The Genius.

The Beverly Brothers and The Genius do a promo. Genius says he has The Bev's to protect him at all time. Beau says they hurt Neidhart's leg but didn't break it because they didn't want to. Beau says Neidhart might not be so lucky next time.

The New Foundation (Owen Hart and Jim Neidhart) vs Kato and Peter Weeks

This is the Superstars debut of The New Foundation. They have the goofy checkerboard tights on.

They say Owen is Bret's younger brother. Owen's super tan here. Kato wristlocks Owen. Owen headflips out and takes a forearm. Kato hammerlocks Owen. Owen flips out and hits a spinning heel kick. Owen hits euros on Kato. Kato boots Owens out of the corner.

Owen goes up and over Kato then hiptosses and armdrags him. Owen knee drops Kato's arm into the mat. Perfect asks if Owen drops out of this, will Bret's sister fill in? Owen leapfrogs Kato then dropkicks him into a Neidhart slam. Weeks takes a double clothesline. Jim shoulders over Kato then beale throws Weeks.

Jim front facelocks Weeks. Weeks shoulders Owen over. Owen kips up. Owen flips off of Weeks and dropkicks him. Owen slingshots Jim in for a flying shoulderblock. Jim chops on Weeks. Jim bangs Week's head off Owen's foot. Owen chops up Weeks.

Owen headbutts Weeks. Owen drops down on Weeks then Jim slams Weeks. Jim rocket launchers Owen onto Weeks and Owen gets the pin.

Owen looked good here and is easily one of the more agile guys on the roster along with The Rockers. I thought The New Foundation could have used a hype video or two and maybe some line from Bret about how he's passing the torch to Owen, but that was not to be. This was all squash. It went a little longer than it needed to but we saw that The New Foundation is going to be a power + flying type of team. The checkerboard patterns aren't the worst idea but the colors with them aren't the best. They are sadly coming in at a bad time with Demolition gone, The Rockers about to be gone, Power and Glory basically gone, The Orient Express being phased out and so forth. All those teams would have been good opponents for them. I don't remember The New Foundation sticking around too long so we'll see where this goes.

Royal Rumble Report

Mean Gene Okerlund says the WWF Title is up for grabs at the 1992 Royal Rumble. Hulk Hogan does a promo. He says the whole world understands Hulkamania is the strongest force in the universe. Hulk says Tunney did what he had to do. He says they might as well stand naked after that. Hulk says Hulkamania is stronger than ever. Hulk says he doesn't want any tenure or seniority in The Rumble. He says to stick him there in the beginning or whenever he wants. He says it's just another test for Hulkamania.

Greg "The Hammer" Valentine vs Barry Horowitz

Jameson is in the front row cheering for Greg. Vince talks about Greg's figure four vs Flair's figure four.

Greg backs Barry up off the lock-up and pushes him over. Greg hiptosses Barry then side headlock takeovers him. Greg does an inset promo playing a Gameboy. He says he's really learning how to play this thing. Vince then gets a call from Jack Tunney who wants to speak to Roddy Piper. Jack asks Roddy to enter the Royal Rumble. Piper agrees.

Greg hits chops and hair throws Barry. Barry jawbreakers him. Barry headbutts him. Barry misses a dropkick. Greg blocks punches and hits chops on Barry. Greg back body drops Barry then elbow drops him. Greg elbow drops him and wins.

Thoughts: The match was the least important thing going on here with Piper getting calls and them talking about Greg's figure four vs Flair's figure four. I don't think this did much for Greg.

The Nasty Boys vs Paul Perez and Mario Mancini

Paul and Mario have matching jackets on. Knobbs knees Mario in the gut and hits punches. Knobbs bangs Mario's head off the mat. Knobbs hits him in the gut and Saggs facebusters Mario. Mario goes to pity city.

Saggs punches Paul and bangs Paul's head off Knobbs' boot. Saggs lariats Paul from behind. Paul is thrown out. Piper goes off on Perfect about winning The Royal Rumble and leaves the broadcast booth.

Knobbs jumps off the apron onto Paul. Sabbs pumphandle slams Paul. Knobbs is whipped into a corner splash on Paul. Kobbs powerslams Paul then Saggs top rope elbow drops Paul to win.

Thoughts: For the second match in a row, the focus was on stuff outside of the ring than inside of the ring with Piper leaving commentary. Knobbs did a rare dive off the apron here and Saggs hit a top rope elbow drop to win.

WWF Event Center

The Mountie and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Hart says The Mountie has Bret Hart's attention and says Mountie will be IC champ. Mountie says not tell people he tried to finish Bret off. He says when he wants to, he will take the IC Title.

The Big Boss Man says IRS has been calling everyone a tax cheat when he proved he's a backstabbing piece of trash. Boss says he will get IRS for all the people he cheated. Boss says he's the only law and order in the WWF. He says IRS will serve nothing but hard time.

Vince talks about next week's show with Jake, Virgil and a special presentation on Bret Hart.

Overall thoughts: We had some big news with Hulk being stripped of the WWF Title for unclear reasons and The New Foundation making their debut. We also have 3 names set for the 1992 Royal Rumble, so news wise, this was important. As always, this was all squashes wrestling wise and none of that was must see. I wouldn't really recommend this one though and it was basically business as usual on this show.

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