Tuesday, February 11, 2025

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 11/9/1991

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 11/9/1991

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/02/wwf-superstars-of-wrestling-1121991.html

We are in Fort Wayne, Indiana. 

Vince McMahon, Roddy Piper and Macho Man are our commentators. Vince says Sid Justice got injured in a match with Jake and is out of Survivor Series.

We go to Sid. His arm is in a cast. He says Jake injured him and tore his bicep. He says his bicep has been surgically repaired and he will be back bigger and stronger than ever. Sid begs Jack Tunney to reinstate Macho Man as it's the just right thing to do.

Vince says Sid is out of Survivor Series and Macho says he wants in. Piper interrupts him and holds up a "Reinstate Macho Man" sign.

We have Ric Flair vs Jim Neidhart on the show today and an update on Bret after getting electrocuted by The Mountie.

Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs Eric Freedom

Jake hits back elbows in the corner and Vince says Jake's king cobra has been de-venomized. Jake rakes Eric's eyes with his foot then throws him out. Jake hits a short arm clothesline. Jake then hits a ddt and gets the pin.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash as expected here with Jake picking up the win.

Jake pulls the snake out and the ref pulls the jobber out of the ring. The snake then slithers around. Piper asks for the snake to bite Jake.

WWF Update

Mean Gene Okerlund says The WBF Championship will be available this week on VHS. He says it's awesome. Gene says Sid Justice is out of Survivor Series. We see clips of Mountie using his shock stick on Bret after water was dumped on him.

The Mountie and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Jimmy says Mountie now has Bret Hart's attention and respect.Mountie says they zapped a wet brush. Mountie says he's coming for Bret's IC Title and says he shocked him into a title match. 

Virgil vs Steve Dupree

Virg blocks a shot and hits his own. Virg lariats Steve then spinning neckbreakers him. Ted Dibiase and Sherri do an inset promo. Ted says he has a million dollar plan to get his title back. He says it's like money in the bank. Virg hits punches on Steve then gutwrench suplexes him. Virg then taps out Steve with the million dollar dream.

Thoughts: It was a short one with half the match taking place during an inset promo. Virg got the win as expected.

We then get a video on The Repo Man. We see him outside a house at 3am in the morning. He says he's a nice and honest guy who doesn't cheat anyone like the person in the house. He says that guy is a liar and a thief who is a day late on his car payment. Repo says that car is now his. Repo can't get in the car so he kicks the window in. Repo then gets the car started and drives off. He says what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine too.

Thoughts: This is the Superstars debut of The Repo Man. I found it amusing but it is a stupid gimmick, continuing the latest trend of everyone in the WWF seemingly having a day job outside of wrestling. This sadly means Demolition is done which is a shame as they are one of my favorite teams ever.

WWF Event Center

Sean talks about the 11/10/91 Boston Garden show. Bobby Heenan and Ric Flair do a promo. Heenan says Piper is upset and all he's thinking about is Flair. Heenan says Piper hid from Ric. Ric says if you want to make an impression on someone fast, you start at the top. He says Piper is one of the real bad apples. He says Piper has been at Hollywood and the desk too long. He says we will find out if Piper is ready to jump on the real wrestling champ.

Roddy Piper does a promo. He says he loves to have chairs banged over his head and is an easy guy to get along with. He says he doesn't hate Flair. He says he won't tear his throat out or rip his eyes out. He says he will simply finish him and holds up the feather from Flair's robe that he has been holding.

We see clips from Prime Time Wrestling. The British Bulldog powerslams Slick during a match with The Warlord. Vince tells us Slick is out of action and has seen the light.

Thoughts: Change is in the air. Slick is out as Warlord's manager.

The Warlord vs Brad Kramer

Harvey Wippleman is with Warlord. War has a new black "W" top. Vince says Slick wants to become an evangelical minister. War throws Brad back off the lock up. Brad boots him in the gut and gets slammed. War hits a gutwrench suplex on Brad. Harvey Wippleman does an inset promo. He says he will take War to greater lights than he imagined. He said you can forget it if you think you can do to him what was done to slick. War suplexes Brad then hits a short arm clothesline.

Vince says someone named "Mr. Madness" has been seen in the arena's. He asks if Macho cares to comment and he says no comment. War then wins with the full nelson.

Thoughts: People are really getting passed around between managers these days.  Macho asked if War even needs a manager and it's hard to disagree with that. Warlord's always weird because he wins all these squashes with ease yet never moves up in the ranks. I don't remember the Warlord/Wippleman pairing so I don't think this one's gonna last too long. I guess Slick is also done with Power and Glory then too?

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney hypes the 11/1/91 Boston Garden show.

The Natural Disasters do a promo. Hart says the LOD need to get natural disaster insurance. Typhoon says the LOD will feel like they are one of little round balls in a pinball machine as they get bounced around. Quake says The LOD were the toughest team when they got here, but now The ND's are the biggest and the strongest.

The Legion of Doom do a promo. Animal says they may be the biggest in the WWF but they are driven by a low life. Animal says no one can stop them with the crowd chanting for them. Hawk says the most dangerous individual in the world is the one who doesn't care and they got two of them.

Ric Flair vs Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart

Jim side headlocks Ric and shoulders him over. Ric and Jim trade wristlocks. Flair hits chops and punches. Ric takes a back body drop then is lariated over. Jim misses a running knee in the corner. Ric then bangs Jim's leg off the post.

Jim hits some hard forearms in the ring then Ric crossbodies him for 2. Ric clips him in the knee. Ric butt drops Jim then figure fours him. Ric then taps him out.

Thoughts: It was short and fine. Ric worked the leg before getting the submission win. Jim hit some nice forearms.

Ric keeps the hold on after. He then clips Jim and butt drops the leg. Ric then figure fours him and holds onto the ropes while doing it. Ric continues to work the leg and figure fours Jim again. Another ref comes down to stop this and Ric walks off.

Sgt. Slaughter is at the Statue of Liberty and is putting it over. He sucks up to the fans and says he wants his country back.

We see Jim Neidhart get walked to the back. He runs into The Beverly Brothers, who then attack him from behind. The Bev's work Jim's knee.

Thoughts: I'm not sure of the official reason, but this was partly used to pull Jim out of Survivor Series '91.

The Beverly Brothers (Beau and Blake Beverly) vs Mark Wilson and Dan Robbins

Blake pounds on one of the jobbers and hits a nice overhead belly to belly. The jobber is then thrown out. Blake waistlock takedowns the other jobber. The jobber gets bridged on the ropes and Beau hits a double axe handle to his back. Beau hits a double underhook suplex and the jobber takes a shaker heights spike. Blake picks up the win.

It was a quick one with The Bev's throwing the jobbers around with ease after. They did a safer version of their finish but it was done well.

Survivor Series Report

Sid Justice is out of the Survivor Series and it's not known who his replacement is. Jake Roberts, The Natural Disasters and IRS comment on it. Jake says he feels real bad about it. He says Survivor Series is supposed to be 4v4 but poor little Sid Justice is hurt. Jake says he doesn't feel bad enough to give them the edge back though. Jake says you are playing with a loaded gun in the ring. Jake says one of them might get left on the side though with no one to beat up and he doesn't like that.

Gene begs Jack Tunney to reinstate Macho Man and make this 4v4.

Hulk Hogan does a promo on The Undertaker. He says he knows this is the darkest challenge they will have to face. Hulk says he knows about Taker's bodybags and victims. Hulk said he said he feared no man when he won the title in 1984. He says it's his turn to show he is the truth. Hulk says what cha gonna do when he digs a 6 feet hole for Taker.

Paul Bearer and The Undertaker do a promo. Paul asks what will Hulk do when they come for him. He says the Hulkamaniacs will be crying when Hulk is wheeled out in a hearse. Taker says Hulk's future is in his hands and says to prepare to meet your maker.

Gene says he doesn't know if Jim Neidhart will be able to wrestle at Survivor Series. We hear from Roddy Piper, Bret Hart, British Bulldog and Virgil. Virg says he's not a thief. Bret says when he gets his hands on Mountie ,he will be in for a shock. Bulldog tells Warlord to try and slap a full nelson on him. Piper starts to go wild on Flair and his partners try to stop him.

Gene questions again if Neidhart will be on Survivor Series.

The Undertaker vs Major Yates

Taker drops Yates with shots then hits a flying lariat. Taker hits a nodowa otoshi then chokes him. Taker tombstones Yates and wins.

Thoughts: It was a quick one with Yates getting nothing in.

Taker puts Yates in the bodybag after and carries him out.

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney hypes up the 11/10/91 Boston Garden show.

The Big Boss Man talks. He says where there is criminals, there will be law and order. Boss says he runs the WWF and says nobody questions his character. He says IRS accused him of taking bribes and payoffs and will just get hard time. IRS says he's been accused of using abusive tactics when dealing with tax cheats. IRS says you can rest assured that he not only has the power but the will to rectify the situation with tax cheats like Boss. He says you can pay him now and later as he will get his fair share.

The Repo Man debuts next week and we will see IRS vs Greg Valentine.

IRS does a promo. He says Greg is a slow learner and a tax cheat. He says Greg's penalties will come down and he will see what kind of damage IRS can do to him. Greg Valentines says IRS can says what he wants but he will find out it's hammer time when he puts the figure four on him. He says IRS will pay some penalties when he gets up.

Thoughts: This is a rematch from Summerslam 1991 which wasn't mentioned. I'm surprised they are going back to this match already.

Overall thoughts: It was a newsworthy episode of Superstars. Sid Justice and Jim Neidhart are both out of Survivor Series, Harvey Wippleman is now managing Warlord, Slick is going to become a preacher and The Repo Man has debuted. As usual, there wasn't anything too must see in-ring wise but we did get a short and okay Flair/Neidhart match. This one is a must see if you are watching Superstars or planning to watch Survivor Series 1991 due to all of the news that came out of it.

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