Tuesday, February 11, 2025

WWE NXT 2/11/2025

WWE NXT 2/11/2025

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/02/wwe-nxt-242025.html

Vic Joseph, Corey Graves and Booker T are on commentary.

We see various wrestlers arrive and see Ridge rip a fan's sign up.

Bayley vs Cora Jade

Cora charges at Bay and misses then is pounded on for it. Bay hits forearms. Cora's head is banged off the rails outside, Cora is thrown in then she slides out again. Bay dropkicks Cora under the bottom buckle and bangs her head off the commentary table. Bay suplexes her for 2.

Cora throws her down backwards. Cora misses a move on the ropes. Bay back elbows her then sliding lariats her for 2. Cora rolls her up for 2 and takes a knee to the face. Bay then topes her outside. Cora pulls Bay into the ropes and hits knees to the body.

We go to PiP break and return. Bay cutters her over the 2nd rope. Bay hits forearms. Bay belly to belly suplexes her for 2. Bay hits lariats on Cora. Cora is laid on the 2nd rope and Bay double knee presses her down. Bay hits a backdrop for 2. They botch a sunset bomb spot. Cora then does a bad springboard double stomp. Cora gutwrench suplexes her for 2.

Bay catches Cora's step up knee and does a side slam move for 2. Roxanne Perez comes out dressed up as Bayley and is wearing her old gear. Bay 2nd rope elbow drops Cora on the back of the neck for 2.

Bay forearms Perez outside. Cora ddt's Bay on the floor. Cora then hits a double underhook ddt in the ring and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't that good as expected. They had some sloppy moments and not so many highlights. Bayley might be a vet but she has not look good in this role of elevating younger talent. I think the sound was messed up some on Perez's spot too, but I did think that was funny at least. Ava talks to Giulia in an inset during this.

Ava comes out. She says all this is getting settled on Saturday. She says there will now be a fatal four-way with Cora, Perez, Bayley and Giulia at Vengenance Day. Bay pushes Perez into Cora then belly to belly suplexes her.

Sol Ruca and Zaria talk in the back. Sol wants to do a training session with her on the beach. Zaria wants to do it her way. Nikkita Lyons walks in and interrupts. She tells Zaria to touch grass instead of sand. She says Sol is holding Zaria back. Zaria says Sol is the most athletic woman in the division and she came up with a win last week. Lyons challenges Zaria for tonight.

We see clips of WWE LFG, which debuts Sunday.

Oba Femi comes out to talk. He talks about the triple threat. He says it'll be a handicap match as they will gang up on him.  Oba says their egos will be their downfall though.

Waller and Theory come out. Waller says Oba is trying to turn them on each other. Theory says this is pathetic. Theory says Waller has jumped off ladders and hit elbows through tables but says others get all the credit. Theory says everyone forgot Waller is a pillar that helped shape NXT into what it is today. Theory says Waller will help him becomne NXT champ Saturday.

Waller puts over Theory and says he was riding shotgun with a nerd in NXT. He says he can do it one more time with Waller on Saturday. Oba laughs at the idea of them both saying they can be NXT champ.

Waller says he will do anything it takes. Theory asks what does that include. Theory says he's never been NXT champ but has been US champ.  Waller says Theory beat Cena but says no one cares. Theory says Waller has never had a singles title. 

Waller talks about saving his career at Mania. Theory says he will do whatever it takes to be champ. Waller and Theory talk about doing things to Oba. Waller and Theory end up shoving each other. Waller tries to hit him but nails Oba. Theory and Waller then double team Oba in a trick. Theory hits a TKO on the knee. Waller rolls in and stunners Oba.

The heels did a good job of convincing me they might turn on each other here so this worked.

Eddy Thorpe claims Trick Williams is given opportunity after opportunity. Eddy says he's been screwed over many times. Eddy says Vengeance is the only thing he seeks out. Eddy says he'll settle things in a strap match.

We get a video from a doctor. He says Je'Von Evans jaw is healing on schedule and says he's cleared for action on Vengeance Day. He has concerns though if Evans takes any trauma to the jaw. He says he could be out for 6 months if it happens or DQ'd from ever getting in the ring again.

Je'Von Evans asks Ava if he can fight Ethan Page at Vegeance Day. Ava says she's worried about that. Evans says he's willing to take the risk. Ava makes him sign a liability waiver and tells him to think about it. He then signs it.

Hank Walker and Tank Ledger vs No Quarter Catch Crew (Myles Borne and Tavion Heights) vs Josh Briggs and Yoshiki Inamura

YI = Yoshiki Inamura, Tav = Tavion Heights

YI charges at Tank and chops him in the corner. He then does sumo slaps to Hank. He pounces Borne. YI takes corner attacks a bulldog from Hank. Tav hits a nice lariat on Hank. Tav rolls him then throws him onto Borne's knee. Hank takes a double team suplex.

Borne euros Hank. Borne is thrown throat first on the ropes. YI hits chops and punches on Bone and Tank. Briggs hits dropkicks in the corners. Tank hits a double crossbody. Borne is back body dropped over the top. Hank is lifted for a butt drop on Tav.  Josh flying shoulders Borne off the apron. Borne takes a sandwich body block outside. Tav overhead suplexes Hank for 2. Fraxiom watch on the riser. We go to break and return. Tank jawbreakers Borne.

YI gets in and shoulders over Borne. He then hits a big lariat. YI spinning slams Borne then corner splashes him. Borne is whipped into a boot from Briggs. Briggs side slams and splashes Tav.

Borne hits a nice dropkick on Briggs. Borne powerslams Hank. Tav and Hank trade shots. Briggs facekicks Hank then Tav. Hank pump kicks Briggs. Briggs dropkicks Tav from behind. Briggs corner boots Hank. Briggs chokebombs Hank for 2.

Tank does a tope outside. Hank top rope plancha's onto people outside. Hank headbusters Briggs for 2. Briggs hits a big lariat on Hank. YI top rope splashes Hank and wins.

It was a fun tag. It was fast paced and everyone got some spots in. It was a little different as all the teams had bigger guys in it so it was more hoss based then flip based. This worked though and I thought it was good.

Fraxiom talk on the riser. They say they deserve a title shot and got it at Vengeance Day. 

The D'Angelo Family talks in the back. Stacks says Tony has been in his head and he's sorry. Tony says he has to do it himself in the cage tonight. Tony says forgetaboutit and says he'll be good. 

NXT Heritage Cup - Lexi King (c) vs JDC

The Heritage Cup rules are gone and it's now one fall to a finish. JDC armdrags King. King waistlock takedowns him and rides him with the front facelock. King is thrown over by the arm then armdragged. JDC hits chops. JDC goes up and over and sunset flips him.

King gets out of a backslide and knees him in the face. King wipes his head with a towel and is rolled up. JDC lariats him over the top. JDC then plancha's him outside. We go to PiP break and return.

JDC elbows him out of the corner. JDC misses a 2nd rope dropkick. JDC hits chops. King rolls into a single leg crab on him. JDC hits him from behind. JDC corner euros him. JDC russian legsweeps him.

JDC his a falcon arrow for 2. JDC tope con hilos King outside. JDC hits a top rope legdrop for 2. JDC is crotched up top. King hits a bridging version of his coronation neckbreaker and wins.

Thoughts: As usual with King, it wasn't that good. Him winning wasn't much of a surprise. I liked JDC's top rope legdrop. The Heritage Cup rules don't really work for live TV, but without them, it's another title and it ruins the specialness of it.

Ava talks to Roxanne Perez and Bayley in the back. Perez says her chances of becoming champ got worse. She says she will become a 3x champ to Bayley. Bayley says she looks the best she ever has in her Bayley gear. Cora Jade comes in. She says she could be champ and brings up Perez saying it's finally her turn to be champ. Perez says, "over my dead body" after she leaves.

Fatal Influence talk in the back. Kelani Jordan goes up to them. She says she wants a title shot at the Women's N-A Title if Fallon keeps it. Jaida PArker comes in. She says Kelani thinks of her 24/7. She says she doesn't have time for that. She says she's focuseed on the title. Ashante Adonis comes in and says Karmen Petrovic deserves the shot. Fallon and Fatal Influence leave and tell them to figure it out.

Zaria vs Nikkita Lyons

They trade shots to start. Zar hits lariats on her and pump kicks her. NL germans her. NL hurricanrana's Zar off the powebomb attempt. Zar germans her. They lariat battle. NL superkicks her for 2. NL camel clutches her. Zar runs into an NL spear. NL misses a vader bomb.

Zar spears her then hits an F-5 for the win.

Thoughts: It was a short heavyweight girls match. What we got was good so it's hard to complain but I would have liked to have seen this go longer. I was surprised to see Lyons go down so easy.

Ethan Page says he's not surprised Je'Von Evans is cleared for Vengeance Day. He says Evans doesn't think with his head. He says Evans could be the face of WWE but he can't help himself.  He says what will happen is not his fault. He says Evans has a bullseye on his jaw. He says he's going to shatter it. He says Evans will look for a new career after Saturday as he plans to end his.

Trick Williams is interviewed on the riser as the cage is put together. Trick says he was told it's his call on whether he wants a strap match with Eddy Thorpe or not. Trick agrees. He says Eddy has to look at him face to face and then he will whoop that @ss.

Ricky Starks, who just got released from AEW, comes out through the crowd. He says it's obvious the fans know who he is. He says if NXT is the future, then they need an absolute superstar of the future. He says if it's the hottest brand, you need the hottest free agent.

Ricky says he's here to turn this place upside down. He says everyone wants to know when the revolution will be televised again and he says he's here, isn't he?

Thoughts: We knew it was probably coming and it came. I think Starks is still a work in progress and a bit thin so he wasn't a must sign to me, but we will see where it goes. I think him vs Trick could work though.

Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer talk in the back. They wish each other luck. Steph says there's only one place to go when she wins the N-A Title. Ridge Holland then walks by. 

Kale Dixon talks to Andre Chase in the back. He says he has to meet someone and it's Uriah Connors. Uriah asks if Chase wants to come out with them. Chase says he can't on a school night. Uriah asks what school? Chase admits he's right and says Chase U is dead. Uriah says we'll see.

NXT North American Title - Cage Match - Ridge Holland vs Tony D'Angelo

they run at each other and hit shots. They trade shots. Tony hits punches. Tony flying forearms him then hits punches to the gut. Tony underhook suplexes him.

Tony lariats him down. Ridge pokes him in the eye. Ridge is back body dropped into the cage. Tony tries to spear him against the cage but ends up going into it.

We go to PiP break and return. Ridge puts him in a cobra clutch. Ridge lariats Him for 2. Ridge then hits mounted shots. Ridge misses a top rope diving headbutt. Tony throws Ridge into the cage then belly to belly suplexes him. Tony fisherman suplexes him for 2.

Ridge pump kicks Tony then northern lights bombs him for 2. They botch a spot. Tony powerbombs him into the cage. Tony then spears Ridge for 2. Izzi Dame tries to hand Tony a crowbar through the cage. Stacks takes it and gives it to

Tony and Ridge fight over it. Ridge hits Tony in the gut then the back with it. Ridge lariats Tony with it from behind for 2. Tony eye pokes him and hits him with the crowbar. Tony then  spinebusters him to win.

It wasn't that much of a cagematch. There was no blood here and nobody did anything big in this one. The crowbar being used was really the only thing of note. This really didn't need to be in the cage and the cage added almost nothing to this.

The Family try to get in after Ridge nails Luca and Stacks and fights them to the back.

Shawn Spears, Niko Vance and Brooks Jensen then try to enter the cage with Tony and Izzi Dame in it. Izzi nails Tony with the crowbar in the leg from behind. Izzi then chokeslams Rizzo. Niko locks the cage door. Tony gets stomped on by the heels. Spears chairs Tony. Stacks and Luca try to come out and help but get stopped. Spears 2nd rope AA's Tony.

Thoughts: I was curious as to where the Izzi/Tony thing was going and didn't see this coming I don't think Izzi really fits in with Spears' crew though.

We get a video on Vengeance Day. We then see the mystery people from last week in masks.

Overall thoughts: Ricky Starks debuting here was the big news. I only liked 2 matches here (the three way and the Zaria match) and thought it was a disappointing night. The main wasn't that good as was as about as lame of a cage match as you can do. JDC/King wasn't that good and Bayley disappointed in her match. Izzi joining up with Shawn Spears' crew was a twist I didn't expect but I'm not that excited for it. I would just give this one a 5 out of 10 and thought it was an average show. I wouldn't recommend it.

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