WWF Superstars of Wrestling 11/30/1991
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/02/wwf-superstars-of-wrestling-11231991.html
We are in New Haven, CT. Vince McMahon, Roddy Piper and Mr. Perfect are on commentary. Vince says Hulk isn't the champ after Survivor Series and Perfect is happy about it.
We see clips of Jack Tunney setting up Jake Roberts vs "Macho Man" Randy Savage at Tuesday in Texas. Vince also tells us about Hulk Hogan vs The Undertaker having a rematch for the title at Tuesday in Texas. We see Jack Tunney officially announce it at Survivor Series.
The Barbarian vs Mark Thomas
Barb hits Mark from behind while he still has his jacket on. Barb lays his jacket on Mark and hits elbow drops. Barb then stands on him. Barb lariats him over and chokes him. Barb chokes him in the corner. Mark hits shots on Barb. Barb catches his crossbody and drops him throat first on the ropes.
Mark is thrown out then is backbreakered on the steps. Barb stands on him on the steps. Barb facekicks Mark and slams him. Barb tope rope diving lariats Mark and pins him.
Thoughts: It went longer than Barb's usual squashes do and Mark got some offense in before getting put down. Barb's offense looked good as usual.
WWF Event Center
Sean Mooney talks Tuesday in Texas. He says Macho Man and Mr. Madness are the same person. He talks the next Boston Garden show. IRS does a promo and says Boss Man exposed himself. He says Boss tried to hit him with a nightstick. IRS says he won't sit down and take a beating from a tax cheating cop like Boss. He says he told him he was gonna audit him and he said he kept his word.
Bret Hart does a promo on The Mountie. He said Mountie tried to electrocute him and kill him for a title shot. He says he will break Jimmy Hart's neck if he sees him and says Mountie is in for a shock with him.
The Big Boss Man vs Von Krus
Von Krus is Big Vito. Von gets a shot in then Boss throws him down. Boss hits a facekick then leg lariats him on the buckles. Boss then uppercuts Von. Boss shoulders him over and hits a splash. Boss sidewalk slams Von and wins.
Thoughts: It was a short one with Von only getting a punch or two in before going down.
Boss handcuffs Von to the ropes after and threatens him with a night stick.
Jake Roberts does a promo. He says Jack Tunney says he won't bring a snake to Tuesday in Texas. Jake says he won't bring a snake to the ring. He says the snake in the bag isn't the dangerous one, but him. Jake says he has always milked the people's emotions for all they are worth. Jake says to trust him.
Macho Man Randy Savage does a promo. Macho doesn't trust Jake and talks about his bad deeds. Macho says there's no snake at ringside, just Jake, the real snake. Macho says he will be at Tuesday in Texas to take him out then says Jake's "trust me" line.
Ric Flair vs Glen Ruth
Ric slaps him before it starts. Ric's belt is still blurred out here. Ric slaps Glen before the match.
Ric side headlocks him and hammerlocks the arm. Ric kneedrops the arm. Ric chops him in the corner and throws him out. Ric chops, punches and eye rakes him outside. Ric pulls Glen's throat down over the top rope. Ric snapmares him and knee drops him for 2. Ric foot chokes him and stomps on him.
Ric back elbows him then backdrops him. Ric then submits him with the figure four.
Thoughts: It went longer than you would think and Piper tried to put over Glen. It wasn't much with Ric working the arm some then going for the figure four.
We see Gary Strydom working out with Tito Santana in the gym.
WWF Event Center
Sean hypes up the 12/14/91 Boston Garden show. Skinner does a promo on Virgil. He says it's hunting season and he's hunting. Skinner says he's here to hunt superstars. He says the only thing left is Virgil's hide and he will take it.
Virgil does a promo. He says Skin was beating up alligators while he beat up people as an alligator. He says he will dance on him and take him down on the ground.
The Beverly Brothers and The Genius do a promo. Genius says The Bushwhackers and Jimmy Snuka's brains don't match the average vegetable. Beau says they need to be a taught a lesson and say to ask Jim Neidhart, as he didn't graduate their school.
We see clips from last week's Wrestling Challenge. The Nasty Boys clothesline Jim Duggan with his US flag then choke him with it. Sgt. Slaughter comes out to make the save and hits a double clothesline then punches on The Nasty's. Sarge throws Jimmy Hart out on The Nasty's. Sarge kisses the flag after. Sarge and Duggan shake hands after.
"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan and Sgt. Slaughter vs Paul Perez and Dale Wolfe
Sarge clubs on Dale and bangs his head off the buckles. Dale is thrown out and has his head banged off the rails and steps. Dale takes a double back elbow then Jim bangs Dale's head off the buckles. Jim slams Dale.
Sarge backbreakers Dale. Sarge clubs on Paul then stomps him. Sarge back body drops him. Paul is whipped into a lariat from Duggan and is pinned. Jamison salutes both from the crowd after.
Thoughts: It was all squash here. Sarge wrestled like a heel on this one and threw Paul out after as well.
Paul Bearer and The Undertaker do a promo. Paul says Hulkamania died at Survivor Series. He says instead of burying Hulk the next day, they will do it at Tuesday in Texas. He says they will disembowel Hulk. Taker says Hulk is a defeated him. He says now he comes for the soul of Hulk to reset in the urn for eternity.
The British Bulldog vs Dave Wilson
Dave hits a knee to the gut then takes a hiptoss. Davey armdrags him and armlocks him. Davey knee drops the arm. Davey hits a nice running dropkick. Davey suplexes Dave then armlocks him. Davey corner lariats Dave then powerslams him for the win.
Thoughts: Davey's dropkick was nice here. Dave was a little bigger than Davey and Davey looked good throwing him around.
WWF Event Center
Sean Mooney hypes up the next Boston Garden show. We are told it's Sgt. Slaughter vs Mustafa and Adnan in a handicapped flag match. General Adnan calls Sarge a double crosser and says he's a man without a country. Col. Mustafa says they taught Sarge all he knows and know how to bring him down.
Sgt. Slaughter calls them maggots. Sarge says he has his country back and says they will find out what it means for Sarge to be back.
The Repo Man vs Phil Apollo
Repo boots and punches Phil. Phil's head is banged off the buckles. Repo lariats him and Phil is put in tree of woe. Ted Dibiase and Sensational Sherri do an inset promo. Ted says everything he does is well planned and executed to his satisfaction. He says Virgil has nothing he wants than to beat him for his pleasure. He says Virgil will pay a dear price like the others.
Repo legweeps Phil then stomps on him. Repo wraps Phil's leg around the rope then slams him. Repo leglocks Phil and wins.
Thoughts: It was a quick one and wasn't too much. Repo did a lot of basic offense and wrapped Phil's legs around the ropes towing style.
Repo ties up Phil's legs and pulls the rope over the top like he's towing a car.
Repo threatens Jamison in the seats. Jamison says he thought the fans were gonna help him.
Hulk Hogan does a promo. He says nothing has changed in our world. He says sometimes it takes a tragedy to wake the rest of the world up. Hulk says him and his Maniacs still believe in the training and the vitamins. Hulk says just because Taker got a pin on him via Ric Flair, nothing has changed. Hulk says if he doesn't beat Taker, Taker might as well bury him. Taker says all you would find in him though are millions of Hulksters you'd have to fight night after night.
Vince says we will have results from Tuesday in Texas next week.
Overall thoughts: There wasn't much going on here. It was all about pushing Hulk/Taker and Jake/Macho for Tuesday in Texas. There was only one week to hype this up and they didn't have a lot of time. I couldn't tell you what the other matches were on the show just from watching this alone and that's not a good thing leading to the PPV. I would have just cut some of the squashes here to promote the show more. I wouldn't recommend this as the wrestling wasn't much and not too much of note happened here. I just thought it was below average overall.
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