Monday, February 17, 2025

WOW Women of Wrestling 2/15/2025 Season 5, Episode 23

WOW Women of Wrestling 2/15/2025 Season 5, Episode 23

Last week's show is here:

Animal Instinct comes out. Jinx says she's been silent about the abuse from Betty and Jones. McLane says they were the ones who brought the dog collars out. Goldie says those were accessories. Goldie says this is animal cruelty. Jessie Jones and Big Rig Betty come out. The heels run out. Jones says they will take the match or they will find them in the parking lot.

Ashley Blaze and The Dojo Defenders (Tara Strike and Kara Kai) vs Top Tier (Coach Campanelli, Gloria Glitter and Kandi Krush)

Coach takes down Blaze then they trade side headlocks. Blaze armdrags Coach off the ropes and dropkicks her. Coach takes kicks from The Defenders. Krush hits leg kicks on Kai then bangs her knee off the mat for 2.  Krush throws Kai into the corner. Kai is double tripped and has her legs pulled on.

Glitter bangs Kai's knee off the mat and stomps on it in the corner. Kai's leg is banged off the apron. Coach gets in and Kai fights back on her. Coach drago nscrews her. Kai takes her down.

Kara gets in and hits corner facekicks on Glitter and Krush. She then double bulldogs them for 2. Krush hits a jumping pump on Kara and wins.

Thoughts: It was short. They worked Kai's leg for most of this until she got out. There wasn't a lot else to it. Top Tier won here as expected.

Top Tier attack their opponents after. Kai is put in a sharpshooter and has her legs kicked by Top Tier. McLane gets on the mic and gets mad. She says Top Tier will pay for this. Kara's leg is like straightened out in some kind of brace and the paramedics help her out.

Scout Parker vs Keta Rush

We haven't seen Keta since November. Keta takes Scout down then back elbows her. Keta corner splashes her then monkey flips her. Scout hiptosses Keta then rolls her. Scout flying back elbows her then standing moonsaults her for 2. Keta hits kicks on Scout then is knee'd in the corner. Scout does a standing shiranui for 2. Keta 2nd rope crossbodies her then dropkicks her. We see Tara Strike is being attended to in the back.

Keta springboard crossbodies her for the win.

It was fine and Scout's standing shiranui was impressive. I didn't expect Keta to win here since she hadn't been around and Scout is kind of getting pushed.

The Alliance (BK Rhythm, Gigi Gianni and Reina del Rey) vs Chantilly Chella, Holidead and Kalaki The Island Girl

Adrianna Gambino is on commentary. The faces pose on the ropes and get nailed. The faces then make a comeback. The faces avoid being thrown into each other and hit forearms then splashes on their opponents. The faces hit stereo corner punches and Reina is pulled out. Holi and Chella do stereo atomic drops then stereo shoulderblocks.

Holi hits corner lariats on BK then drops her throat first on the ropes. Holi hits a bad tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for 2. Holi then flapjacks Chella onto BK for 2. Chella hits kicks on BK then armdrags Gigi. Chella armlocks her then hits a dropkick. Chella snapmares Gigi and is caught by the hair by Reina on the ropes.

Gigi gets a 2 count on Chella. Gigi walks on Chella, dances and elbow drops her. Gigi corner lariats Chella. Gigi flying double knees Chella in the corner. Reina corner meteora's Chella.

Holi blocks a double suplex on Chella then rams her into the heels. Holi hits a double clothesline. Kal hits dropkicks then does a weird gutwrench powerslam on Gigi. Kal leg lariats Gigi for 2. All 6 girls fight outside and the ref ends up disqualifying Holi's team.

Thoughts: I'm not sure about that finish as it probably should have been a no contest or double countout. I didn't expect that ending and it seems like we will probably get some kind of rematch out of this one. It was different than the usual WOW match and I was fine with this one.

Nigel the commentator talks to Pep Riley in the back. He asks what was on the video Pep saw last week. Pep says she was shocked. She says she saw a girl (implied to be Chainsaw) living in a dark and dirty place alone. We see this girl grabbing a chainsaw and filming herself. She pulls out a doll dressed like a cheerleader and put it in black clothing. Pep says this doll was the girl's only friend. Pep said she's glad she's not alone and knows someone else like her. She says she can be who she really is now and says Chainsaw taught her this.

Thoughts: They tried here but it just didn't work. I couldn't really get past why this video would exist.

Sibley Scoles is in the back. She talks about the main event. Big Rig Betty says they had the match won fair and square then the heels attacked. Jones says she hoped the heels had a lot of fun as they are going to hurt them tonight. Betty says they have nowhere to run.

Next week has Santana Garrett vs Paola Mayfield.

Double Dog Collar Match - Animal Instinct (Goldie Collins and Catalina Jinx) vs Big Rigs and Bourbon (Big Rig Betty and Jessie Jones)

The heels have to be dragged out here by the heels. Jones grabs Jinx by the hair and the heels have the collars put on them. The heels slide out and each team pulls each other. The heels get back in. Goldie is whipped into Jones' boots. Betty bangs Goldie's her off the buckle and stomps on her. Jones sliding lariats Jinx with the chain.

Jones chokes Jinx in the corner with the chain. Goldie chokes Betty with a chain. Goldie chokes Jinx with the chain. Jinx kicks Jones down then Goldie camel clutches Betty with the chain.

Jones and Betty hit back elbows on the heels in the corner and send them into each other. They then roll them up together and pin them.

: I didn't like this. The camera's didn't really know how to shoot this and they made it hard to watch. Add in Jones and Betty looking rather identical from far away with the same style outfits and same hair color and it was even harder to follow. Double dog collar matches are always a mess because the wrestlers can't move that much without getting tied up and with the WOW girls being more limited, the work wasn't good at all.

Overall thoughts: It wasn't one of the better WOW episodes. The main was hard to watch and wasn't that good. The matches weren't that bad otherwise but having a bad main always brings down the whole show. The Pep Riley/Chainsaw segment was also kind of hard to follow but they did try. I wouldn't recommend this and would only give it a 4 out of 10.

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