Thursday, February 13, 2025

Pro Wrestling NOAH 2/11/2025 NOAH Star Navigation Premium ~ NOAH Jr. Tag League 2025 ~

Pro Wrestling NOAH 2/11/2025 NOAH Star Navigation Premium ~ NOAH Jr. Tag League 2025 ~

Harutoki vs. Owadasan

Owada throws Haru his jacket then pounds on him. Haru tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him. Haru boots him out of the corner and gets his eyes raked. Owada step up knees him in the corner for 2. Owada chokes him. They trade shots. Haru step up enzugiri's him. Haru top rope crossbodies Owada for 2.

Owada eye rakes him then pump kicks him. Owada pushes him into the ref and rolls him up for 2. Owada then backrolls him for 2. Haru pump kicks him then does a pumphandle emerald flowsion for the win.

Owada just did basic heel offense here and Haru got didn't do enough exciting stuff to offset it. This wasn't that interesting.

Kazuyuki Fujita, Naomichi Marufuji & Takashi Sugiura vs. Masa Kitamiya, Shuji Kondo & Ulka Sasaki

Masa and Kaz trade forearms. They shoulder battle. Masa hits a double chop then is shouldered over. Masa shoulders him over. Sugi and Ulka go at it. Sugi hammerlocks him and side headlocks him. Sugi shoulders him over then Ulka side headlocks him.

Ulka side headlock takeovers him and is put in a headscissors.  Maru and Kondo go at it. Maru superkicks him. Kaz shoulders Kondo over then running back elbows him in the corner. Kaz suplexes Kondo for 2. Kondo suplexes him. Masa comes in and corner lariats Kaz. Masa samoan drops him then sentons him. Kaz back body drops him.

Kaz lariats Masa over. Sugi hits shots on Masa then knees him in the gut. Sugi 2nd rope suplexes him for 2. Masa samoan drops him and misse a senton. Sugi germans Masa. Masa no sells it and germans him back. Sugi then spears him. Masa then spears him back.

Maru and Ulka go at it. Ulka goes Maru's back kick to him then Maru does it to him. Ulka hits an underhook suplex for 2. Maru knees him in the face. Ulka ducks Maru's kicks out of the corner and leg sweeps him. Maru hook kicks him then Ulka pumping knees him. Ulka flying armbars him. Ulkah as like a triangle on and Maru gets a pin off of it.

It wasn't as long as it should have been. Everyone's segments looked good though and Ulka and Marufuji worked well together. It did what it was supposed to and I liked what we got.  

Maru asks for a match with Masa after.

NOAH Jr. Tag League 2025 Block B Match - Atsushi Kotoge & Hajime Ohara vs. RATEL'S (Tadasuke & Yuto Kikuchi)

Kotoge's team attacks before the bell and he sends Tada into the rails outside. Ohara pounds on Yuto and facekicks him. Kotoge top rope splashes Tada. Tada takes a double back elbow then a swinging side slam. Kotoge running knees Tada for 2. Yuto takes a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Ohara does a tequila sunrise to Yuto then he hits headbutts on him.

Kotoge air raid crashes Tada for 2. Yuto superkicks Kotoge and Tada rolls up Kotoge with the tights to win.

It was short here and not anywhere close to what it could have been. There wasn't much to this at all.

NOAH Jr. Tag League 2025 Block A Match - Kieron Lacey & Mark Trew vs. RATEL'S (HAYATA & YO-HEY)

Yo and Lacey go at it. Yo is headbutted in the gut while in the corner. Yo goes up and over then takes a headbutt to the body. Lacey headbutts Yo in the head and hits another headbutt to the body. Yo hiptosses him then basement dropkicks him.

Mark and Haya go at it. Mark hits some shots then flying headscissors him. Mark headbutts him in the chest. Mark takes a double spinebuster and a double basement dropkick. Yo hits chops on Mark. Yo totally misses a basement dropkick on Mark for 2. Haya shoulders Mark over then atomic drops him. Haya gets his legs split. Mark jumps off Lacey's back with a senton. 

Haya step up enzugiri's Lacey. Lacey does a body springboard off the ropes into a crossbody. Mark is popped up to the top and does a moonsault on Haya. Yo top rope dropkicks Mark. Yo meteora's Mark in the back of the neck then cutters him for 2. Mark takes a total elimination variation and a double superkick. Mark does some kind of flying headbutt from the side on Yo and Yo takes a flying knee + spear combo in the corner.

Yo takes a suplex + powerbomb and Lacey kneeling flip dives out. Mark top rope ssp's Yo and pins him.

Thoughts: It didn't quite flow together as well it should have and didn't pick up in pace until the end. Mark and Lacey hit some nice flying moves though and it ended up being okay without them overdoing it. I was fine with this.

Mark and Lacey hold up the tag titles after.

GHC National Title Match - Tetsuya Endo (c) vs. Manabu Soya

Soya dropkicks him and corner lariats him. Soya hits a death valley driver for 2. Endo goes out. Soya goes over the top and is kicked by Yoshitatsu. Endo armbars Soya and cranks back on the arm. Endo knee drops the arm while holding onto it. Endo codebreakers the arm and twists it with his feet.

Endo bangs the arm off the mat. Soya ropebreaks. Endo shoulderblocks him while holding the arm and Soya does it back to him. Soya running spears him. Soya bulldogs Endo for 2. Soya neckbreakers him. Endo handspring corkscrew kicks him. Endo then flying space tiger drops him.

Endo springboard 450's him for 2. Endo armbars him and Soya ropebreaks. Soya sleepers him. They trade roll-ups. Endo superkicks him then poisonrana's him. Soya 2nd rope death valley drivers Endo. the ref is distrated then Soya is thrown into the ref. Yoshi and Owada then come in and beat up Soya.

Yuto, Hayata and Tadasuke come out to help Soya. Soya backdrops Endo then flips him with a lariat for the win.

Thoughts: It was disappointing as they had people come in and these two just didn't get to have the good match they would have had on their own. This was not set up to be a classic and it was not.

NOAH Jr. Tag League 2025 Block A Match - Daiki Odashima & Eita vs. All Rebellion (Alejandro & Kai Fujimura)


Dai and Kai go at it. Dai is hiptossed into the ropes and he armdrags of fof it. Dai flying headscissors Kai. Eita dropkick s Ale then topes con hilos through the ropes. Dai frogsplash plancha's outside. 

Eita swings Dai into a kick on Kai. Kai's mouth is busted open. Kai dropkicks Dai. Ale basement dropkicks Dai for 2. Kai kneeling springboard swantons Dai for 2. Kai jumps off Ale's back with a back elbow on Dai. Dai is double rolled into a double superkick, though one of the kicks misses.

Dai hits forearms on Kai. Kai hiptosses him then running swantons him for 2. Kai crabs Dai and Dai ropebreaks. Ale slingshot splashes Dai but Dai turns it into a pin attempt. Dai dropkicks Ale.

Dai takes a double spinebuster then is lifted for a facebuster for 2. Kai final cuts Dai and Ale top rope splashes Dai for 2.  Dai hits a nice german on Ale. Eita hits dropkicks on Ale.  Ale double boots Eita out of the corner then code red's him for 2. Kai superkicks Eita and Ale gets another 2. Ale comes off the top into double boots. Kai flying forearms Eita. Ale does a nice hurricanrana on Eita and pins him.

Thoughts: I liked this. Daiki got some shine in here and they had a fast paced high-flying match without overdoing it. There was nothing wrong with this at all. Daiki continues to look like a really good rookie.

Kenoh & KENTA vs. Kaito Kiyomiya & Shuhei Taniguchi

Kenta is officially back in Noah. He's been lazy trash the last few years but Noah's roster is so depleted that even this helps.

Shu boots on Kenta and throws him out. Shu grabs his staff outside but Kenta goes back in. Kenta hits boots on Shu then Shu shoulders him over. Shu forearms Kenta in the corner. Kenta and Kaito go at it.

Kaito slaps Kenta then is slapped back. Kaito armdrags him, is put in a headscissors and they go face to face. They trade forearms. Kenta knees him in the gut and kicks him in the back. Kaito takes a double boot. Kenoh wants a fist pound with Kenta but Kenta ignores it. Shu takes a double suplex. Kenta fist bumps Kenoh.

Kenta hits chest kicks on Kaito. Shu trips Kenta and throws him into the rails outside. Shu stomps on Kenta outside and throws him into seats. Kenoh's back is rammed into the apron by Kaito. Shu chairs Kenta in the stands.

Shu sends Kenta into the rails. We go back in after a while and Kenta kicks a bent Kaito over. Kaito stomps on Kenta. Kenta suplexes Kaito.

Kenoh facekicks Kaito then pump kicks him. Shu hits Kenoh in the gut. Kenoh hits kicks on both opponents. Kenoh 2nd rope kneedrops Kaito. Kaito spinning forearms Kenoh. Kenoh no sells it and chest kicks him over. Kaito and Kenoh trade. Kaito dragon screws him. Kenoh dragon suplexes him. Kenoh PK's Kaito for 2.

Kenoh comes off the top and eats a dropkick. Kaito tiger suplexes Kenoh for 2. Kenoh blocks a shining wizard with an ankle lock. Kaito flips out then is pele kicked. Kaito dropkicks Kenoh. Kenoh no sells it and PK's him. Kenta top rope diving lariats Kaito. He facekicks him and powerslams him for 2. Kenta funning facekicks Kaito then corner dropkicks him. Kenta hits chops on Kaito. Kaito flying knees Kenta.

Shu gets in and corner lariats Kenta twice. Kenta knees him in the gut. Shu grabs his staff and throws Kenta off the top with it. Kaito and Shu hit stereo powerslams. Kenta takes a chokeslam + backdrop combo. Kenta crossfaces Shu then Kenoh puts a standing crossface on Kaito at the same time. 

Shu fights off both opponents and is dropped with a high kick. Kenta hits a top rope double stomp on Shu then Kenoh does as well. Kenta hits a go to sleep on Shu and pins him.

Thoughts: This was all about pushing Shu vs Kenta and Kenoh vs Kaito. It was good enough and one of the better things Kenta has been involved in lately but it wasn't great. Shu vs Kenta isn't the most exciting match and there's only so much you could get out of that one. Kenoh and Kaito did a good job against each other here.

Kenoh tells Kaito he's been upstaged by Ozawa. He says he used to be the man but hasn't been the man lately. Kenoh says he's leaving All Rebellion and says it needs reformed. They then shake hands and hug after. Kenoh then talks on the mic. Kenta gets on the mic and thanks everyone. Kenta says he wants to ask if it's okay to come back. Kenta says NOAH is amazing.

GHC Heavyweight Title Match - OZAWA (c) vs. Galeno


The ref between them, Gal pushes him over and splashes Oz. Gal shoulders Oz over then slams him. Oz goes out of the ring to stall. He gets back in and eye rakes Gal. Oz hits leg kicks. Oz dropkicks Gal in the knee then PK's him. Oz corkscrew moonsaults, poses and puts a booger in Gal's face. Gal shotgun dropkicks him.

Gal chops Oz outside. Oz is thrown into rails. Gal then wipes a booger in Oz's face. Gal slams Oz then running splashes him for 2. Gal corner splashes Oz then basement dropkicks him. Owada gets on the apron and distracts the ref. Oz hits Gal with a crutch. Oz dances then does a tope con hilo.

Oz then breakdances in the ring and waits for Gal. Oz cravates him. Oz does a neat standing moosault where he plants off the buckles. Oz rips at Gal's mask. Gal shoulders over Oz. Gal pop-up drops Oz then running facekicks him. Gal lariats Oz over the top. Gal tope con hilos out. 

Gal blue thunders him in the ring. Oz teases giving Gal a mask of his that he took but then he spinning heel kicks him. He then rolls into a flatliner on him. Oz flying dropkicks Gal in the corner. Oz top rope dropkicks Gal for 2.

They trade shots. Gal hits a headbutt, takes a corkscrew kick then hits a spinning lariat. Oz bites Gal's hand and is forearmed then senton'd for 2. Oz rolls him up for 2. Oz spin kicks and corkscrew kicks him. 

Gal avoids a top rope moonsault then Oz standing ssp's him. Oz does an asai ddt for 2. They fight up top and Gal twisting double underhook powerbombs him. Gal running lariats Ozawa then twisting double underhook bombs him for 2 when Yoshi pulls the ref out. 

All Rebellion come out and beat up Team 2000X. Oz grabs a crutch. Gal blocks a shot with it then Gal michinoku drivers him for 2. They fight up top and Oz hits a top rope spanish fly for 2. Oz puts on Gal's mask. Oz hits a top rope double jump moonsault for 2. Oz licks Gal then dropkicks him. Oz hits a top rope phoenix splash and wins.

Thoughts: I didn't like it. It went too long at over 25 minutes and just dragged. I would have rather had half the match with a faster pace to it. It had lots of Oz shenanigans as usual and some Team 2000X interference.

Soya and Ratel's comes out. Soya says he has the GHC National Title and is coming for the GHC World Title. They agree to put both titles on the line. Oz says he doesn't see much value in the National Title though.

Overall thoughts: It went a bit long at 3 hours. The junior's had a decent night and the semi main was fine. Endo/Soya wasn't that great sadly. The main went too long and just dragged. I did like the card and the general direction and idea of it but it wasn't quite as good as it could have been. I'd give this one a 5 out of 10 and there was nothing you really need to see on here.

1 comment:

  1. I've been thinking about checking out the last three matches, but after reading your review, it doesn't sound like it needs to be a priority.
