Wednesday, February 12, 2025

AEW Dynamite 2/12/2025

AEW Dynamite 2/12/2025 

Last week's show is here:

We see various wrestlers before the show like MJF, Dustin, Bayne, The Gunn's and The Hurt Syndicate.

Max Caster comes out to talk. He says he's known as the best wrestler alive and shows his trademark for it. He says he ran Gunn and Bowens out of the company and says we will see who can survive the best wrestler alive. Adam Page then comes out.

Max Caster vs "Hangman" Adam Page

Max runs into the crowd as Page enters. Page goes into the crowd after him. Max heads to the ring and pounds on him as he enters. Max boots him out of the corner and 2nd rope diving headscissors him. Max celebrates and Page gets behind him and hits a lariat. Page hits a corner lariat then sliding lariats Max. Page hits a buckshot lariat and wins.

Thoughts: It was basically a short squash with Page winning only after a couple of lariats.

Ricochet does a video talking about beating Swerve. He says Swerve said he had all this stuff but he lost. Ric says he's moving onto better things. Swerve says it's an eye for an eye and he's coming after him. Prince Nana interrupts and says why does this have to be so personal and says they should go for Mox. Swerve says he can't as losing to Page almost broke him.

AEW Trios Titles - The Death Riders (PAC, Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta) vs Adam Cole, Roderick Strong and Kyle O'Reilly

They all fight outside to start. Kyle hits kicks on Pac then Yuta and Strong chop each other. Kyle dropkicks Pac into the rail. We go to PiP break and return. Pac bangs Kyle's head off the buckles then CC and Pac stomp Kyle in the corner. CC sleepers Kyle.

Kyle is triple teamed in the corner. Kyle leglocks Yuta and CC breaks it. Kyle and Pac trade shots. Pac spin kicks him then Kyle knees him in the gut. Strong gets in and leg lariats Pac.

Strong backbreakers CC. Strong backbreakers Pac and Yuta. Strong release suplexes Yuta onto Pac for 2. Pac is hit with a backstabber and a PK for 2. CC backdrops Strong. Strong takes a hart attack for 2. Pac side headlocks Strong. CC chinlocks Strong and gets on his back with it. Strong tkaes corner attacks and we go to PiP break. We return and Yuta dropkicks Strong. Strong lariats Yuta. Cole gets in and pump kicks Yuta. Cole enzugiri's Yuta then ushigoroshi's him for 2.

Kyle flying knees CC off the apron. Pac springboards into a Cole superkick. CC takes a double knee and a pump kick. Pac takes a tripl shot from all opponents for 2. CC double suplexes Cole and Strong. Yuta is rocket launched onto Kyle's knees and Kyle gets a 2 count. Yuta takes a high/low for 2.

Strong is swung into the rails by CC outside. Kyle ankle locks Yuta. CC grabs a chair but the ref grabs it. CC takes a double superkick. Yuta low blows Kyle and cradles him to win.

It was alright but nothing too great. There were a lot of nice triple team moves by the faces here. They didn't lose clean and I'd expect some type of rematch off of this.

The heels beat up the faces after but Daniel Garcia and 2.0 make the save.

We go to the back. Cope chairs Mox from behind and throws Shfair into a door. Cope and Jay White then use boltcutters and take the briefcase with the title in it.

MJF is interviewed. He says Texas isn't a real state and Dustin Rhodes isn't a real man. MJF tells him to pray to the devil because no amount of paint will hide his shame. Adam Page comes in tells MJF to get out. MJF asks if Page has a crush on him. MJF says he didn't know Jack Daniels came out with cologne. He says this new character isn't Page and says he doesn't have the stomach for it. MJF says Page questions himself like a lost puppy. He says Page is a joke and says the punchline is that these schmucks belive in him. MJF says he will beat respect into them. MJF says he will become a 2x AEW champ and calls him Seabiscuit.

Samoa Joe, Hook and Katusyori Shibata vs Aaron Solo, Rosario Grillo and Jon Cruz

Joe's team attacks and Cruz is thrown out after punches from Joe. Hook capture suplexes Solo. Shibata hits chops on Grillo then Joe joins in. Joe sentons Grillo. Joe hits a muscle buster on Cruz and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was a short square that got Joe and Hook on TV and not a lot else.

Joe gets on the mic after. Joe says these are 3 men that go everywhere, always have an understanding and the only answer is violence. Joe says they always have a problem and always beat your @ss to solve it. He says they are The Ops.

Joe says Christian's crew continues to hide from The Ops. He calls Christian a "chicken @ss" and the crowd chants it. Joe says The Ops should fight The Patriarchy next week. 

Chris Jericho and Bryan Keith are interviewed. Renee brings up Bryan losing to Bandido last week. CJ asks if Rene is mocking him. CJ says it's okay that Bryan didn't get the job done. He says they don't yell at each other in The Learning Tree, he says they teach and learn. CJ says he will collect the bounty from Bandido now. Bryan tells Renee to never embarrass him in front of CJ again.

Willow Nightingale is interviewed. She gets kicked by Marina Shafir and sent into something right after. Jon Moxley then talks. He says Cope is fighting fire with fire and is a dead man walking.

Chris Jericho and Bandido get in the ring.

Thye stare down and do a cowboy duel spot. Bryan Keith trips up Bandido and Bandido is double teamed. The Outrunners save Bandido then fight outside with CJ and Bryan.

Big Bill comes out with the Bandido "WANTED" poster. He holds it up at Bandido and goes to chokeslam him. Powerhouse Hobbs then comes out. Bill and Hobbs trade shots. Hobbs spinebusters Bill. Bandido then puts the poster on Bill. 

Cope and Jay White do a promo. They show the briefcase and ask if Mox is missing something. Jay says to worry about getting Mox's crew on the plane to Australia and not the briefcase. Cope says he's carried a briefcase many times. Cope says Mox no longer has the weapon to keep everyone under their thumbs. Cope says if Mox wants the case back, he just has to meet them in the ring tonight.

Dustin Rhodes is interviewed. He says the devil is here and he will show MJF why he's the last of his kind.

MJF vs Dustin Rhodes

DR powerslams him and hits mounted punches. DR then stomps on him. DR punches him in the aisle way and bangs his head off the apron. DR's throat is pulled down over the top rope. MJF bangs DR's arm off the mat. MJF armlocks DR. MJF blocks a sunset flip and bangs DR's arm off the mat.

MJF knees DR in the face while he's seated. DR hits uppercuts on MJF. MJF hits corner punches. DR powerbombs MJF. DR atomic drops him then running boots him. DR hits corner punches on MJF. DR bulldogs him.

MJF double stomps DR's arm from buckles. MJF goes for the armbar and is rolled up. DR hits cross rhodes for 2. MJF cradles him for 2. MJF hits a short piledriver for 2. MJF puts DR's arm in a chair but the ref takes the chair away. MJF is crotched on the 2nd buckle and DR hits shattered dreams. DR twisting suplexes MJF for 2.

MJF pulls DR down by the arm. MJF then hits DR's twisting suplex for 2. MJF armbars him then crossfaces him. The ref then stops the match.

Thoughts: It was good with MJF working the arm, doing some of DR's moves and DR trying to get the upset. This was done well and was a smart match.

MJF threatens the ref after. MJF then armbars Dustin more. Adam Page comes out and stares down MJF. MJF takes him down and they trade shots on the mat. Security then tries to break it up. MJFand Page roll out of the ring and fight then go into the stands to fight. They go up into the stands MJF tries to throw Page off the seating entrance. MJF throws beer on a planted fan.

MJF says the fans are saying "let them fight" but says Page is a gutless coward and a loser like the fans. Page then runs back out and they fight again. 

We get videos on Kenny Omega's match and Toni Storm's match at Grand Slam Australia.

Megan Bayne vs Maya World

Meg hits knees in the corner then shoulders Maya over. Maya jumps at her and is overhead belly to belly suplexed. Meg hits corner spears and chops her. Meg flying lariats her. Meg hits an F-5 and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was all squash as expected with Meg getting the easy win.

Kris Statlander comes out early and stares down Meg as she leaves.

Kris Statlander vs Penelope Ford

Ford wristlocks her then Kris headlock takeovers her. Ford headscissors her. Ford hammerlocks her and licks her face. Kris snapmares her and sliding lariats her for 2.

Ford goes to lick her again. Kris puts her finger in Ford's mouth then Ford slaps her. Ford ducks a lariat then is stomped on. Kris hits a basement dropkick for 2. Kris suplexes her.

We go to PiP break and return. Kris hits lariats and powerslams her. Kris corner euros her then Ford running facekicks her. Ford ducks a lariat and stunners her. Kris germans her for 2. Ford poisonrana's her.

Ford misses a cartwheel back elbow then Kris lariats her. Kris does a one-legged package tombstone and wins.

It got better in the second half. I didn't get the stuck with Ford trying to lick Kris in the first half and it was mostly a moves based match. I thought it was about average.

Kris is knocked off the apron by Ford after. Megan Bayne then comes back and F-5's her.

We get a video with Harley Cameron using a puppet of Mone to sign her theme. Harley then raps. Harley then does a promo. She says Mone is one of the greatest wrestlers alive but you have to start somewhere. She talks in Chinese after saying she can speak it. She thanks Mone for calling her a loser as it pushed her to work harder and be different. She says she doesn't want to ride the Mone train, she wants to drive it. She says to feel the wrath.

AEW Tag Titles - The Hurt Syndicate (Bobby Lashley and Shelton Benjamin) (c) vs The Gunns (Austin and Colten Gunn)

SB side headlocks Colt. Bobby shoulders Colt over. Bobby takes Austin down then takes forearms. Bobby throws Austin over the top and he hits his shoulder on the apron going down. Austin is thrown over the rail and knocks a rail cover off. SB overhead throws Austin and we go to PiP break.

We return and Bobby suplexes Austin for 2. Austin hits punches on Bobby and throws him out. SB tags in and Austin neckbreakers him. Austin goes to make the tag and Colt is pulled down.
Colt gets tagged in after Austin flips over his opponents. Colt hits punches on SB then flying lariats him. Colt dropkicks Bobby. Colt corner splashes SB then eurostep neckbreakers him. SB ankle locks him and Austin breaks it up.

Colt hiptosses Austin into a blockbuster on Bobby. Austin fameassers SB for 2. Bobby runs over Colt with a lariat and SB superkicks Austin. SB germans Austin twice. Bobby hits a big chokeslam on Colt. SB step up knees Austin then Bobby rolling spears Austin. SB then picks up the win.

Thoughts: This was one of the those matches that sounds fun in your head but is a clearly awful idea on paper. The Hurt's were super faces to the crowd here and beat up The Gunn's, making them lose in their first match back. It was obvious this was going to happen and this hurt The Gunn's instead of putting them over. I liked the match but it shouldn't have happened.

Mariah May does a promo. She says she could let Toni beat her but everyone would say May did it better. May says Toni doesn't exist without her and isn't real. May says she really loves Toni and says it will be a mercy killing.

Jay White and Cope come out. Cope says the title has been in the briefcase for too long. The crowd asks to open the case. Cope brings out "Spike" which is a piece of wood with nails. Cope says he will smash the briefcase if Mox doesn't come out.

Mox and Shafir come out. Cope says Mox doesn't care about the AEW Title and Mox says Cope doesn't know jack about it. Mox says he left pieces of his soul in the ring for the AEW Title. He says he's its protector and shepherd. Mox says he will break Cope's neck at the PPV. Mox agrees to a title match with Cope. Cope says he will show everyone how much he cares about the AEW Title. He then hits with the case with Spike. 

The Death Riders come out. Yuta takes a bladerunner. Pac distracts Cope and Cope is hit from behind. Shafir takes the title. Cope is beaten up 2v1 and spears Pac. Jay bladerunners CC. Mox threatens Jay with Spike and Cope spears Mox. Jay says he and Cope will put The Death Riders in the ground at Grand Slam Australia.

Overall thoughts: Not having any appearances from anyone in the Omega/Ospreay vs Don Callis Family match was really stupid. I don't understand why they couldn't get Buddy or Okada in here either since they are also on the show and the show only has 5 matches. While I enjoyed The Gunn's vs The Hurt's from a wrestling perspective, it was a disaster booking wise that had The Gunn's lose in their return. MJF/Rhodes was good. I didn't mind the stuff with The Death Riders or Page/MJF either. I thought it was a decent show overall and would give it a 5 out of 10, but I thought it did a poor job building up Grand Slam Australia. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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