NWA Powerrr 2/11/2025
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/02/nwa-powerrr-242025.html
NWA Tag Titles - Knox and Murdoch (c) vs Daisy Kill and Talos
Knox and Murdoch get hit as they enter and the fight starts. Talos pounds on Knox. Knox splashes him then Murd corner lariats him. Talos goes for a double chokeslam but takes a double shoulder. Talos is then double clotheslined outside.
We go to break and return. Knox pounds on and headbutts Kill. Kill is choked on the ropes. Knox leg lariats him on the ropes. Kill's head is banged off the buckles. Murd then russian legsweeps him for 2. Talos sweeps Murd from the ropes then Kill pounds on Murd.
Talos corner splashes Murd then side slams him. Kill hits kicks on Murd. Talos slams Murd and Kill pounds on Murd. Talos slams Murd. Murd boots Kill then Knox shoulders over Kill. Knox back body drops Kill then kicks the rope into Talos' crotch. Murd spinning sitout side slams Kill for 2.
Knox crossbodies Talos. Talos no sells it and misses a facekick. Kill gets caught between his opponents and takes a high/low. Kill is pinned.
Thoughts: It wasn't great or anything but it was an acceptable heavyweight match. There weren't any big spots but they kept it moving and I had no issues with it.
Kill is mad at Talos after and pushes him.
No Limits Match - Kerry Morton vs Colby Corino
This match is just no DQ and no countout.
Kerry pieface him and is slapped. They trade forearms. CC facekicks him. Kerry is thrown hard into the ropes and is olympic slammed. CC standing imploding splashes him. Kerry pulls CC's throat down over the top rope. CC baseball slides a chair into him. CC slides the chair into Kerry's gut then topes him.
CC is dropped gut first on the rails. CC is slammed on the ramp. CC is thrown into the rails then Kerry pulls on his mouth. We go to break and return. CC throws chairs in. CC puts a seated chair on top of a seated chair and CC is slammed onto it. Kerry hits him in the gut and back with the chair.
Kerry rakes the back. Kerry sleepers him while sitting on a chair. Kerry is tripped into a chair. Kerry slingshot suplexes him onto chairs. CC goes up top. Kerry tries to throw him onto a chair but just hits the mat. Kerry throws a chair at CC. CC catches it, throws it back and dropkicks it into his face. CC tombstones Kerry onto chairs for 2.
Kerry flying knees a chair into CC then powerbombs CC onto 2 unfolded chairs. It seems like Kerry has the win but CC's feet are on the ropes and the ref says it doesn't count. CC 2nd rope green bay plunges Kerry through a chair. CC then wins with an electric chair driver.
Thoughts: They definitely overdid it here with moves on the ramp, people going through sets of chairs and other dangerous looking spots. It wasn't the smartest match ever but they did keep it interesting and both were brutal to each other. They really only used chairs here but came up with lots of different ways to hurt each other with them. I did like the match but they could have cut some of the spots out easy and not lost much. There was no real story for this and I don't know why we saw it. Colby had a match with the Southern Six like 2 months ago and was feuding with Silas, not Kerry.
NWA Women's Tag Titles - The IT Girls (Miss Starr and Ella Envy) vs Big Mama and Kylie Paige
We haven't seen the Mama and KP pairing before so I don't know how they earned this shot. KP comes out in a sling. She says she was going to take back what she never lost. She says she's ready and wants to work but her dad and the office won't let her. KP then announces a replacement and Kenzie Paige.
NWA Women's Tag Titles - The IT Girls (Miss Starr and Ella Envy) (c) vs Big Mama and Kenzie Paige
Ken pushes Ella and is rolled up. Ella's leg is caught and she is thrown down by it. Ken and Ella trade pin attempts. Ken flying headscissors her. Mama bodyblocks Ella. Starr gets in and tries to bodyblock Mama but gets nowhere. Starr crossbodies her but takes a powerslam for 2.
Ella pulls Ken's hair from the apron then Starr lariats Ken. Ella chinlocks Ken from the corner. Ella stomps on Ken in the corner. Starr back splashes Ken in the corner and kicks her in the back. Starr bangs Ken's head off the mat with a headscissors for 2.
Ella cannonballs Ken and Mama stops the pin. Ella stands on Ken on the bottom rope. Starr samoan drops Ken. Mama gets in and lariats over her opponents. Mama splashes both opponents in the corner. Starr gets on Mama's back. Ella and Ken get in. Ken ends up hitting a cutter and wins the match.
Thoughts: This was a random match as was the match was cancelled. If there was some build or some reason for this, it would have been a lot better, but there wasn't. I don't really see the point in having Ella and Starr lose here. The match was fine but it came out of nowhere.
Overall thoughts: It was your usual edition of NWA Powerrr.Two of the three matches were totally random. The men's tag title match had virtually no build to it either. The in-ring work was fine, but that's about it. Just having clean full-length matches made this episode better than the NWA's usual efforts. I'd give it a 5 out of 10 and wouldn't recommend it.
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