AEW Grand Slam Australia 2/15/2025
This is basically AEW Collision as it's on in the same slot, though the Collision name isn't part of it. Last week's show is here:
Kenny Omega and Will Ospreay vs Konosuke Takeshita and Kyle Fletcher
Will and Kyle trade forearms and shoulders. Kyle shoulders him over. Will takes a double shoulderblock. Will handspring flying corkscrew kicks Kyle. Kenny comes in and top rope crossbodies Kyle. He hits double axe handles on him then Kenny hurricanrana's Kyle. KT hits Kenny from behind. KT then takes an over the back fameasser from Kenny.
The faces do stereo tope con hilos. Kyle prevents a double team in the ring and sends Will into Kenny. He then boots Kenny over. KT second rope sentons Kenny.
Kenny boots KT out of the corner then drives his head down into the mat. Will springboard forearms KT. Kenny snap dragon suplexes Kyle. KT exploders Kenny. Will superkicks KT's head into the buckles. Will standing spanish flies Kyle.We go to break and return. Will hits Kawada kicks on Kyle then hook kicks him. Will hits a ddt out of the powerbomb position. Will hits another ddt on Kyle. Don Callis trips up Will then Kyle half-nelson suplexes Will.
KT flying lariats Kenny. Will hits Kawada kicks on KT then is forearmed over. KT hits a double german on both opponents. Kenny hits a 2nd rope hurricanrana on KT then Will corkscrew moonsaults out onto Kyle outside. Kenny pumping knees KT for 2. KT blue thunders Kenny for 2. Kenny hits a bad poisonrana on KT. KT is on Kenny's shoulders on the buckles and Will cutters KT from the top. Kyle superkicks Kenny then Will hidden blades Kyle. Kenny pumping knees KT on the ropes. Will and Kenny take a tombstone and a package tombstone at the same time for 2.
The four trade forearms. Kenny takes a forearm + superkick then Will does as well. Kyle brainbusters Kenny for 2. Will hook kicks KT then KT flips him with a lariat. Kenny and KT trade forearms. Kenny flying pumping knees KT. KT is dropped face first on the top buckle. Will flips over KT in the corner and dives out onto Kyle. KT takes a hidden blade + one winged angel combo and is pinned.
Thoughts: I'm not a big fan of long openers and that's what this was. They tried to have an epic here but it felt rushed and basically just went straight into the middle portion of the match from the start. It was all action and kicking out of big moves.
AEW TBS Title - Mercedes Mone (c) vs Harley Cameron
Momo Watanabe is at ringside and gets a shot at an AEW Title because she won the International Women's Cup at Wrestle Dynasty.
Mone lays on the ropes. Mone throws HC down backwards then slams her. HC russian legsweeps her then does a sliding flatliner for 2. HC armdrags her and bulldogs her into the buckles. HC axe kicks her and rubs her chest into her face.
HC grabs her Mone puppet. HC hits Mone with it. Mone jumping double knees her in the corner and stomps on the puppet. Mone foot chokes HC. Mone corner meteora's HC. Mone chokes her on the ropes then meteora's her for 2.
We go to break and return. HC bounces off the ropes with her feet and bulldogs her. HC hits forearms and chops. HC lariats her. Mone suplexes her. Mone tries to tope rope splash her but HC gets her knees up. HC wrist clutch backdrops her for 2.
Mome backcrackers her and sends her out. HC grabs her puppet and hits Mone with it. HC top rope crossbodies her then HC hits a canadian destroyer for 2. Mone powerbombs her then 2nd rope meteora's her. HC sunset flips her for 2.
Mone is tripped into the buckles and takes a 619. HC misses a top rope swanton. Mone then hits the money maker and wins.
Thoughts: It got a lot of time and HC did more here than she ever has in her AEW run. They tried. I thought it was about average though and a little boring at times. I thought they should have had Mone get the edge, have HC make her comebacks then just have Mone put her down. Instead they tried for a classic and didn't quite succeed. I think it's also tough to start a show off with 2 long matches.
Mone shoves her title in Momo's face after.
Kenny Omega and Will Ospreay do a promo. Kenny says he had to listen to KT and Don talk about how they beat him twice in one week for a year. Kenny challenges KT to an International Title match at Revolution. Will talks about beating Kyle today. Will then challenges Kyle for a match at Revolution in a cage.
Brisbane Brawl Match - Cope & Jay White vs. Death Riders (Claudio Castagnoli & Jon Moxley)
The faces attack off the apron as The DR's come down. Mox is sent into the rails. The DR's takes corner punches and corner lariats. Mox is double lariated over the top. CC then is double back body dropped over the top. Cope rips CC's shirt off and they go into the seats.
Jay and Mox fight in the aisle. Jay throws Mox into the rails. Jay tries to plancha Mox but is hit with a trash can lid. Cope jumps off a wall in the crow onto CC. Jay is put on a table and choked.
Mox gets stuck up top. Shafir hits Cope with a kendo stick. Jay is pulled off the apron by CC and euro'd. Cope is powerbombed through a table. We go to PiP break and return.
Cope hits a top rope diving double lariat. Mox double underhook ddt's Cope then sends him into the post shoulder first. Jay hits kendo stick shots on both opponents. Jay is sent into a chair between the buckles.
CC spears a chair between the buckles then Jay blade runners him. Wheeler Yuta comes out and whips Jay with a belt. Jay flatliners Yuta. Mox curb stomps Jay. Cope crotches Mox into the post.
CC euros Cope then takes a back body drop. Cope spears CC through a table. Cope spears Mox. Cope grabs a barbed wire chair and hits Mox's back with it. Cope goes for the conchairto but Yuta and Shafir hit Cope. CC neutralizers Cope. Mox bulldog chokes Cope. Cope is out and Mox wins.
Thoughts: I was surprised to see the faces lose here since Cope is challenging for the AEW Title against Mox and you'd think he would win. It was your usual hardcore match. It was fine for what it was. It's always so funny with Mox though. You'd expect him to bleed buckets here yet only his back ended up getting a little bloody from the barbed wire.
Mox keeps the bulldog choke on Cope after.
AEW Continental Title - Kazuchika Okada (c) vs Buddy Matthews
KO gives him the finger. BM side headlock takeovers him and is put in a headsissors. They then do the spot again with the roles switched. BM flying headscissors him.
KO grabs his title and goes to leave BM. BM says he called him a b!tch but he's just being a wanker. KO forearms him and BM knees him in the gut. BM knee drops him for 2. KO backdrops Okada on the apron.
KO flapjacks BM. BM is on the 2nd rope and is dropkicked down. We go to break and return. BM top rope diving meteora's Okada. KO over the back neckbreakers BM on the knee. KO hits a top rope elbow drop. KO forearms him then BM hits a go to sleep. KO rainmakers him for 2.
BM rolls him up and curbstomps him for 2. BM hits a made in Japan for 2. KO ddt's him on the floor. BM superplexes him and holds on for a jackhammer. BM is almost sent into the ref. KO is almost sent into the ref. KO grabs the ref and low blows BM. KO rainmakers BM and pins him.
Thoughts: I was surprised it didn't go longer and didn't try to be more of an epic since that was pretty much the entire purpose of this. It was okay but nothing too memorable and didn't quite live up to the hype it had gotten. This was yet match on this card that was designed to be a good match and nothing more.
AEW Women's World Title Match - Mariah May (c) vs. Toni Storm
Luther was dressed up as a movie theater usher for this.
Toni pounds on May. Toni then thesz presses her and hits mounted shots. Toni stomp flurries her in the corner. May slingblades her then shotgun dropkicks her. Toni hits 6 germans on her.
Toni is pulled down face first on the apron. May shotgun dropkicks her into the rails. We go to PiP break and return. Toni hits lariats then sky highs her for 2. Toni does an STF variation. Toni misses a hip attack on the buckles and takes a cradle shock on the floor. May top rope dropkicks her. Toni cradle shocks her for 2. Toni corner hip attacks her then hits a storm zero for 2. May germans her then hits a cradle shock. May hits another cradle shock for 2.
May hits wild slaps on her. May kisses her on the buckles then Toni running powerbombs her. Toni hits a storm zero but May rolls out. May storm zero's her then Toni cradles her and wins.
Thoughts: I didn't like the finish. You shouldn't be doing surprise cradle pins in the main on a big show. I thought Toni got a little too much offense in early with the endless germans and I didn't think they sold that well here with multiple finishers meaning nothing. I thought it was an average match for the most part and they didn't do anything too crazy in this.
Overall thoughts: It was as heavy as a wrestling show as you can get. There was like only non-wrestling segment here that didn't go long. It got a little tiring after a while and started to run together. I would have really liked some matches where the sole purpose wasn't to have the best match possible. Because of the 2 hour time slot, some of the matches couldn't have been as good as they were supposed to be either. I'd give this one a 5 out of 10 as it just didn't interest me that much and because it offered nothing outside of good matches.
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