Friday, January 17, 2025

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 9/14/1991

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 9/14/1991

Last week's show is here:

We are in Rochester, NY.

Vince McMahon and Roddy Piper are our hosts. Vince says it's National Laundry Day. Piper says Macho Man is coming to Jack Tunney to get reinstated. He says Jake will be left hung out to dry once he gets his hands on him.

Thoughts: I'm not a fan of Macho coming back so soon after a career vs career match. It just ruins the stipulation and it's such shortsighted thinking to do that then reneg on it.

The Dragon vs Paul Perez

Paul side headlocks him then Ricky chops him down. Piper asks if Jack will reinstate Macho. Ricky slams Paul then hits him in the head. Ricky side kicks Paul then elbows him in the gut. Paul misses a move in the corner and is crotched on the 2nd buckle. Paul does a nice sell for the atomic drop. Ricky suplexes Paul then slams him. Ricky top rope chops Paul. Ricky then hits a top rope crossbody and pins Paul.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash here. Paul had some nice selling and Ricky's offense was flawless like usual.

WWF Update

Mean Gene Okerlund has a bunch of WWF toys with him. Gene talks about the wedding reception at Summerslam and shows clips from it.

Jake Roberts, The Undertaker and Paul Bearer do a promo. Jake says once you say the vows at a wedding, it goes down fast. He said it was a little something for him. He says Sid is the new hero on the block. He says if he wants to step up, they got something for him. Jake says you don't play with a snake without getting bitten.

Sid Justice does a promo. He says Jake and Taker really think this is funny. Sid says Macho will take care of this his own way but he's where he should be. Sid says justice will be served.

Greg Valentine vs Scott Colontonio

Greg does some hiptosses. Greg hits slams then some chops. Greg elbows Scott in the head then headbutts Scott in the crotch. Greg elbow drops Scott then yanks on his leg. Greg figure fours him and submits him.

Thoughts: It was a quick one. Scott got a few shots in atleast before being put down. 

A solider talks about Sgt. Slaughter. He says his buddies died for this country while Sarge was eating monkey brains. He says Sarge got his butt kicked at Summerslam and deserved what he got.

The Mountie vs Russ Greenberg

Piper says Mountie looked better in stripes. Mountie clubs on Ross then bangs his head off the buckles. Mountie slaps Russ around. Mountie takes him down by the throat and pins him while choking him.

It was the usual rough house Mountie squash. It's going to take some rebuilding of Mountie after he got put in jail at Summerslam.

Mountie handcuffs Russ and gets on the mic. He asks if he knows who he is. Russ says, "you're a jailbird". Mountie then stomps on Russ and zaps him with the shock stick.

WWF Event Center

The Bushwahckers do a promo and make their sounds as usual. Butch says it's good their Bushwhackeroos are in school and trying so hard. He says they gotta do good and do some studying as well. Butch says they need to study with The Beverly Sisters and The Genius.

The Berzerker and Mr. Fuji do a promo. Berz says he was ordered to take over the WWF and that's what he did. He says, "I don't care and I ain't scared.". He says everyone that wrestlers him goes down hard and gets hurt. He says him and Fuji will then celebrate.

Irwin R. Schyster vs Tony Diamond

IRS gets on the mic. He says recently 33 states raised their income taxes. IRS says the people want to blame the legislators. IRS says if people wouldn't cheat on their taxes, it wouldn't be necessary.

IRS hits a shot and throws him. IRS hits elbow drops then throws him out. IRS does an inset promo. He says there's only one thing worse than being a tax cheat and it's being a cop on the take like Big Boss Man. He says he will put a lien on everything Boss owns and make him miserable.

IRS hits a double underhook suplex and stomps on Tony. He elbow drops him then back elbows him. IRS yanks on the leg then hits a running lariat. IRS hits a samoan drop/write off and wins.

It was the usual IRS squash with him sticking to elbow drops, boots and punches before getting the win.  The gimmick is silly but he is a good heel and it works. 

Mean Gene Okerlunde interviews Hulk Hogan on the stage. Hulk says Hulkamania is running wilder than ever. He says the power he gets from his fans sometimes even scares him. He says everything has been like a dream come true so far. He says that's only because of the Hulkamaiacs. He says his life is beautiful except for one thing.

He says every morning he has to look in the mirror. He says he hears a question wherever he's at and people ask what would happen if him and Flair squared off. Hulk says he knows Flair's credentials and says he's the cream of the crop. He says he's not laying the red carpet for Flair but the red and yellow of Hulkamania. He says he will open the door wide open and says he accepts his challenge anywhere. He says before he can be at peace with himself, he has to know who the better man is and who the real champ is.

Thoughts: There we go. It seems like the match is going to be set. We'll sadly never get it though because of Vince being weird about WCW.

The Natural Disasters vs Brian Donahue and Mike Fury

Quake backs up Fury in the corner then hiptosses him. Quake dropkicks him. Typhoone throws fury. Jimmy Hart does a promo with The Nasty's and The Disasters. Both teams says The LOD are doomed and said they won't rest until they get the belts back. Typhoon suplexes Brian and corner splashes him. Typhoon throws him then hits a stiff lariat.

Typhoon walks on Brian's gut then hits a corner splash. Quake hits a corner splash. Fury takes a double shoulder. Quake powerslams Brian then hits his butt drop. Typhoon then splashes Brian. Typhoon gets the pin.

Thoughts: It was the usual solid Disasters squash. They splashed and crushed their opponents like usual and Typhoon was really moving around well here.

WWF Event Center

The British Bulldog does a promo. He says he's ready for anyone in the WWF. He says he's ready for Barbarian, Warlord, Mustafa and Big Bully Busick. He says he hated bullies in high school and still does. He tells Busick to bully him around.

Skinner does a promo. He says it's been tough getting out of his environment but it's all about surviving. He shows us a lizard. He says he's used to surviving and says he hasn't seen anyone 12 foot long or anyone who weighs 1,000 pounds here. He says anyone who fights him is at a disadvantage. 

Jim Neidhart vs The Brooklyn Brawler

Jim is wearing checker patterns and his blue and yellow gear. He still comes out to his old theme.

Jim hits a slam then a nice shot to the face. Jim back elbows Brawler then hiptosses him. Jim yanks him by the hair . Jim powerslams him for the win.

Thoughts: This was quick with Jim winning as expected. The new gear really doesn't fit Jim and I would have rather seem him go back to what he was pre-WWF. 

The Undertaker vs Bill Pierce 

Taker clubs Bill then rams his back into the corner. Taker puts him in tree of woe then boots him as he hangs. Taker chokes him as he hangs. Taker flying lariats Bill. Taker hits a tombstone and gets the win.

It was the usual Taker squash with Bill getting nothing in and being put down quick.

Bill is put in a body bag after. Taker then stomps him while he's in it.

WWF Event Center

Virgil does a promo. He says Dibiase is looking at the million dollar champ. He says Dibiase is the million dollar chump. He says a fool and his money will soon depart. He says he worked hard for his money and came and got the job done. He says he works 8-5 everyday like anyone else and he got his million dollars. He says now Dibiase is bankrupt.

The Warlord and Slick do a promo. Slick says War has established himself as a top competitor. He says Bret is the new IC champ and they have their eyes on him. Slick says Hulk won't escape War's wrath either. War says no one else has the size and power that he does.

Vince runs down next week's show. Ric Flair will be on the Funeral Parlor and Sid will make his Superstars in-ring debut. We will also hear news on whether Macho was reinstated or not.

Overall thoughts:
They kept things moving here in this one. Hulk has accepted Flair's challenge for a match, but we will never see it officially. Macho is trying to come back. Jim Neidhart debuted his checkers and blue/yellow gear today. Sid looks to be maybe feuding with Jake and Taker and IRS is coming for The Big Boss Man. As usual, there was nothing wrestling worth seeing here but we did get a fair bit of news storyline wise which helped this out. I liked it but I wouldn't recommend it.

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