TNA Impact 1/16/2025
Last week's show is here:
Frankie Kazarian comes out to do commentary.
Leon Slater vs Trent Seven
Trent wristlocks him. Leon gets out and dropkicks him. Leon hits a corner splash. Leon dances and rewind kicks him. Leon flying kicks Trent off the apron. Trent suplexes Leon on the floor and Leon slides down the stairs. Leon barely beats the count in.
Leon cradles Trent for 2 then rolls him up for 2. Leon flying single leg dropkicks Trent. Leon flying kicks Trent in the corner. Trent hits a 2nd rope emerald flowsion for 2.
They hit each other while laying on the mat. Trent punches Leon then hits a rainmaker. Trent then does a nasty looking spinning piledriver for 2. Leon backslides him for 2. Trent hits a burning hammer on Leon for 2. They trade chops. Trent splits Leon's fingers then Leon leg lariats him. Trent then goes onto the ramp.
Leon ddt's Trent on the ramp and knocks a light off of it. Leon jumps off the ramp onto Trent. Leon hits a 450 swanton and wins.
Thoughts: It was the usual Trent match and I didn't like it. They did too much here and none it meant that much. Leon knocked a light off the ramp during this one on accident.
Frankie Kazarian gets in the ring behind Leon after. He teases attacking him but doesn't.
We get a video on Joe Hendry. He talks about the ring being magical. He says he gets back up when he is knocked down but doesn't get unlimited tries in wrestling. He says he doesn't want to go back to being the comedy guy. He says it's do or die in the title match and says he has one try left to beat Nic Nemeth for the title. He says Genesis is his chance to become champ and says the entire world will be chanting "We Believe" by the end of the night.
George Iceman comes out and says we have a championship pre-celebration. He says we will see the future TNA women's tag champs in Ash and Heather By Elegance.
Heather and Ash come out. George says they have been shining bright like a diamond but will shine better with tag gold. George then shows a cardboard cutout with Ash and Heather as champs.
Ash says she feels so honored to be the new knockouts tag champ. She thanks a bunch of people including their private Starbucks barista. She then thanks George Iceman. Heather thanks Ash and the Elegance brand as she says she is now one-half of the knockouts tag champs.
Spitfire comes out. Dani asks if they are celebrating a match they haven't had yet. Dani says it's not elegance, it's delusion. Jodi says they are wannabe barbie dolls that can't keep up with the real wrestlers. Jodi says there's no chance they will walk out with the tag titles. Ash says they don't deserve the titles and belong on the clearance rack. They then fight. The heels are sent into each other and sent out. The faces then destroy the cardboard cutouts.
Sami Callihan and PCO are interviewed. PCO talks in gibberish. Sami says PCO said tonight two monsters will fight one of the greatest teams in history. He says that whoever fights monsters, must make sure they don't become monsters. Sami says they go to Genesis tonight.
First Class vs Steve Maclin and Eric Young
KC dodges EY's lock-up. KC slaps him in the back of the head. KC escapes a back body drop then is slapped in the back of the head. MAclin powerslams KC then elbow drops him for 2. Maclin chops up KC and KC chops back.
KC takes lariats to the back of the neck. Maclin lariats him over the top. Maclin runs the ropes and AJ pulls the ropes out on him. KC then tope con hilos outside onto Maclin. Maclin's back is rammed into the apron edge.
Maclin takes corner spears from AJ. AJ hits his running knee in the corner. Maclin takes AJ's facekick then KC is popped up onto Maclin. AJ chokes Maclin on the ropes. KC and AJ mess with an actor who is in the front row. KC gets pushed over by the actor and AJ grabs the actor. Maclin olympic slams AJ.
EY hits a death valley driver on KC for 2. EY slams KC. EY is crotched up top. Maclin topes AJ outside and EY bites KC up top. EY top rope elbow drops KC for the win.
Thoughts: It was an average midcard match. It was fine for what it was but nothing particularly great or memorable.
The System come out on the ramp after but nothing happens.
Rosemary and Masha Slamovich talk from a confessional booth. Rose says she hasn't ad the title for 7 years and will do anything to get it back. Masha says it must be hard to watch everyone pass you by. Masha says Rose took from herself. Rose talks about the clockwork orange match and says Masha is facing on of the most violent knockouts in TNA history. Masha says something about dragging Rose to hell with her.
We see clips of The Northern Armory beating up Mike Santana and at an indy show.
The Northern Armory come out. Josh says he has unfortunate news to share. He says he's supposed to fight Mike Santana at Genesis but Mike is hurt. He says he won't be able to go at Genesis.
Mike Santana comes out through the crowd. Mike rips Josh for being bald. Mike says they caught him slipping. Mike says he's coming at him harder than ever as long as there is air in his lungs. Mike said he went through an entire system the last time he was screwed out of a title shot. Mike says he will fight Josh in an I Quit match at Genesis.
Josh says he will make an example out of him and teach him a lesson he should have learned long ago. He says he will make Mike understand his place is the same place it's been for the last few years - at the bottom of the card. Mike says he will be the new standard of TNA.
Laredo Kid vs Jake Something
Kid headlocks him then Jake pounces him onto the ramp. Kid hits some forearms and Jake forearms him over for 2. Jake corner lariats Kid. Kid hits a corner forearm. Kid comes off the top and meets a forearm from Jake for 2.
Kid destino's him. Jake misses a corner spear. Kid trips him and does la magistral for 2. Kid hits enzugiri's then does a canadian destroyer ddt for 2. Jake hits a top rope sitout powerbomb and wins.
Thoughts: I didn't like this. They had some sloppy moments and didn't have enough time here to do anything that good.
We get a video on ABC. Ace says they came out of Bullet Club. Ace says they have been around the world together. Ace said they had something special and had high individual goals but they came together to win tag gold. Ace said the Full Metal Mayhem match with The Hardy's was a dream come true. He said he was a big fan of Jeff Hardy and liked purple because of it.
Ace said then suddenly it's been about his best friend hurting. He's said it's the first time where life overshadowed what happened in his career. He says it's been a whirlwind since Bey got injured. He said he never had time to look at the sky and smell the roses and says his career is the same way. He said he's learning a lot about gratitude and appreciating.
He says the X-Division is the backbone of TNA. HE said he grew up idolizing the X-Division greats. He says something is wrong with Moose being on top. He says Moose thinks he can throw people around and bully people. Ace says Moose is not the X-Division. He says he will show what the X-Division is about and that's inevitable.
The Hardy Boyz vs PCO and Sami Callihan
Sami knock down Jeff with a shot. The Hardy's avoid a double suplex then the 4 fight in the ring. Sami backs Jeff's head off the steps outside. We go to break and return. Matt bangs Sami's head off the buckles. Jeff jumps off of Matt's back onto Sami in the corner for 2. We see The Rascalz watching backstage.
Matt hits forearms on PCO. Jeff joins in with shots on PCO. PCO lariats both over. Matt takes a battering ram. PCO stomps on Matt. Matt hits a double ddt on his opponents. Jeff hits a whisper in the wind on both opponents then splashes Sami for 2.
Jeff and Sami trade. Jeff hits a twist of fate. Matt then hits one on Sami. Jeff hits a top rope swanton on Sami and wins.
Thoughts: It was a shorter match. It wasn't anything too special. It didn't get the time and it was a different mix of styles here.
Jordynne Grace comes down to commentary. She says Tessa didn't sign the contract yet for the match so she will leave the contract commentary. She says if Tessa doesn't show up at Genesis, it won't be the first time.
Joe Hendry comes out then Nic Nemeth follows. Joe says he has to win this. Joe says he will lift the title at Genesis. Nic says the fans believe in Joe. Nic says he knows what the title means to Joe. He says he knows what it's like to be TNA champ. He says being champ is a different level as you always have a target on your back. He says it's a different lifestyle and doesn't know if Joe is ready for it.
Nic says Joe earned everything he has gotten so far. Nic shows JBL attacking Joe at Bound For Glory. Nic says he didn't see that happening and said he had nothing to do with it.
Ryan Nemeth comes out. He says Joe is not Nic's friend. He says Joe is a snake and is trying to manipulate him. He says Joe only cares about Joe. Ryan goes after Joe. Joe goes to chokeslam him and Nic superkicks Joe to stop him. Nic and Ryan leave and Joe starts to get back up.
Tessa Blanchard comes out and signs the contract at commentary. Jordynne Grace then comes out and attacks her. Tessa is thrown over the rails. Grace spinning back elbows her then hits a made in japan. Grace then sends her out of the ring.
Overall thoughts: It was the go home show so we weren't going to get anything too big or anything too earth shattering here. There was a ton of talking on this show. We only had 4 matches and 2 of them were short. This was really just your average TNA show and you would totally skip this and not miss a lot. I'd give it a 4 out of 10.
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