Sunday, January 5, 2025

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 8/10/1991

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 8/10/1991

Last week's show is here:

We are in Edmonton, Canada.

Vince McMahon, Roddy Piper and Macho Man Randy Savage are our our hosts. Macho talks about getting married at Summerslam. Piper says cupid's arrows are headed to the match made in hell. Piper says he doesn't know what will happen

The Big Boss Man vs Mike Starr

Mike is Michelle Star and the announcers had a good time making fun of him last time. Mike hits some shots to the gut. Boss fires back. Boss hits a hard lariat. The Mountie and Jimmy Hart do an inset promo. Mountie tells Boss to get ready for the time of his life. He says get ready for the handcuffs and fingerprinting. He says he will lose his rep and jurisdiction. He says it'll be hard times.

Boss leg lariats Mike on the 2nd rope. Mike is thrown hard into the corner and bumps off of it. Boss hits a big punch. Boss hits a big boot and Mike takes a nice bump off of it. Boss yell at him to get up and asks where Mountie is at. Boss hits a side walk slam and wins.

Thoughts: It was all squash here with Mike not getting much in. Mike did a good job bumping around for Boss here.

Boss handcuffs Mike to the ropes in true face fashion after. 

WWF Update

Mean Gene Okerlund shows us clips from last week's interview with Sid, Warrior and Hulk where Sid says he will see that justice is served. The Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan do a promo. Hulk says they saw the question marks of doubts in fan's minds. He says him and Warrior are still the strongest forces in the universe. Hulk says if Sid is not 50/50, he will lay with the rest of the skeletons him and Warrior left laying. Warrior says Sid walks a fine line. He says if he steps in his way, he steps in Hulk's way.

The Beverly Brothers (Beau Beverly & Blake Beverly) vs Brian Jewel & Louie Spicolli

Beau and Lou go at it. Lou's been making a lot of appearances lately. Lou side headlocks him and is backed up on the ropes. Lou talks trash to Blake and is lariated over the top. Coach blows his whistle at Lou and tells him to read his clipboard. Beau stomps on Lou then forearms him in the back. Beau lariats Lou over. Coach's clipboard says, "Beverly Brothers are #1". Lou takes a nice double hiptoss and goes flying.

Blake waistlock takedowns Brian then bangs his head off the mat. Blake oklahoma stampedes Brian. Brian takes a shaker heights spike and is pinned.

It was a squash as expected here. Lou took a nice bump over the top. Coach blew his whistle endlessly here.

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney talks Summerslam. British Bulldog, Texas Tornado and The Dragon do a promo. Kerry says they won't be beat. Davey says they are coming for Warlord and Power and Glory. Ricky says there will be so much power and strength but it won't overcome them. They announced this is happening at Summerslam.

The Nasty Boys and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Hart says The LOD cried to Tunney to make this no DQ and no countout. Saggs says they are playing their game with no rules. Saggs says they can be as nasty as they want and can do anything they want to LOD. Knobbs says the heat is on hot and is melting the paint off LOD's faces. Knobbs says The LOD will get the nastiest beating of their life.

Irwin R. Schyster vs Chi Chi Cruz

IRS talks in the mic. He says being called a tax evader is a horrible thing but if the shoe fits, wear it. Piper says an old lady in the crowd paid her share of taxes. Vince accuses her of robbing 3 banks last week. IRS bangs Chi's head off the buckles then backdrops him. IRS euros him over.

IRS snapmares and elbow drops him. Macho says he's excited for IRS vs Valentine at Summerslam. IRS stomps on Chi. Greg Valentine does an inset promo. He says he has a deduction for IRS. He says IRS is good with figures and tells him when he puts the figure four on him to balance that account.

IRS guillotines Chi then punches him. IRS hits a samoan drop on Chi and grabs the win.

Thoughts: This was all IRS here with him mostly sticking to punches before picking up the win.

The British Bulldog vs Tim Patterson

Tim is actually taller than Davey. Davey pushes Tim back off the lock up. Tim knees him in the gut and side headlocks him. They shoulder battle and Davey hiptosses him. Davey powerslams him then chinlocks him.

Davey lariats Tim over then suplexes him. Tim hits some shots to the gut. Davey corner lariats him. Davey running powerslams Tim and picks up the win.

It was nice to see Tim get a little bit of offense in before being put down. We have not had any of the jobbers get a chance to look competitive on this show lately. 

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney officially announces The Dragon, The British Bulldog and Kerry Von Erich vs The Warlord and Power and Glory at Summerslam.

Ted Dibiase and Sherri do a promo. Sherri said Virgil shined the million dollar belt many times and likely had lots of dreams and ambitions. She says Virgil has to go through him to get to Ted.

Ted says Virgil was a millionaire when he held his title during matches. He says the dream is over and reality will soon set in.

Bret Hart does a promo. He says there's no such thing as perfect but there is excellence and The Hitman. He says he will be excellently executed at Summerslam.
The Nasty Boys vs Doug Carson and Ken Johnson

Knobbs says The LOD isn't nasty enough. Saggs clubs one of the jobbers over the back of the neck. The jobber is then sent to pity city. Knobbs hits some forearms then the jobber does a nice bump for his lariat. The LOD do an inset promo. Animal says they like that the match is no DQ. He says The Nasty Boys are theirs and they will be the champs. Hawk says all the ideas he had of things to do with them will be fulfilled.

Knobbs chinlocks a jobber then throws the other face first into Saggs' boot. Saggs stomps on the jobber. Knobbs hits a corner splash then a running powerslam for the win.

This was all squash here with the jobbers getting nothing in and taking a bunch of basic shots. They talked about who might be at Macho Man's bachelor party during this. Macho says Mean Gene caused all the trouble and doesn't want Sherri to be there.

We go to the cemetery with Jake "The Snake" Roberts and The Ultimate Warrior. Jake says it's not easy to take the same steps a snake takes. Jake says Warrior has begun his walk. Jake says Warrior feels the coldness and the stone. Jake says Warrior takes these steps, not because he wants to, but because he has to. He says Warrior is putting the puzzle together which is one of the hardest things a man can do. Jake says Warrior is currently digging up the past.

We see Warrior digging out a grave. Jake tells him to dig. Warrior says Jake is the only other one who is living amongst the dead. Warrior finds a casket. Jake tells him to crack the shell and break it open I guess. Jake says to pull it out and he grabs a skull. Jake says it smells nice doesn't it. Jake grabs the skull from Warrior and says this is just the beginning. Jake says he must bury Warrior in the same soil.

Warrior says he trusted him before and will again now. Warrior tells him to bury him and Jake says to stand your ground. We cut ahead and Warrior is buried up to his neck in dirt. Jake asks if Warrior trusts him and tells him to cast his eyes into the skull so he can understand the visions of the living. 

Thoughts: These segments are some of the best stuff WWF has done all year. They are creative and just something totally different than what we were seeing at the time. I just love Jake being Warrior's guide to the dark side.

Summerslam Report

Gene says he can't believe Warrior let Jake bury him and says Warrior is alive and well. Gene talks the Summerslam main event. Sgt. Slaughter, Adnan and Mustafa do a promo. Mustafa says he can't wait to face Hulk and Warrior. Sarge says his core of destruction is overwhelmed. He said they can't believe Sid will call things down the middle. Sarge says Sid has one choice only - to count the shoulders of either Hulk or Warrior and raise Sarge's teams hands as the victories.

Mr. Perfect and Coach do a promo. Perfect tells Hart to watch a rerun of Summerslam if he wants to see a perfect victory.

Bret Hart says Coach won't save Perfect and says we will see who has the perfect victory. 

Gene runs down the rest of the card. The Natural Disasters and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Quake says it's only 2 weeks until they feel the typhoon splash and the earthquake. The Bushwhackers and Andre the Giant talk. Butch says it's only 2 weeks until they take care of The Natural Disasters. Andre says The Disasters will be stopped.

"The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase vs Bobby Jones 

Ted side headlocks Jones then shoulders him over. Ted bangs Jones' head off the mat. Ted lariats Jones then fist drops him. Ted hits a nice suplex. Virgil does an inset promo. He says his domination of Ted is just beginning at Summerslam when he takes his title.

Ted stomps Jones and throws him out. Ted slams Jones on the floor. Ted powerslams Jones then puts him to sleep with the million dollar dream.

Thoughts: It was a typical Dibiase squash. Ted's execution was nice as always here and he picked up the win as expected.

Ted shoves money into Jones' mouth after.

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney talks Summerslam. IRS does a promo. He says Summerslam is coming soon and it's time for Valentine to pay his dues. He says he's no better than the tax cheats around the country. He says it's time for him to pay IRS and he will pay big dues. He says Greg owes a lot of back taxes.

The Big Boss Man asks if Mountie ever wondered what it was like to spend hard time. Boss says millions will see Mountie go to jail and serve hard time. He says they will see him hurt Mountie.


Bobby Heenan has the NWA Title. He says he has the belt that belongs to the real world's champ - not Hulk Hogan. He says this man is under contract to another organization and may be arriving to the WWF soon. He said it would be his honor and privilege to represent this man. He says comparing this belt and the man who holds it would be like comparing ice cream to horse manure. He says the champ of the WWF is Hulk Hogan but the real champion holds this belt and it's Ric Flair. 

Thoughts: This was a cool segment. The WWF never acknowledged other feds and actually having the NWA's belt really made this even more special. 

Vince runs down next week's show. Jimmy Snuka will be on. We haven't seen him in a while. Vince says we will have more on Bobby Heenan's revelation on Ric Flair. They mention that something will happen with Jake and Warrior on Thursday and I think they are referring to the Summerslam Spectacular 1991. I'll cover it and find out.

Overall thoughts: This was all Summerslam hype here. We had a good Warrior/Jake Segment. Mike Starr did a nice job in his squash and we got to see Louie Spicolli again which was nice. Heenan appeared on this episode with the NWA Title and announced Ric Flair might be coming which is as big as it gets. I liked the show but it was all squashes and it probably wouldn't do much for most people. I do recommend seeing the Jake/Warrior segment though.

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