Sunday, January 5, 2025

WOW Women of Wrestling 1/4/2025 Season 5, Episode 17

WOW Women of Wrestling 1/4/2025 Season 5, Episode 17

Last week's show is here:

The intro is missing to this one. I'm not sure what was missed.

Abilene Maverick brings out Paola Mayfield, who is a new wrestler. She's from 90 Day Fiance. I do not like this person and I don't know why WOW wants to be associated with that. Paola says she's the only Colombian in here and says she's coming for the WOW belt. Dave McLane says there's spot open in the WOW Championship Battle Royale match and says here and Ashley Blaze will have a match to see who gets in.

Championship Battle Royal Qualifying Match - "The Colombian Goat" Paola Mayfield vs Ashley Blaze

They lock up and PM dances. Blaze then dances at her. They lock up and roll on the ropes. They then roll to the mat while keeping the lock-up on. Blaze rolls her and keeps the lock-up on. PM gets a 2 count on her and basement dropkicks her for 2.

PM hits forearms on her. PM foot chokes her. PM running back elbows her in the corner and pulls her arms around the ropes. Blaze hits short arm clotheslines then a basement dropkick. PM germans her and gets the win.

This was not good. PM really can't do that much and half this match was spent on a lock-up. This was about as basic and simple as it can get.  

The Brat Pack (RK Rhythm and Gigi Gianni) vs Brittany Bay and Tiki Chamorro

BK does a pre-match rap. She says Brat Pack is #1 and the beach bums are done. BK says they are making waves and it's a Brat takeover.  Tiki armdrags BK twice then armlocks her. Bay low crossbodies BK then la magistral's her for 2. Bay corner splashes, armdrags and dropkicks her for 2. Tiki hits BK in the gut and misses a splash. Gigi whips Tiki into the corner and hits a corner lariat. Gigi tries to do a move but gets armdragged. Bay gets in and dropkicks Gigi.

Bay misses a dropkick. Gigi stomps on her in the gut. Bay sunset flips her for 2. Gigi lariats Bay and bangs her head off the buckles. BK suplexes Bay then elbow drops her for 2. BK bangs Bay's head off the buckles.

Gigi slams Bay. Gigi misses a flipping legdrop. Tiki gets in and hits offense. Tiki pulls Gigi down then 619's her. BK and Tiki argue. BK is swung down on the apron by Bay. Gigi does a one-legged codebreaker on Tiki and picks up the win.

Thoughts: It wasn't bad. They limited what Bay did here and the other girls were fine enough to carry things. I wasn't surprised the heels won here as they are still new and need to pick up wins for credibility. 

The Mighty Mights (Sugar and Spice) vs Top Tier (Coach Campanelli and Kandi Krush)

Sugar grabs Coach's leg then Sugar flying headscissors her. Krush gets in and Sugar gets on her back with a sleeper. Krush blocks a headscissors and Sugar sunset flips her. Krush misses a corner splash. Sugar 2nd rope crossbodies her.

Spice gets in and rolls around. She hits shots on Coach and uppercuts her. Sugar then hits a stunner. Coach blocks Sugar's monkey flip then stomps on her. Krush kneelifts Sugar. Krush throws Sugar down backwards. Coach backsplashes Sugar in the corner then basement dropkicks her. Coach misses a corner attack and Sugar springboards into a sunset flip on her.

Sugar takes a double hiptoss for 2. Krush chinlocks Sugar. Sugar codebreakers Krush. Spice comes in and thesz presses Coach. She hits a running knee and running boot. Spice bangs Coach's head off the mat. Coach takes a bad looking leg slice from Spice for 2. Spice gets double teamed and takes a bad lariat + russian legsweep combo. Coach pins Spice.

The finishing stretch was really ugly here with the moves not connecting much at all. Spice did all kinds of weird rolls into strikes early on. It wasn't that bad until the finish, which brought this one down. They didn't push any of the issues between Krush and Coach here.

We get a package on the tag title match tonight. Miami's Sweet Heat says the belts belong on them and not trash hillbillies and pet dog wannabe's. Jinx and Goldie say they will walk away as tag champs and laugh.

Next week's episode will have the Championship Battle Royal.

WOW Tag Titles - Big Rigs and Bourbon (Jessie Jones and Big Rig Betty) (c) vs Miami's Sweet Heat (Lindsay and Laurie Carlson) vs Animal Instinct (Goldie Collins and Katarina Jinx)

All 6 girls fight to start. Jones takes a 2v1 from Instinct. Betty takes a samoan drop from Lindsay Carlson. Jinx codebreakers Lindsay. Jinx hanging armbars Laurie over the top rope. Laurie bangs Goldie's head off the buckles and foot chokes her.

Goldie takes a double gutbuster from MSH. Goldie's head is banged off the buckles by Lindsay.  Lindsay lariats Goldie for 2. Goldie's head is banged off the buckles and she takes a double boot. Laurie corner hip attacks Goldie. Laurie takes a headbuster from Jinx for 2. Jinx back rakes Laurie then chinlocks her. Jones breaks it up and bangs Jinx's head off the buckles. Jones dragon sleepers Laurie then hits back elbows.

Laurie hits Goldie and it is counted as a tag. Betty snapmares and kicks Goldie in the back. Goldie tries to pin her own partner Jinx. Betty rainmakers Laurie then Lindsay germans Betty. Goldie top rope diving lariats Lindsay. Jones pump kicks Goldie. Jinx spin kicks Jones then Laurie spinning lariats Jinx. Betty stunners Laurie for the win.

I was surprised to see Miami's Sweet Heat get pinned cleaned here. That has to be leading to something because there's no reason for them to get another rematch after this. The match had the usual limits 3 and 4 team bouts have with people coming in and out but they did what they could with it. It was an acceptable main.

Overall thoughts: There was nothing must see on this one. Paola Mayfield debuted and did not impress. The opening match wasn't good. The second match was okay and the third match had a bad finish that brought it down. The main was okay. There weren't a lot of new happenings here storyline was and I'd give this one a 5 out of 10. You could skip this.

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