Friday, January 24, 2025

WWE Smackdown 1/24/2025

WWE Smackdown 1/24/2025

Last week's show is here:

We are in Austin, TX.

We see various wrestlers arrive.

Cody Rhodes is interviewed by Joe Tessitore in the ring. Cody talks about having to surrender his title for the ladder match and said Shawn Michaels also had to put his title up in a ladder match. Cody says it's Wrestlemania season and everyone will be talking about it.

Cody says Kevin Owens is a genius in the ring and a once in a generation star. He says KO will always take the easy way out over the hard way in. He says there's no ref to stop them and says it's about who can climb the ladder and leave champ.

Cody says he'd tell KO that he appears to be a good guy but says to remember that he beat Gunther and Roman. He says he's also the student of Randy Orton and was as mean as it could get. He says he has no problem punching KO in the face. He says the only thing he has to say to him is good luck.

Pretty Deadly and DIY talk in the back. Elton wants to know the gameplan for tonight. Johnny says he needs to get ready for his match and they won't be out there tonight. PD says they thought this arrangement was quid pro cuo and they aren't feeling that's happening right now. Ciampa tells them to handle their business. Kit asks what about Legado. Johnny says they believe in them.

PD run into Legado Del Fantasma. They just look at them and say nothing.

Pretty Deadly (Kit Wilson and Elton Prince) vs The Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley)

EP and Sabin go at it. EP boots him. Sabin goes up and over then hits armdrags. EP takes a gamengiri/enzugiri combo. EP slams Alex. Alex hits shots on Kit. Kit takes a double shoulder then a double flapjack. Sabin is sent into the post then sent over the rail. Alex goes out to check on Sabin.

We go to PiP break and return. Kit chokes Sabin on the ropes. EP boots Sabin. Sabin flying kicks Kit. Alex hits punches on EP and forearms him over. Alex back body drops Kit then hits a ddt + flatliner combo for 2. 

Alex baseball slides Kit. Sabin then topes PD outside. They end up knocking some of the padding off the apron edge. Sabin is crotched up top. Kit hits an assisted codebreaker on Alex. EP leapfrogs and Sabin runs into a Kit ddt. Alex is lifted for a diving bulldog from the top for 2.

Sabin top rope dropkicks EP out. Kit takes an atomic drop in a sequence that ends in a baseball slide. Kit takes a top rope splash + neckbreaker combo. The Guns get the pin.

Thoughts: It was a good match here. They got a little more time than usual and it was the longest PD match we have seen in a long time. The two teams matched up well and The Guns got the win as expected. I just wish it would have gotten more time.

Nick Aldis talks to The Miz. Miz says Joe Tessitore does a great interview but it's no Miz TV. Nick tells Miz he's transferring to SD. Miz is concerned as The Wyatt's are here. He said he had them transferred here to keep them away from him. Nick says Miz needs to make new friends fast. 

We get a video on Braun vs Jacob Fatu that shows their measurements. There's some robot voices saying "threat level high" and "Danger". We then get a tale of the tape.

Kevin Owens comes out and interrupts the commentators. He says he wants to know where his interview is. He says Joe makes him miss Michael Cole, who he says is too busy kissing Pat McAfee's @ss to be here. KO asks why everyone wants to be Cody's best friend. He says Cody uses and betrays his best friends. KO says he will prove he is the truth and rightful WWE champ. KO then has words for Matthew McConaughey in the front row.

Jimmy Uso comes out. KO asks what he wants. Uso says he talks to much and beats up on him. Uso superkicks him. KO slides out and Uso challenges him for tonight.

Carmelo Hayes and Nick Aldis talk in the back. Melo says it was supposed to be him and Jimmy Uso tonight. Nick says he can fight him next week. Nick says he made a new talent acquisition for Melo and says he'd be the perfect opponent. Melo says he doesn't trust him and wants to see him first. He says he will humble and embarrass him and let him know SD is the land of the sharks.

B-Fab and Michin vs Piper Niven and Chelsea Green

Mich hits shots on Piper. Mich spin kicks her. Green is thrown in by the arm. Mich twerks at her. Mich misses a corner cannonball. Green suplexes Mich for 2. Green pulls Mich by the arms and hair.

Mich hits upkicks on Piper. piper misses a senton. Fab hits forearms on Green then spinning heel kicks her in the corner. Fab ddt's her. Piper black hole slams Fab. Mich shotgun dropkicks Piper. Fab hits soul foot on Green and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was short and not much. The Michin vs Green feud must continue on it seems.

Melo is still talking to Nick Aldis in his office. Damian Priest comes in and Nick welcomes him to the blue brand. Melo says "noo'. Nick asks DP if he wants to face Melo tonight. DP says he's here to work and ready to punish. Melo doesn't look pleased.

We get a video on Charlotte Flair. She says The Goat doesn't have to call herself that. She says she has a legacy no one can touch. She says she knows who she is and is back. She says she will remind us who owns the night.

Tiffany Stratton comes out to talk. She says she's the center of attention. she says 30 women will fight to face her at The Rumble. She says she's not worried and says whoever wins will be running on Tiffy Time.

Rhea Ripley comes out. Rhea says she's women's champ too. She says she respects what she did to Nia but it won't compare to what she will do to her at SNME.

Nia Jax and Candice LeRae come out. Nia says it's a historic moment. She says she's entering and winning The Royal Rumble. She says she will beat Rhea and still will enter The Rumble to get Tiffy's Title.

Naomi and Bianca Belair come out. Naomi says she will enter and win The Rumble. Bianca says the same thing. Liv Morgan and Raquel Rodriguez then come out. Liv rips Rhea and Tiff. Liv declares for The Rumble and declares her victory as well. She says Raquel will ensure her victory. Rhea nails Liv and all the girls fight. Nick Aldis comes out and we go to break.

Nia Jax, Candice LeRae and Liv Morgan vs Naomi, Rhea Ripley and Bianca Belair


This was made during the break supposedly. Rhea blocks an armdrag from CL. CL boots her out of the corner and Rhea blocks a tornado ddt. Rhea suplexes CL. Nia takes a double dropkick. Naomi is flipped onto Nia for 2.

Naomi flying headscissors Liv. Liv takes a double hiptoss then a legdrop + standing moonsault from Bianca and Naomi. Liv pulls on Bianca's hair. Bianca flips off the buckles and dropkicks her. Nia runs over Bianca with a lariat. Nia whips Bianca with her own hair then bangs her head off the mat. 

Nia is pushed off the 2nd rope and forearmed down to the floor. We go to PiP break and return. Liv step up enzugiri's Naomi for 2. Nia corner splashes Naomi then hip attacks and stinkfaces her in the corner. Naomi rolls her up for 2. CL suplexes Naomi.

Naomi kicks CL from the ropes. Naomi fights out of the corner and 2nd rope diving facebusters CL. Rhea is tagged in and hits lariats on Liv. She ripcord kicks her then drops her face down on the mat. Rhea sliding kicks her. Raquel gets on the apron and Rhea grabs her. Liv backcrackers Rhea.

Bianca tries to handspring moonsault Liv but Liv gets her knees up. Bianca hits a big spear on Liv for 2. Nia pop-up headbutts Naomi. Rhea headbutts Nia. Rhea hits riptide on Liv onto Nia. Bianca hits a KOD on CL but Liv crucifixes BB out of nowhere and wins.

The finish was a little rushed here but I liked what we got. Nia had a good showing and we got a little of everyone here. Why were so many girls from Raw on this one? I don't know.

Green and Piper are in the back. Green asked how this happened. B-Fab and Michin come in. Mich says she has backup like Green does now. She says she's feeling good about taking the US Title from her. Michin says she gets one last crack at the title next week. 

Johnny Gargano vs Apollo Crews

Crews shoulders over JG then delay suplexes him. Crews dropkicks him. Crews moonsaults off the apron onto JG. JG superkicks Crews for 2. JG stomps Crews in the corner. Crews boots JG out of the corner. Crews pump kicks JG then jumping lariats him. Crews gorilla press drops JG then standing moonsaults him for 2.

JG step up enzugiri's Crews then backcrackers him while he's on the 2nd rope. Crews pump kicks JG. Crews is sent out and takes a running knee from Ciampa. The Motor City Machine Guns distract DIY and Crews picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was short and not much. I'm real sure why Crews is being featured over others.

Tama Tonga is with Jacob Fatu, who talks on the way to the ring. Fatu says it's the werewolf vs the monster and Godzilla vs King Kong. Fatu says he's both. He says they aren't made like him. He says he's all gas and no breaks. Tama then says something to LA Knight.

LA Knight vs Tama Tonga

LA gets on the mic beforehand. He says Fatu and Tama have hell to pay. He says Fatu will get kicked if gets involved and says Tama will get his head stomped in by the megastar.

They trade punches. Tama hits shots on LA. Tama leapfrogs and is caught with a powerslam. LA is sent into the rails. Tama is dropped on the rails then lariated over them. Tama's head is bangedoff the apron. LA slingshot soulderblocks him. Tama takes a back body drop then is lariated over the top. LA is flatlinered into the steps.

We go to break and return. Tama dragon screws LA over the 2nd rope. Tama knees LA in the gut. Tama traphezus holds LA. LA flying lariats him then hits mounted shots. LA jumping neckbreakers him. LA's neck is pulled over the top. Tama is knocked off the apron onto the commentary table.

LA dropkicks Tama through the ropes. Tama jumping ddt's LA for 2. Tama and LA fight on the buckles. Tama headbutts LA. LA 2nd rope gordbusters Tama then double jump elbow drops him. Tama rolls up LA for 2. LA hits a BFT for the win.

Thoughts: It wasn't bad. Tama really bumped around hard for LA and took multiple trips to the outside. I was getting into this one by the end.

Fatu attacks LA after and samoan drops him on the commentary table. Braun Strowman comes out after and wants some of Fatu. The two stare down. Fatu misses a corner charge on Braun and is lariated over the top. 

Miz and A-Town Down Under talk in the back. Miz wants to form a team with them. He says they are made from the same cloth and says they should do The Marine 7 together. Miz says they will run SD. Nick Aldis comes in and says Waller and Theory are going to Raw. They are excited about it and tell Miz to tell them about Marine 7.

Shinsuke Nakamura does a translated promo. He says people who challenge him won't get the title. He says he aims for further heights and will be in The Royal Rumble. He says he will seize victory again and says 2025 will be his year on conquest. 

Damian Priest vs Carmelo Hayes

Melo hits chops and rolls over DP's back. DP flying forearms him. DP boots him in the corner. DP walks on the ropes and crossbodies Melo. DP takes kicks on the outside and is pushed into the post. We go to break and return. Melo hits corner punches then boots DP out of the corner.

Melo tope con hilos DP. Melo top rope crossbodies DP. Melo chops up DP. DP hits shots on Melo then forearms him over. Melo boots him out of the corner then DP throws him far on a broken arrow. DP flying back elbows him then does a lifting flatliner for 2. Melo goes out and DP pounces him over the rail.

Melo hits a stunner off the casadora and codebreakers DP for 2. Melo flips out of a clothesline and cradles DP for 2. DP rebound lariats Melo. Dp hits a south of heaven and wins.

Thoughts: It was okay but definitely a random one. You could tell DP was holding back hard at times not to destroy Melo with shots. I'm still not liking Melo taking all these losses. I'm not a big fan of face Damian Priest and I'm not sure how this run will go.

DIY, Aldis and The Motor City Machine Guns talk in the back. The Guns say they are the challenging for the tag titles in a 2/3 Falls match at The Rumble. DIY is upset.

We see Michelle McCool and Mark Henry at ringside.

Damian Priest and Cody Rhodes talk in the back. Cody says he's glad to have him here. DP says he will see him soon.

The Miz talks to Andrade in the back. Miz puts him over. He says Andrade needs someone to guide him into the star he is. Andrade says he loves the idea and says he will go find someone. Jimmy Uso comes in and taunts Miz.

Carmelo Hayes talks to Jimmy Uso. He says it'll take more than 4 moves to beat KO. Uso says it'll only take 4 moves to beat him next week. Jimmy Uso heads to the ring and gets nailed by Melo in the aisle. They fight and security and officials break it up.

Kevin Owens vs Jimmy Uso


KO has words for Joe Tessitore outside and Uso nails KO. KO is sent into the rails. KO side headlocks Uso then shoulders him over. KO sentons him. KO clubs on him in the ring then hits corner spears. Uso is sent hard into the buckles. KO chokes him on the ropes.

Uso lariats KO. KO slides out. KO's head is banged off the commentary table. Uso hits punches. Uso is knocked off the apron into the commentary table. KO splashes Uso off the apron to the floor. 

We go to PiP break and return. KO codebreakers the arm then stomps on it. Uso's arm is banged off the buckles. KO goes up top and gets kicked. KO top rope swantons and Uso gets his knees up. Uso corner hip attacks him but barely hits it.

Uso hits shots then spinning enzugiri's KO. Uso samoan drops him. Uso superkicks KO for 2. KO blue thunders him for 2. Uso superkicks him for 2. Uso misses a top rope splash and takes a superkick. Uso superkicks KO for 2. Uso spears KO.

Uso is sent shoulder first into the post. KO pop-up powerbombs him and wins.

Thoughts: KO worked the arm for a bit then gave up on it. It was fine but this could have been a midcard match and no one would have thought twice about it. KO getting the win wasn't that surprising.

KO goes for a package piledriver on the commentary table. Cody Rhodes comes down and fights with KO. Cody stomps on KO in the corner. KO is thrown out then has his head banged off the steps.

Overall thoughts: There was a lot of news here with people joining and then leaving Smackdown. We'll have to see how that ends up turning out. Solo Sikoa was noticeably missing from the show. This was another 3 hour SD and because of it, the matches got more time than usual and that meant the match quality improved. They really don't have the starpower right now for two three hour shows each week though. I liked the women's trios match and the Pretty Deadly match best here. I thought it was a decent show overall and I'd give it a 6 out of 10, but they probably could have shaved an hour off of this and the show wouldn't have been any worse. There was nothing you really needed to see here.

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