WCW Power Hour 3/9/1991
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/01/wcw-power-hour-2231991.html
Paul E. Dangerously says Alexandra's York computer has been repaired and says Eaton, Landell and Taylor get a rematch for the 6-man tag titles today.
Sid Vicious vs David Isley
Dave goes for the takedown and gets a knee to the face. Sid grabs him by the throat and nodowa otoshi's him. Sid cranks Dave's head on the ropes. Sid beats up on Dave on the ropes and lariats him. Sid hits a stiff corner lariat and pins him with a powerbomb.
Thoughts: It was your usual Sid squash with his opponent getting nothing in and being put down.
Barry Windham and Arn Anderson come down with the stretcher. They beat up Dave along with Sid on the stretcher. Paul says it's their way of doing CPR.
Jim Ross and Paul E talk. JR says everyone wants to see Reed vs Simmons. Paul says to dial 911 if you are going to face Sid Vicious.
Dustin Rhodes vs Rob Morgan
Rob almost as tall as DR but thinner. He kind of looks like he could be Jim Garvin or Rick Rude's brother. DR waistlock takedowns Rob and rides his back. Paul does a Gordon Solie impersonation and JR calls it "substandard". DR takes Rob down and armlocks him. DR shoulders him over then dropkicks him. DR then armdrags and armlocks him.
Rob misses a lariat then takes a flying lariat. DR armlocks him and hammerlocks his arm around the top rope. DR armlocks him then pounds on him in the corner. DR corner lariats him then hits a bulldog. DR then picks up the win.
Thoughts: It was all squash here with Rob sadly getting nothing in. DR's flying lariat was nice here.
JR and Paul E talk. JR wants to talk Big Josh. JR asks if Paul ever goes hunting or fishing like Big Josh and Paul says he's Jewish.
Big Josh vs Cruel Connection
JR says Josh can take Paul deep into the woods and Paul says he doesn't want to go there. This is Josh's Power Hour debut.
Josh hits CC in the gut then slaps him in the back of the head. CC front facelocks him and Josh throws him off of it. CC eye rakes Josh in the corner and clubs on him. CC hits shots to the gut and Josh no sells the shots. Josh hits shots then bangs CC's head into the mat.
Josh hits more shots and flying back elbows him. Josh then butt drops him and pins him.
Thoughts: Josh didn't impress in his debut. He may have purposely just stuck to punches and stuff to come across as a ruffian though. Josh roughed up Cruel here.
JR and Paul talk Doom. Paul says they won't team again and they will probably end the other's career. We then see footage from the 2/17/91 Omni match Ron Simmons fought Windham then got turned on by Long and Reed. Paul says he's looking forward to seeing Doom fight and says it'll be a heck of a contest.
Wrestling News Network
Gordon Solie says Larry Zbyszko fights Sting today. He takes us to an interview with Larry Zbyszko where he ripped Sting on Main Event 3/3/1991. Larry asks if Sting has the guts to go to Larryland and fight him. Sting comes out and Larry calls him a "punk in pink". Larry asks if he has the guts to take a trip to Larryland. Larry says he has a Bozo The Clown look and Larry hits him. They roll around and fight.
We then see a Sting interview from Main Event 3/10/1991 with Paul E. Dangerously. Sting tells Paul to shut up. He says he's not hard to get a hold of. He says Larry jumped on the wrong guy. Larry then nails Sting from behind and sends him into the post. Larry gets on the mic and says, "there is your #1 contender".
Solie talks about the Rich/Morton/JYD vs Eaton/Taylor/Landell match from Main Event 3/3/91. Eaton goes over the top rope and lands on Alexandra York's laptop. The laptop stops working. York explained what happened to Terry. Eaton misses a top rope move. JYD cleans house on the heels. Eaton's partners double clothesline him on accident and JYD picks up the pin. Solie says a rematch is coming up in just a moment.
WCW 6-Man Tag Titles - The Junkyard Dog, Ricky Morton and Tommy Rich vs Terry Taylor, Buddy Landell and Bobby Eaton
I have no idea if this is for the 6-man titles or not. Capetta doesn't announce it but JR and Paul say it is. The faces don't come out with the tag titles either. Alexandra York is with the heels. They come out to The York Foundation's music but it's just Terry in it at this point.
Ricky and Eaton go at it. They trade shots and Eaton goes down. Ricky side headlocks Eaton and Eaton elbows him in the face. Ricky ducks a punch and hiptosses Eaton. Ricky flying headscissors Eaton. Ricky hammerlocks Terry and Terry ropebreaks.
Rich rolls up Terry for 2 then armdrags him. JYD wristlocks Terry. Terry bangs JYD's head off the buckles. JYD no sells it then headbutts him. JYD snapmares him then headbutt drops him. Ricky armlocks Terry then Terry slams him. Terry misses an elbow and takes an armdrag.
Rick armlocks Terry. Terry and Buddy argue. Buddy hits shots on Buddy in the corner and hiptosses him. Rich then hits lariats. The faces make the heels back off.
Eaton and JYD go at it. JYD is held for punches. Terry hits punches on JYD then Buddy gets shots in. Buddy lariats JYD. Bobby hits punches on JYD. JYD eye rakes Terry then is snapmared.
Buddy legdrops JYD for 2.Buddy comes off the buckles and runs into a JYD fist. Eaton front facelocks JYD. Ricky is tagged in but the ref doesn't see it. JYD takes a double team. JYD and Terry trade.
Buddy hits JYD from behind. Eaton hits shots on JYD then JYD punches him. Rich gets in. He hits shots on Eaton then dropkicks him. Rich hits a nice back body drop. Terry and Rich go at it. Rich hits some nice punches. Terry boots him out of the corner and knocks him down. Rich thesz presses Eaton. Buddy elbow drops Eaton on accident. Eaton then punches Buddy out and Rich pins Buddy.
Eaton then walks off without his partners after.
Thoughts: They pushed Eaton having issues with Buddy and Terry in the prior match between these teams and followed it up here. Rich had a nice hot segment in this one and did help the match out but it was average overall. This was interesting as Rich and Morton would later join The York Foundation in 1991.
Sting vs Larry Zbyszko
Sting runs in and pounds on Larry. Sting boots him out and Larry falls out of the ring. Sting bangs Larry's head off the rail outside. Larry is sent into the buckles chest first and put in a sleeper. Sting drops Larry with a punch then chokes him. Sting foot chokes him then dropkicks him.
Larry kicks Sting away on a scorpion deathlock attempt. Sting is sent into the rail. Larry chokes Sting on the ropes and then pounds on him. Larry chokes him then chokes him on the ropes. Larry abdominal stretches him while holding the ropes.
Sting is thrown out then sent into the rails. Sting pulls Larry out and sends him into the rails. Sting drops Larry throat first on the rails. Sting scorpion deathlocks Larry. Larry grabs the ropes and Sting refuses to let go. The ref DQ's Sting then Sting throws him out. Sting throws another ref out.
Thoughts: I really liked this. This was a really well done fight. Larry did some nice bumping and selling and broke the rules. Sting was super aggressive towards him from the start and never let up. Sting stuck to mostly punches and kicks here as he should have considering how mad he was at him. The crowd was loud the whole time and this was good.
Paul E and Jim Ross talk after. Paul E says Sting is losing his mind. JR says Buddy Landell is too and will have to face Bobby Eaton. Paul says Eaton has a score to settle with Buddy and he is looking forward to them facing. JR asks who Paul will be interviewing tonight.
Overall thoughts: The main was really good and worth going out of your way to see. They did that match perfectly. Other than that, Big Josh didn't impress in his Power Hour debut. Bobby Eaton turned on Buddy Landell in the trios match, which may or may not have been for the 6-man titles after Buddy nailed him one time too many on accident. I enjoyed this one and would recommend it.
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