WWE NXT 10/2/2013
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/08/wwe-nxt-9252013.html
Alex Riley, Tony Dawson and Renee Young are on commentary
Fandango and Summer Rae come out. Renee interviews Emma on the ramp. She is asked if she has a partner tonight. She says her partner is only the best possible partner she could have and it's Santino Marella.
Mixed Tag Team Match - Fandango & Summer Rae vs. Emma & Santino Marella
Santino and Emma argue over how to enter and they do Emma's dance down the ramp.
Fan dances around and Santino does his own dance back. The crowd chants "you got served" at Fandango. Fan and Santino try to boot each other at the same time and catch each other's feet. Then they stand off. Fan knees him in the gut then hits a punch. Santino's head is banged off the buckles. Santino goes for the cobra and Fan backs off.
Emma then moves Santino's hands and they dance. We go to break and return. Fan boots Santino away out of a hold. Fan punches Santino down then Santino hits armdrags. Emma and Summer get tagged in but tag out after some arguments with the ref. We have people going in and out then Fan drops Santino with a punch.
Fan back elbows Santino. Fan stomps Santino on the ropes. Fan suplexes him for 2. Fan chokes Santino on the ropes. Summer then slaps Santino. Emma goes for Summer and the ref stops her. Santino goes to tag in Emma but she's not in the corner.
Fan stomps on Santino. Santino tries to kip up but falls down. Fan goes up top and Santino rolls to the other side. Fan goes up on top on the other side and Santino rolls away again. Santino backslides him for 2. Santino kips up and tags out.
Emma lariats Summer over twice. Summer misses a corner charge and Emma does the tarantula on the ropes. Emma crossbodies Summer against the bottom rope for 2. Santino gives Emma the cobra sleeve. Summer rolls Emma backwards and they fight on the mat. Emma sends Summer into the corner and she knocks Fan into the ring onto Emma. Emma and Santino hit stereo hiptosses and falling headbutts.
Santino goes for the cobra and hits Fan with it for the win. The faces dance after.
Thoughts: This was a wild one that was filled with comedy. You don't see a lot of these. It was entertaining though. It wasn't too unbelievable and they stayed in character here. This was all shenanigans.
The Ascension do a promo. Conor said what they did to Enzo and Big Cass is just an image of what Graves and Neville's future holds. They say they will take the NXT tag titles to where they belong - their home. Rick says the heroes wil fall and they will rise.
Kassius Ohno vs. Luke Harper
Luke throws KO out by the hair. KO single leg dropkicks him. Luke hits a running back elbow. Luke hits mounted punches. Luke elbow drops KO. KO kicks him then dropkicks him through the ropes. Luke hits a nice facekick. Luke running elbows Ko in the corner then lariats him for the win.
Thoughts: I liked it. It was short but everything really connected here and they stiffed each other.
Enzo Amore and Big Cass do a promo. Enzo says they were close to becoming #1 contenders to the tag titles. They say they will bounce back as they are stars. Cass says Scott Dawson is dressed like a mechanic and he wouldn't let him fix his car. He says the only thing he is fixing is to get his teeth knocked down his through. Cass says the big mush Alexander Rusev should be worried about breaking his mother's heart by not wearing shoes instead of breaking boards. Enzo says Rusev and Dawson have been filling up on SAWFT tacos instead of hard tacos.
We get a video on Mojo Rawley. He says hype is the most powerful force in the world. He said it can transform a person from ordinary to superhuman. He says if getting hype can make a man this powerful, what do you think a man is capable of if he's this hype always? He says he doesn't get hype, he stays hype.
Thoughts: This was terrible and looked like it was filmed by a teenager.
WWE NXT Tag Team Title Match - Adrian Neville & Corey Graves (c) vs. The Ascension (Conor O'Brian & Rick Victor)
AN and Rick start us off. AN goes for a pin and flips out of a legsweep. AN side headlocks him and Rick flying shoulders him. Conor shoulders AN over for 2. Graves gets in and hits punches on Conor. He spinkicks him and is flapjacked for 2. Rick stomps on Graves.
We go to break and return. Rick pulls on Graves' chin. Graves crossbodies him and is pulled back into the heels corner. Conor legdrops Graves on the back of the neck. Conor bodyscissors Graves.
Rick hits punches on Graves. Rick hits euros on Graves and does an interesting water wheel drop variation. Rick chinlocks Graves. Rick hits corner spears then hits the post when Graves moves. AN hits kicks on Rick and forearms him over. AN dropkicks him off the apron. AN corkscrew dives out then springboard dropkicks Rick for 2. AN misses a top rope black arrow/corkscrew ssp.
Graves drags AN into the corner to tag in. Graves runs at Rick and takes a flying knee. Graves takes a high/low and is pinned.
Thoughts: It got a lot of time but it wasn't great. It was acceptable and really came alive towards the end. Graves and Neville were a makeshift team and were never going to be longterm champs so it wasn't too shocking that they lost. This match probably deserved more hype going into it since it was going to be a title match.
Bo Dallas comes out to do his Bo Dallas Invitational. He says he will give a lucky new wrestler the opportunity of a lifetime. He says if the challenger wins, he gets a title shot.
Bo Dallas Invitational Match - Bo Dallas vs. ?
Bo's opponent doesn't even get his name announced when he comes out. The unknown guy rolls him up for 2. Bo boots and clubs on him. Bo hits a running spear and wins.
Thoughts: It was just a quick squash here with Bo's opponent obviously having no chance.
Bo says he feels great and says there has to be someone else who wants to RSVP for the Bo Dallas Invitational.
Leo Kruger comes out. Cesaro then comes out. They fight over who gets to accept the challenge. Cesaro and Leo trade shots. Cesaro knocks Leo out of the ring then Bo flying knees Cesaro out.
Bo Dallas Invitational Match - Bo Dallas vs.El Local
El Local then comes out. He leapfrogs Bo and Bo goes into the buckles. El Local hits a helluva kick and pins Bo.
The masked guy then takes the mask off and it's Sami Zayn.
Thoughts: I didn't really get the part with Leo and Cesaro coming out but somehow being eliminated from this by going over the top. Sami being under the mask though made sense.
Overall thoughts: It was a different kind of show with a comedic match to open the show, the tag titles changing hands on short notice and then the unusual Bo Dallas Invitational. I get what they were trying to do with the Bo segment but it could have been done a bit better. I would give this one a 5 out of 10 as I liked it but it had some issues. I wouldn't recommend this one.
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